Get rid of Clintonian electioneering tactics, i.e., tell the truth, stop distorting the facts, remember that the ends (being elected) do not justify
the means (lying through your teeth to distort what is really going on). For that matter, prevent any more Clintons from running for president.
Call off all the media Dem clones who implement their agendas without question. It is sooooo obvious when they do that.
Stand for truth, the common man, a populist view, not lies, hollywood and corporate control of the world (profits are ok!)
(Apple computer's board member AlGore's not a scientist and he did not invent the internet. Sheezhze).
A couple of others: close the borders, federalize management of all ports (a little socialism in some cases of national security are important); pass
laws that jail employers who use hiring practices that put americans out of work.
Stop using hate Bush and the Republicans as a platform. Adopt a meaningful platform that implements more controls on Banks who are keeping the poor
poorer and Corporate entities who are tending to abuse human and individual rights. both inside the work environment and outside (aka, the Google
China Syndrome). There was a time for example when usary laws limiting interest on credit cards were the norm, around 14 percent max and an overdraft
charge was a few dollars not 35. A poor person who is running on empty will get one overdraft fee so high that it kicks a dozen other checks into the
red creating an overdraft of hundreds of dollars and ruining that persons credit for years. A struggling family should not have to face these kinds
of difficulties given a reasonable effort to pay their debts.
Apply the same laws and controls on the Cell Phone carriers as is applied to the land line carriers. Eliminate cell phone annual or bi annual
contracts, requiring cell phone carriers to move to a monthly line rental or block set of minutes with no cancellation penalties for moving to an area
where there is no signal. Simple common sense stuff.
Focus on Small Business in a big way like Reagan did.
Re-establish the individual as the primary focus of America.
Enforce the Constitution, Defend it with your life. Enforce the borders and the right of America to be a soverign country, not a residential
destination for all the world.
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