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Intelligent Dinosaurs?

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posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 07:11 PM
Were there intelligent dinosaurs and did they raise t-rex for food as we raise cattle?Look at where we were 200 years ago. no electricity. cars ect.
I think Dinosaurs made it to the iron age and any fossilized relics are being passed off as human and not dino where they belong.At the limestone quarry where I work I have found several items made from iron that were totaly encased in what is suppose to be 6o million year old limestone. some of the items still have flexible fibers attached that looks like some kind of cloth. and one looks like a toy with a dinosaur face.interesting huh?

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 07:23 PM
Wow that sounds pretty neat. I would love to see some picture of the items you are describing if anyway possible.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 07:28 PM
Yes, pic's would be interesting...

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 25-2-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 07:52 PM
It's proven that dinosaurs were intelligent. They were the most intelligent life form on the planet, in their day. We don't know much about the mammals who coexisted with the Dino since they spent most of their time hiding from...the Dinos.
Possibly you are hoping for a postulation that Donosaurs were soooo smart that they provided the technology for Noah to build his impossible Ark, you remember, the one sooo large that its top deck reached into the Stratosphere. It had to be that high since the width and length have been calculated adinfinitum by true believers. Noah would have needed lots of technology to deal with the hight of the Ark and the below zero temperatures and absence of oxygen in the upper reaches of our atmosphere.
Possibly, those intelligent Dino provided the space suits necessary for both the animals boarded in the upper decks and those who fed and cleaned up after them.
Noah probably asked the Dinos if they would like to be "saved" from the wrath of god and they most likely declined the offer, them being advanced and all like that. I understand that the Germans, people the biblical writers also didn't know about, built the super fast elevator necessary to reach the upper decks since to do it other wise would have taken sooo long the flood would have long since receeded, making the trip up to clean up all the dead animals unnecessary.
Can you imagine the difficulty keeping a boat upright with decks reaching thousands of feet in the air? Boy Howdy!
Did I remember to say..."Boy Howdy"?

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 08:02 PM

Wtf are you on about? No one said anything about the noah fairy tale. There was one dinosaur I remember reading about awhile back ago. Stenonychosaurus I think. Had manipulative finger's, meaning it could grasp object's, similar to how we do. In other word's, it would have been capable of tool use much in the same way most great ape's of today are. Although I doubt they developed the intelligence for such, it would be interesting if they had.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 09:59 PM
Some of the smaller dinosaurs like raptors were clearly getting smarter.

This is the path some people think some dinosaurs were heading if they never went extinct.

Its a interesting theory sdunklee72520 I would love to see info on the iron artifats you mentioned that would be new too me. After some 65 million years there wouldn't be much left of modern mankinds on earth let alone of a of a iron age eqivalent society. Its not impossible but I havent seen evidence to suggest that yet but theres alot we dont know about dinosaurs and alot left to be discovered.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by skep
It's proven that dinosaurs were intelligent. They were the most intelligent life form on the planet, in their day. We don't know much about the mammals who coexisted with the Dino since they spent most of their time hiding from...the Dinos.
Possibly you are hoping for a postulation that Donosaurs were soooo smart that they provided the technology for Noah to build his impossible Ark, you remember, the one sooo large that its top deck reached into the Stratosphere. It had to be that high since the width and length have been calculated adinfinitum by true believers. Noah would have needed lots of technology to deal with the hight of the Ark and the below zero temperatures and absence of oxygen in the upper reaches of our atmosphere.
Possibly, those intelligent Dino provided the space suits necessary for both the animals boarded in the upper decks and those who fed and cleaned up after them.
Noah probably asked the Dinos if they would like to be "saved" from the wrath of god and they most likely declined the offer, them being advanced and all like that. I understand that the Germans, people the biblical writers also didn't know about, built the super fast elevator necessary to reach the upper decks since to do it other wise would have taken sooo long the flood would have long since receeded, making the trip up to clean up all the dead animals unnecessary.
Can you imagine the difficulty keeping a boat upright with decks reaching thousands of feet in the air? Boy Howdy!
Did I remember to say..."Boy Howdy"?

I have nothing to add here. I don't care if this post wasn't on topic, it was DAMN funny! Thanks for a helluva laugh skep!

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 02:39 PM
The dinosaurs were really hyper-intellgient and were descended from lizardmen form planet 'cantthinkofaweeirdnamesothiswilldo' but they couldnt become anymore advanced after crashing in their super advanced alien ships as they lacked posable thumbs. Duh its so obvious.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 05:03 PM
Truthseeka, I appreciate the understanding of my attempt at humor.
Produkt, gelegentlich, ich erhalten ein drängen zu unterstreichen Ironie. _ ich gerade können es nicht helfen ! _
You'll forgive me, I used to be fliessend but 25 years... well, you know.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 05:20 PM
I have pics just don't know how to post them yet.I use to have a mullukan Mcaw bird and it seemed very intelligent with its pea sized brain and wonder how intellegent some of the other dino's could have been with brains walnut sized and larger. I heve heard a lot of speculation on how the t-rex was able to eat or catch anything with its short arms. if it were bread to be that large and fead as we do pigs wouldnt everything make more sense?

[edit on 26-2-2006 by sdunklee72520]

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 05:41 PM
goto this site. ... sign up then goto the page manager, upload your pics on the right hand panel, where it says uploaded stuff, then just copy the link and paste it here.

Plus you get a nifty google pages account and gmail acount doing it that way.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 04:04 AM
finaly found how to get pic's in here and edited them into last post. here is another one of one of the rocks with cloth fibers embedded in them along with fossils.

you can see the whitish fibers sticking out in the second pic, and then pushed back closer in the third pic.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 05:27 AM
Eh... Doesn't look like much to me. What about the toy? That should be abit easier to see.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 06:20 AM
I have to agree with you.. those pics are much too vague and look more like clumps of dirt rather than rocks. I think a different example would be easier to judge.

I heve heard a lot of speculation on how the t-rex was able to eat or catch anything with its short arms.

Why would you assume it can't eat with little arms? Who speculates about this? It's silly. If I were face to face with one I wouldn't count on the 'little arms' protecting me from it's massive teeth and powerful jaws.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by sdunklee72520
At the limestone quarry where I work I have found several items made from iron that were totaly encased in what is suppose to be 6o million year old limestone

Please present evidence supporting this statement. Many of us would be interested to see these objects and see if there were any controls over the recovery of them, along with what the specific environment that they were recovered in was. Also, what limestone formation are you talking about?

interesting huh?

It sounds very interesting.

The pics are interesting. There unfortunately isn't much detail in them, but they are indeed interesting. Is it dino2.jpg that has the fibres you are talking about? These things are pure iron??

Who speculates about this? It's silly

I don't think that anyone speculate that it couldn't eat because of this, but there is some debate over whether it hunted live prey or scavenged. If you think about it, having arms developed like that doesn't seem like an adaptation for hunting. However, there was one study on the mechanics of the arms and what they could do, and the general impression that I got was that they might've been pretty good at holding on to stuff, that they weren't necessarily good to grab onto something and then pull it torwards the t-rex, but that they seemed like they could, once they got a hold of something, sink into it and hold it in placelike powerful and gigantic meat hooks, thus allowing that fearsome head to go to work.
But, again, there is a question as to whether or not t.rex was spending much time hunting at all, as opposed to scavenging.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
I don't think that anyone speculate that it couldn't eat because of this, but there is some debate over whether it hunted live prey or scavenged. If you think about it, having arms developed like that doesn't seem like an adaptation for hunting.

I disagree.. the tapered shape would've been ideal for charging [speed and impact] and dragging prey down with the sheer body weight. IMO larger arms would've made this awkward.. especially faced with a rival of similar height. Lions and other hunters take down prey the same way.. likewise crocodiles [within reach]. Even pitbulls have been bred to take down prey primarily by their teeth. . speaking of.. would it be possible that they got 'lock jaw' the same way?
Perhaps the smaller arms may've been helpful to stabalise the dead prey on the ground for tearing the meat.. otherwise I don't see why they would be needed. Other dinosaurs [of similar shape] don't really have large arms to they?

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by riley
Even pitbulls have been bred to take down prey primarily by their teeth. . speaking of.. would it be possible that they got 'lock jaw' the same way?

Totally off topic, but pit bulls DO NOT have 'lock jaw.' I've owned pit bulls for decades now, and this is totally not true. A pit bull skull, while perhaps thicker, and bigger than that of an 'average' dog, contains no mechanism not present in other dogs that would permit their jaws to lock.

This is not to say they don't have phenomenally strong jaws. My 4 year old pittie can hang from a tree branch by his jaws for.... well a long time.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by riley
I disagree.. the tapered shape would've been ideal for charging [speed and impact] and dragging prey down with the sheer body weight.

Ok. Sounds reasonable.

Other dinosaurs [of similar shape] don't really have large arms to they?

The carnosaurs have arms that aren't identical, but are rather oddly small and impish. The maniraportiformes, to contrast, tend to be smaller, but have proportionately longer and gracile arms that seem to be adapted to grasping prey.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 04:19 PM
If you want to send me one of your embedded objects I can run it over to the geology department at my alma matter and get it dated and verified for you.

Let me know if you are interested, I'll set up a line of communication.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 03:55 AM
I am interested in having some independent reliable testing done. the I tems come from pleosistene limestone deposits which are 30 to 60 million years old. all that I have shown contain hematite iron pyrite, fossilised shell and coral and chromite. all which take a very long time to form.
I found a new item today which looks like sailboat rigging and has a hollow center which has formed a is mostly hematite. and contains fossils of both shell and coral.

It looks sort of like a pully or sail grommet has a loop at what I would guess is the top and it sticks to a also has a small sand dollar stuck in it's side.that is 3/4 showing.I realy need to get some film for my minolta lol! then use my micro lens.
To answere some of the other questions they stick to a magnet three items have fiberes embedded in them the blue fibers burn quickly look like hair only dark blue and smelll like coal when burned the white fibers looklike cotton but curl up to what look like optical strands when heated but dont burn and remain flexible, most of the items have a specific gravity of around 5.8 solid steel is I think 6. the rock also contains a large amount of chromite granules mol wt 233. and thought they only form in space at 30k degrees but I am not sure about that.I was originaly looking for fossil meteorites but who ever heard of meteorites with fibers in them? and meteorites seldom have a specific gravity over 4. I have other pieces that look like chunks of a flat sheet of hematite which they most likely are but in 99% pure caco3 where did the iron come from to make a little hematite?

[edit on 28-2-2006 by sdunklee72520]

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