posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 09:38 PM
My apologies if this has already been addressed in another thread.
I was wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the topic of Distributed Generation of Energy (ie: you make it yourself onsite -- at home, at work,
on the road, etc). Instead of relying on the the current model of an energy "grid" as our primary source of power, we should transition toward a
model in which each of us are nodes in a Distributed Generation model that pumps excess into the "grid", which itself serves as a backup instead of
primary source of power.
Under such a DG model, society would not be dependent on unstable foreign energy exporters. Renewable energy sources would be encouraged as new
technologies become available, reducing global demand for carbon-based fuel. Each of us would be partners in the generation/conservation of global
energy. Heck, with enough experience and success with such a DG model, perhaps we could eliminate the grid altogether.
One possible approach might be to use H2O as a battery of sorts, separating H2 as fuel via Algal, Electrolytical, or other means with some form of
renewable energy (solar, wind, hydro, etc) as the power supply on site. The separated H2 could then be used in Fuel Cells to power anything and
everything. Cars could be designed to recharge their H2 "batteries" 1) via solar while sitting in the parking lot, 2) plugged in to the grid while
sitting in the garage, or 3) on the road at the H2 filling station.
The only thing holding us back is lack of imagination and willpower. Oh, and that pesky addiction to foreign oil and other non-renewables.