Just to say hey as my first official post on this site. Found your site by accident. Some thoughts here run alongside mine and some definetly do
not. All in all I hope to be welcome. Cheers
I'm glad, and you will be, too, that not everyone shares the same opinions here.
That is why we have so much fun.
If we ever have an ATS convention, you will probably find yourself hanging out with those you disagree with.
Enjoy yourself.
By thew way, take the take the time to plunder through this forum first. You'll see some stuff that will make the place a lot more fun for you:
Thanks for the welcome and I do appritiate the replies. It does seem that you have to pretty much know what the hell your talking about or you will
get the ol flame running. For the most part I'm intrested in one subject. The Shadow - Its what I call it since there seems to be no info on