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9/11 Pentagon Anti-Missile defense system

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posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 11:44 PM
Does anyone have any details about the Pentagon's Anti-Missile defense system? I have tried to find out about it but have had no luck, any help would be great. The reason i am interested is because it should have shot down the plane that hit the building. There are two reason why it didn't in my view: Someone turned it off which would indicate an inside job or the plane that hit the Pentagon was a military aircraft and would have been recognized as friendly. This to me is a very big hole in the official story.

If they were having drills, all systems should be active, especially if the drill was about planes being flown into the building. The Anti-Missile defense system should have had no problems tracking and shooting down a huge plane if it is designed to hit missiles. I think the military aircraft would be the best bet, it fits in with what air traffic controllers described seeing on radar.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 06:24 AM
I doubt the Pentagon would want to give out information to the public about it's defence systems, so that someone may just find a way around them....

They'd rather do the job themselves

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 03:17 PM
Keep in mind that the Pentagon was right next to the landing approach for Reagan National Airport.

external image

Even at landing speeds, a plane could veer off that approach and hit the Pentagon in a few seconds.

A missile system wouldn’t do much good against that, now would it?

Mod Edit: Image Size – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 28/2/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 04:04 PM
But Howard, havn't you heard about the dozens of civilian airliners being shot down every day as they try to land..

I found this satellite image as well, I modified it slightly in the true spirit of things:

Is that the area that was hit I see out of the window in that photo of your's Howard? That's mighty close, but I don't see any tracer fire.

[edit on 28-2-2006 by AgentSmith]

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 02:14 AM
That is your best response, try to deny it doesn't exist and laugh like a bunch of ignorant fools, i thought the government actually pays you for your services. You don't have a clue how anything works do you? The last time i checked the flight was flying in the air for about an hour, those planes probably aren't even allowed to fly over the pentagon after take off so the system would know right away if there was a problem; it doesn't take a few days to respond like you two.

In order for the terrorists to pose a threat they would have to hijack the plane and take control of the plane only seconds from take off, an impossible task. You spent a long time doing your cute little graphics and not enough time thinking up a clever solution. To me they just seem like placeholders for human stupidity.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 05:12 AM
They didn't know it was going to hit the Pentagon way before it actually happened. I guess the confusion in trying to get all the aricraft grounded too didn't help, you seem to forget that these are people dealing with the situation, not machines.

Do these missiles vapourise the aircraft? Are you suggesting that they should have shot it down into the city?
I can see the headlines now, "Hundreds of civilians killed when Government shoots down aircraft to protect Pentagon."
They didn't know what it was going to do until it was too late, suspicion isn't good enough when trying to explain things to the public. They still cover up the probable shooting down of the other flight, so can you imagine the uproar if they shot the airliner down into the city?

Does it occur to you that these places are not as well protected as they would like you to believe? Most 'security' is a bluff, it works by making people think it's a lot harder to penetrate than it is.

If you look at the runway in the overhead image you can clearly see that aircraft would have to practically fly over the Pentagon on Approach.

I've also been looking at the airport information for pilots, charts, etc but I can't see anything about avoiding the Pentagon or being careful of the missiles..

Can you help me find it?

I assume you know how to fly as you seem to think you're pretty keyed up on procedures, luckily I do have a little experience and you can see just from the photo (forgetting the chart shows it) that the Pentagon is in the glide path for runway 15 and is of course in the path of aircraft leaving on runway 33. You don't turn in sharply like you are implying would have to be done, and the charts like I linked to above show they don't.
Not to mention the numerous private pilots flying around and people on flying lessons.
In fact the only prohibited area marked on there is no where near the Pentagon, so you'd better ring them up quick because anyone following the issued literature for operating at the airport might get shot down!

When I've been flying I've flown over the local military airbase on a Sunday, I didn't get an escort, radio call or missiles though

[edit on 1-3-2006 by AgentSmith]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by NinjaCodeMonkey
That is your best response, try to deny it doesn't exist and laugh like a bunch of ignorant fools,
No, the problem is you're assuming there *was* a missile defense system.

There was, and is, not a missile defense system at or near the pentagon.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by kmrod
There was, and is, not a missile defense system at or near the pentagon.

Its pretty well known they moved in the Avenger Air Defense System around the Pentagon in Washington, DC after the September 11 terror attacks.

The Humvee also has been given a role in homeland defense. It has been outfitted with the Avenger air defense system to guard the White House, the Pentagon and other government buildings in and around Washington

8 ready-to-fire Stinger missiles that would drop any low flying commerical ariliner

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

Originally posted by kmrod
There was, and is, not a missile defense system at or near the pentagon.

Its pretty well known they moved in the Avenger Air Defense System around the Pentagon in Washington, DC after the September 11 terror attacks.

sorry, I meant "installed"

they can drive trucks where ever...but there is not an installed missile defense system in/around/near the pentagon.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 09:25 PM
Installed ones that I dont know. I have never seen any mention of missile defense system built into the building or property.

Since they brought in Avengers its pretty good evidence they didn't have any installed missile systems before 9-11. But they could very well be looking at that now and I doubt would advertise them if they put them in.

The Avenger seemed more of a temporary solution

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 09:41 PM

Since they brought in Avengers its pretty good evidence they didn't have any installed missile systems before 9-11.

That's the problem....... people keep saying "why didn't the missile defense system shoot it down" and the answer is "because there isn't one."

I'm sure someone is going to say "maybe there is one and it was sabotaged so the plane could hit, and the mobiles were brought in while the defense system was fixed" ........

[edit on 5-3-2006 by kmrod]

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