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The Great Misunderstanding.

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posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 03:45 AM
It's quite obvious no one here is a Biblical scholar. No one here has studied the histories, the scriptures in full, and etc. Some may do so in part, but nothing to the likes of well educated clergy of their faiths.

And so it is with Freemasonry. I'm sure many Masons themselves do not partake in this education any more than a believer is educated in the Bible.

But so goes the same with anyone else, and I just thought I'd post this so that this error can be discussed.

Because too frequently I see people posting lines or maybe at most a few lines of a book (such as Morals and Dogma) and ok; so where's the other 1,000 pages gone to?

Or did you decide to just read what supported your argument (you might as well read the News paper'll give you just enough words to argue your thesis of how the Aliens will invade the Earth, if you take enough out of context).


posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 09:19 AM
As in most works of history, quite often books are written leaving out important truths ,even today things get hushed up or twisted, and so a lot has to be done with speculation,and other alternative pictures are assumed, we cannot guarrantee to know it all, but while others continue to question and dig, it makes a lot of sense for us that are ignorant, to have our eyes opened to alternative views with a possibility of truth. At least we get the opportunity to see the supposed truth from BOTH sides.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 10:23 AM
at one time there were many learned members of the Craft here.
But alas like the days of summer they are numbered and few and i might add dwindling.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by stalkingwolf
at one time there were many learned members of the Craft here.
But alas like the days of summer they are numbered and few and i might add dwindling.

I'm still here.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 04:31 PM
Well if I may stray off the topic a little. I can understand the fact that someone qoutes Pike about lucifer etc and says hey Masons are Satanic. Well if you look at the bigger picture you can see how they are and are not. As far as books go I will say the Torah states its a sin to practice such things as numerology,kabbalah,mysticism,etc. I guess to understand why it as simple as its a sin to uncover God. Why well that should be obvious. Do masons still hold and learn such mysterious well yes and no. I have met many that could or would not think that deep yet I have met a select few that could scare the hell out of you. I guess when it comes to Babel there is a reason for it. Does each degree show any real secrets well maybe and maybe not. The true secrets are putting the puzzle together and it doesn't really require degrees to do it. Is it right or wrong? Who knows. Men have wrote many things in history's past what is to be believed I guess it up to each.

Can each Degree help find God or Satan sure. Sure some think they have all the answers that there is no one God or it is just chaos but I guess only time will tell. Does that make some of these Masons evil well not really I can understand how many people find many beliefs as no one really knows, but as far as the general population of Masons go they seem to have good intentions and hold more faith than the average Joe. Masonry can't be considered a Religion but the searchers of truth they are.

Any thoughts?

[edit on 26-2-2006 by nsawantsmedead]

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by stalkingwolf
at one time there were many learned members of the Craft here.
But alas like the days of summer they are numbered and few and i might add dwindling.

I can't speak for other freemasons but these days I take a very pragmatic approach towards ATS. It's quite clear that some people who post to this site are happier with a false impression of freemasonry because it's more 'interesting' than the reality. These are people who don't wish to hear what I have to say, and aren't interested in my experiences as they are in conflict with their beliefs.

It is said that 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing' and this is no truer than here, where there are many who think they understand freemasonry. This is typified, in fact, by the whole 'what degree are you?' challenge, which by its very nature shows a deep misunderstanding of the nature of the Craft.

However there are equally some very knowledgeable, informative and downright entertaining posters here too, which is why I keep coming back, even though I'm reading more than writing these days.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 07:49 PM
Ditto everything that Trinityman said, except that I still feel compelled sometimes to try and rectify misconceptions about the Craft.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 08:40 PM
Freemasonry is like the Bible, written in parables where the profane do not understand without having the greater light. It can never be overemphasised enough. I know in the end, we will still be standing having emblaced eternal truths.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 12:38 AM
The craft appears both positive and negative as the majority of men are prone to be and this balance is in sync with the universe. But, it is the leadership that is in question and its ability to leverage the membership for its own benefit and purpose.

The members of the craft have to dispell the charges against it and not vice versa, I believe.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
The members of the craft have to dispell the charges against it and not vice versa, I believe.

The reason why many of us are here is to put forward our own point of view. However, despite the quite impeccable behaviour of the two mods in this area the forum itself is fundamentally skewed against freemasonry by categorizing it as a Secret Society, whereas by any reasonable definition of the phrase it would not be.

The vast majority of people don't give a monkey's about freemasonry one way or the other. A small group of people have taken it upon themselves to slander and lie about the Craft for their own motives, sometimes financial, sometimes personal. The internet allows this viewpoint to be disseminated widely and rapidly.

Grand Lodges have traditionally maintained a dignified 'no comment' over such matters - after all it is a private club and its members can do what they wish within the law. But individual freemasons have become increasingly frustrated at the lies spread about the Craft that they love, and have become motivated personally to meet that challenge. You will meet such individuals on this site and elsewhere.

As to the accusation that the majority of freemasons are OK but the 'leadership' is suspect - this too is a baseless allegation. Who would you define as the leadership? Most conspiracy theorists, fed by misleading information from websites, might answer "33 degree freemason" or similar. This fundamentally fails to understand the structure of freemasonry, as whilst a freemason's personal journey may take him through the Craft and side orders, experiencing degrees as he goes, finally (perhaps) culminating his journey near the top of the Scottish Rite 'tree', the administration of freemasonry works entirely differently to this. Craft freemasonry (the 'Blue' lodge, the first three degrees) is the administrative powerhouse, and all side orders are subservient to it. Craft freemasonry is controlled geographically by Grand Lodges, and each of these is ruled by a Grand Master. There's your leader. So if we're going to talk about leadership we must ensure we are talking about the same thing.

The 'charges' against freemasonry are trumped up, and have been dealt with consistently and repetitively on ATS for a number of years - just ask the old-timers!

Talking of old-timers, I've been an active freemason for 13 years now. It constantly amazes me that folks will read garbage from any-old-web-site (which may or may not have an ulterior motive) and believe it uncritically simply because it seems to make sense or because it strings together an apparent logical argument. Ask the members - they'll tell you. And please do us the courtesy of not dismissing our knowledge and experience in these matters because some mythical evil hierarchy is witholding stuff from us. Please! That's so convenient as it means our experiences can be dismissed without being properly dealt with or critically assessed.

Y'know - people are just too suspicious these days. Altruism simply isn't recognized for what it is. Shame. I blame the government

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 02:38 AM
Freemasonry is not the issue but rather materialists who call themselves "masons". We can apply this as same, to many Christians, Jews, Mohammedians etc.

Because too frequently I see people posting lines or maybe at most a few lines of a book (such as Morals and Dogma) and ok; so where's the other 1,000 pages gone to?

Care to be a little more specific? Which 1000+ pages in M&D will fit the point of this thread and therby prove some "unknown" point?

Why waste the time - watch a nice movie instead and forget about it - I doubt you’re ready to really get into anything of the progressive ideas - thus the strange and ambiguous nature of your thread.

[edit on 1-3-2006 by markusjharper]

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
The craft appears both positive and negative as the majority of men are prone to be and this balance is in sync with the universe. But, it is the leadership that is in question and its ability to leverage the membership for its own benefit and purpose.

I'm not quite sure what this means. Having been elected to leadership positions in the fraternity, I have always attempted to the best of my ability to serve my Brethren, and I know that others who have been elected as Masonic officials have done the same. Just who in the Masonic leadership do you hold "in question"?

The members of the craft have to dispell the charges against it and not vice versa, I believe.

I think you've got it backwards. The burden of proof is on the accuser, yielding the maxim "innocent until proven guilty".

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