These images are supposedly taken from NASA back in the early years of the new Millenium. The author of the site claims that it could of been a space
battle that took place in front of the sun. Check it out and tell me what you guys think. The link to the website is
September 2, 2000
A normal picture of the sun which has almost no bright spots around it.
November 9,2000
The space around the sun is filled with numerous lights.
A lot of streaks of light are seen.
Looks like a big scale battle!!!
August 8, 2001
A giant Saturn-type-light is seen near the sun.
Some may insist this this is a planet.
However there are several images which shows this kind of Saturn-type-bright-object disappear in five minutes.
August 16, 2001
Possibly a smaller-scale battle.
September 25,2001
Many UFOs and the streaks of lights are seen
October 2,2001
The battle possibly isn't that big
Many thick streaks of light are seen in the image.
November 5,2001
The streakes of the light guns are longer than those in past images.
There are so many in this image, the whole thing looks like it's covered in snow!
This could possibly be the biggest scale battle.
November 15, 2001
White big fans are seen in the upper and lower sides of the sun. This image I don't understand really, my guess is that it's solar flare.
Novemer 23, 2001
Big battle
November 24, 2001
The lights look larger than those of the past images.
The light streaks are longer and thick.
This could of possibly taken place closer to Earth
September 2, 2000
This is the normal picture of the sun which has almost no bright spots around the sun.
November 9,2000
The space around the sun is filled with numerous UFOs.
A lot of streaks of light guns are seen.
A big scale battle!!!
August 8, 2001
A gigantic Saturn-type-UFO is seen near the sun.
Some may insist it is the planet.
However there are many images which shows this kind of Saturn-type-bright-object disappear in five minutes.
If you want to see the proof Saturn-type-bright-object disappears in five minutes, please visit the following page.
August 16, 2001
A middle-scale battle
September 25,2001
Many UFOs and the streaks of light guns are seen.
September 26,2001
Though the numbers of the UFOs are fewer than the day before, we can see many.
The streaks of the light guns is longer than those of the day before.
October 2,2001
The scale of the battle is not so big.
Many thick light streaks are seen.
November 5,2001
The streakes of the light guns are longer than those of the past ones.
As there are so many UFOs that all the screen look as white as snow.
This is the biggest battle scene.
November 6, 2001
The big scale battle.
November 15, 2001
White big fans are seen in the upper and lower sides of the sun.
Novemer 23, 2001
Big battle
November 24, 2001
Big battles.
UFOs look bigger than those of the past ones.
The light streaks are thicker.
The battle may be fought nearer to the earth.
December 21, 2001
A gigantic Saturn-type space ship is seen at the lower right of the sun.
April 21, 2002
Tenth or eleventh? battle in space.
This one too looks as if it was taking place closer to planet Earth.
I honestly don't know what to say about these images. The site alone is somewhat confusing yet interesting to read, even though if it's yet another
man's theory on things. The images are from a .gov source, which I don't know if I should trust it or believe it. I'll let you guys have your own
opinions and thoughts, feel free to reply to these images. They could be revealing far much more than we possibly know.
Yeah sorry about that guys. This is my first time posting links so I couldn't figure out how to do it at first, I did some editing and I think I got
most of them working out this time.
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