posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 12:25 AM
Regarding the video:
The flower of Life is not "the secret", nor is it evil.
The triangle can represent the Trinity but I'm more concerned over the Trapezoid being used as an imposter, instead of the triangle.
The Kabala is not an evil symbol - the Gnostics, Cathari, and early protestant/mystics understood this ancient wisdom.
The Star of David (Tetragrammatron) is just about the most powerful symbol and can only be used in accordance with love (when spell casting) but even
still Lord Rothschild displays this symbol as his red shield. I suspect that even evil men will use this symbol for their own protection, as only the
upside pentagram is used in the dark arts to attack another. A dear friend once told me that the upside pentagrams are never good, as they represent
the inverse of divine man and strangely they do appear on the Republican logo - only since a decade ago! I suspect the Eastern star followers may
disagree with me but I doubt they wish to confront me head on with this either!
But as for the reason why the triangle/trapezoid symbols are shown with an eye above, or in the middle? It has nothing to do with trinity and more to
do with the New Atlantis that was brought to America via Francis Bacon and followed by others like Ben Franklin. Used at this time, the symbol was
not inherently evil but I believe it is now being used for a more sinister purpose than originally intended.
The corporations using the Eye of Horus, or the snake eating it's own tail, or the double circle, are more than likely supportive of the NWO and they
use this symbol in the aristocratic, selfish and egoistic way - thus even if they innocently use these symbols we cannot rule out the fact that a
great deal many of these organizations have not been serving in the best interests of man. Thus it is not to be taken as complete moot that those
symbols tend all too often, to show up on organizations ending with an "A' - for Agency.
I like the matrix soundtrack, btw - goes well with an evil NWO.
[edit on 1-3-2006 by markusjharper]