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Real space battle?

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posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 04:38 AM
These images are supposedly taken from NASA back in the early years of the new Millenium. The author of the site claims that it could of been a space battle that took place in front of the sun. Check it out and tell me what you guys think. The link to the website is

September 2, 2000
A normal picture of the sun which has almost no bright spots around it.

November 9,2000
The space around the sun is filled with numerous lights.
A lot of streaks of light are seen.
Looks like a big scale battle!!!

August 8, 2001
A giant Saturn-type-light is seen near the sun.
Some may insist this this is a planet.
However there are several images which shows this kind of Saturn-type-bright-object disappear in five minutes.

August 16, 2001
Possibly a smaller-scale battle.

September 25,2001
Many UFOs and the streaks of lights are seen

October 2,2001
The battle possibly isn't that big
Many thick streaks of light are seen in the image.

November 5,2001
The streakes of the light guns are longer than those in past images.

There are so many in this image, the whole thing looks like it's covered in snow!
This could possibly be the biggest scale battle.

November 15, 2001
White big fans are seen in the upper and lower sides of the sun. This image I don't understand really, my guess is that it's solar flare.

Novemer 23, 2001
Big battle

November 24, 2001
The lights look larger than those of the past images.
The light streaks are longer and thick.
This could of possibly taken place closer to Earth

September 2, 2000
This is the normal picture of the sun which has almost no bright spots around the sun.

November 9,2000
The space around the sun is filled with numerous UFOs.
A lot of streaks of light guns are seen.
A big scale battle!!!

August 8, 2001
A gigantic Saturn-type-UFO is seen near the sun.
Some may insist it is the planet.
However there are many images which shows this kind of Saturn-type-bright-object disappear in five minutes.

If you want to see the proof Saturn-type-bright-object disappears in five minutes, please visit the following page.

August 16, 2001
A middle-scale battle

September 25,2001
Many UFOs and the streaks of light guns are seen.

September 26,2001
Though the numbers of the UFOs are fewer than the day before, we can see many.
The streaks of the light guns is longer than those of the day before.

October 2,2001
The scale of the battle is not so big.
Many thick light streaks are seen.

November 5,2001
The streakes of the light guns are longer than those of the past ones.

As there are so many UFOs that all the screen look as white as snow.
This is the biggest battle scene.

November 6, 2001
The big scale battle.

November 15, 2001
White big fans are seen in the upper and lower sides of the sun.

Novemer 23, 2001
Big battle

November 24, 2001
Big battles.
UFOs look bigger than those of the past ones.
The light streaks are thicker.
The battle may be fought nearer to the earth.

December 21, 2001
A gigantic Saturn-type space ship is seen at the lower right of the sun.

April 21, 2002
Tenth or eleventh? battle in space.
This one too looks as if it was taking place closer to planet Earth.

I honestly don't know what to say about these images. The site alone is somewhat confusing yet interesting to read, even though if it's yet another man's theory on things. The images are from a .gov source, which I don't know if I should trust it or believe it. I'll let you guys have your own opinions and thoughts, feel free to reply to these images. They could be revealing far much more than we possibly know.

Yeah sorry about that guys. This is my first time posting links so I couldn't figure out how to do it at first, I did some editing and I think I got most of them working out this time.

[edit on 27-2-2006 by TerraOurHome]

[edit on 27-2-2006 by TerraOurHome]

[edit on 27-2-2006 by TerraOurHome]

[edit on 27-2-2006 by TerraOurHome]

[edit on 27-2-2006 by TerraOurHome]

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 04:44 AM
none of the link work

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 05:36 AM
Those streaks show up in soho everytime a solar flare hits it. Its caused by the minute particles passing through the optics.

The larger the flare the worse it gets, even to the point of bombarding the chips and shutting it down for a few seconds.

These are not proof of anything related to UFO they are merely something that normally happens taken way out of context.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 07:24 AM
I hate (HHHHHAAAAATTTTTTTEEEEEE) people who do this. they take a phenomena, that under a split seconds observation by a professional from eg: NASA would tell you exactly what it is, but because they have no knowledge about the subject they invent some fanatical account of space battles and the like.

Its pure boldilocks.

[edit on 27-2-2006 by Shadow88]

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 08:44 AM
Wouldnt you need like a gazillion space ships to fill that amount of space (per side)? You'd think that the aliens would get tired building spaceships for some 10,000 years only to blow them apart in a matter of days.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 03:35 PM
Black holes are referred to as suns. There does not seem to be a differentiation between suns and black holes as far as some are concerned they are one and the same. StarGate SG1 once did a show where they passed through a sun. Rumor has it, and this is just rumor, that black holes can be used for star gate travel leaping from one black hole to another. If it were a battle it could possibly be a battle between ships coming through the star gate which is our sun and those already on this side of the gate. Do you believe this? I should be a writer for the National Inquirer don't you think?

[edit on 27-2-2006 by grasshopper]

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 06:25 PM
Black holes are very different from normal Suns. These pictures aren't proof of some battle, if they weren't caused by solar flares then you would need to know the exposure times to be certain of what else the objects could be.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 08:58 AM
My understanding, if you can call it that, is that black holes are collapsed suns. Is this not correct? The Pleadians say there is a central sun in our galaxy. I think I've heard that there is a black h ole at the center of our galaxy. That says to me that to some they are considered the same thing. Only joking though about the sun being a star gate. But when you think about it. Why would they call it a star gate if it didn't have anything to do with a star or stars? It is either a gateway to the stars or a gateway through the stars. Those are the two possibilities that I see. That star gate SG1 episode got me thinking. But I don't really believe what I said.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 01:52 AM
No, once a star (sun) collapses into a black hole, it is no longer a star. Stars and black holes are very different objects. Please read about black holes at the Wikipedia article. And remember, Stargate SG1 is science fiction. That stuff is not real and need not have any resemblance to accepted "real" science.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 02:12 AM
And the linked pictures are not convincing in the least bit. Looks like issues with the SOHO detectors, such as solar flares as another poster has stated.

Besides, light weapons would not appear as slow-moving streaks, if they appeared at all. That's just a staple of science fiction, descended from the tracer bullets in old WWII films. It gives the viewer a sense of (a) who is firing the weapon, and (b) that the target has some chance of dodging the shot. In reality, light emitted from a weapon moves at the speed of light, which is really, really fast (> 600 million mi/h or 1 billion km/h). If you're in a spaceship shooting at another spaceship that is close, your weapon hits virtually instantaneously. The target has no ability to dodge. Plus, unless the light beam intersects with some matter that serves to scatter the light beam, nobody can actually see the beam. It's like a laser pointer. You don't see the beam; all you see is the dot it makes on the wall, and the dot appears instantly when you switch the laser pointer on. So the streaks in the photo cannot be blasts of light-based weapons.

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