posted on Oct, 6 2003 @ 02:58 PM
Theres been little discussion of this lately so ...
Okay, I was outside at about GMT 08:00 this morning and I noticed the strangest looking contrail/chemtrail. Its postioning and actually shape was
quite distinctive, I think it would be best if I draw a simple ASCII drawing
That is the best representation I can do at this time.
It looked like an extremely large spread out chemtrail at the start and roughly 1/2 a mile or 1 mile across , it broke into an extremely defined
donuts-on-a-rope contrail. Moving on from that after about 1/2 a mile it went back into the large thick chemtrail. This shape was extremely large
compared to normal contrails/chemtrails, and was definately not a cloud.
This really made me think, it is the very first of that type I have ever seen. Now I've seen donuts on a rope many times before, and I have seen
'supposed' chemtrails, but a definate mixture of both!?
Even stranger there were two of these 'things' running parrallel in the sky, criss-crossed by various small contrails.
Now I live in the town of clevedon that is in North Somerset (thats the west coast for you Americans
) and these contrails were heading towards the
city of Bristol, which has a population of ~600,000 people.
Can anyone shed any light on this?