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Neo Nazis Marching in Orlando

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posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 05:48 PM
While I am full supporter of free speech and these people's right to have their misguided thinking, I think it wrong for them and the city to allow their marches in predominantly black neighborhoods.

Why not have these Nazi rallies in white neighborhoods? Why does the city officials allow the Nazi to antogonize their citizens by having them protest in black neighborhoods?

Fights break out at Orlando neo-Nazi rally

Fist-fights broke out and police made 17 arrests at a neo-Nazi rally and march Saturday through a predominantly black neighborhood.

Most of the arrests came after fights between supporters of the National Socialist Movement and angry counter-demonstrators, who were upset with the group's anti-minority message.

About 30 members of the neo-Nazi group wore khaki uniforms, black boots and red armbands with swastikas during the march through the Orlando neighborhood of Parramore. They were confronted by more than 100 protesters, some holding signs including ones that read, "Stop the hate. Stop the violence" and "Love everyone."

more links:
Violence Erupts At Orlando Neo-Nazi Rally
Rally to counter neo-Nazis

Racism and Prejudices are still alive and strong in the USA, it's very sad that even with the current state of the world and all the issues we have going on, some people still can't see beyond the color of skin.

[edit on 2-25-2006 by worldwatcher]

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
Why not have these Nazi rallies in white neighborhoods?

Maybe they do it hoping violence will erupt to make the blacks "look bad." Or maybe they are just looking for a fight?

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 06:01 PM
My little brother went to the rally, to counter-protest, and get into a fight. He's 16 and into the 'punk' scene. I told him it would just be easier to send the neo-nazis 20 bucks, because you are supporting them when you protest the rally and start trouble. They want the attention! That's why they go into neighborhoods that will cause the most disruption, to get on tv. If no one showed-up to protest them, ignored them, they would eventually see that rallies won't get them on the news and they will stop because it will be too much hassle to organize, with no results.

But hey, he's 16. He knows everything!

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 06:01 PM
They march in Black neighborhoods to incit violence. I have dealt with member of the Neo-Nazi movement and basically they all have the same idea they are superior to everyone. I work in a prison and was hearings escort officer, as we were escorting a leader of the Neo-Nazi group to a hearing he stated that blacks made up only 25 percent of the population but that prison population was over 50 percent black. First of all his figures are all wrong for the population in general and second black inmates only make up 1/3 of the prison population with white inmates making up a little over 1/3. My point to this whole answer is white supremists/Neo Nazi's believe that they are the good guys (mistaken belief) and that when they march in a black neighborhood and violence erupts in proves that they are the good guys. Violence is this group's stock in trade and they absolutly love to cause it and seem to truly believe it somehow furthers their cause. Makes no sense does it.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by curme
My little brother went to the rally, to counter-protest, and get into a fight. He's 16 and into the 'punk' scene. I told him it would just be easier to send the neo-nazis 20 bucks, because you are supporting them when you protest the rally and start trouble. They want the attention! That's why they go into neighborhoods that will cause the most disruption, to get on tv. If no one showed-up to protest them, ignored them, they would eventually see that rallies won't get them on the news and they will stop because it will be too much hassle to organize, with no results.

But hey, he's 16. He knows everything!

Little brothers never listen do they?
You are absolutly right if they got no response the rallies would indeed end. However, I can understand the anger of the people who live in those neighborhoods I wouldn't want the creeps in my neck of the woods either.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by curme
They want the attention! That's why they go into neighborhoods that will cause the most disruption, to get on tv. If no one showed-up to protest them, ignored them, they would eventually see that rallies won't get them on the news and they will stop because it will be too much hassle to organize, with no results.

That's just what I was going to say. Just imagine if they walked through the neighborhood and nothing happened.

In some white neighborhood, they'd get the same reaction they got in the black neighborhood.

They're looking for the biggest response.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 06:11 PM
what was Bush and his team doing in a black neighbourhood? they can't even be arsed to go to New Orleans after a disaster....

Oh this is so sad. You have Nazis thrashing around when the mexicans are flying troops across the border to have a little look around! Why can they not just be proud to be American and stand up for what America stands up for. OR if they are hell bent on killing non whites, why not join the marines and get sent to Iraq for a stint there?

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 06:14 PM

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A divided message is coming from Central Florida leaders trying to keep the peace during a planned Neo-Nazi rally. Several African American leaders and Orlando police are encouraging people to avoid the rally altogether. But a state senator is taking the opposite approach.

The Neo-Nazi group plans to march along a route through the Parramore area, which is predominantly African American. State Senator Gary Siplin has decided to go against the advice of other community leaders and police to organize a counter demonstration.


Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Senator Gary Siplin (D-FL). What a jerk.
Must be an election year!

[edit on 25-2-2006 by curme]

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher

Fist-fights broke out and police made 17 arrests at a neo-Nazi rally and march Saturday through a predominantly black neighborhood.

Most of the arrests came after fights between supporters of the National Socialist Movement and angry counter-demonstrators, who were upset with the group's anti-minority message.

About 30 members of the neo-Nazi group wore khaki uniforms, black boots and red armbands with swastikas during the march through the Orlando neighborhood of Parramore. They were confronted by more than 100 protesters, some holding signs including ones that read, "Stop the hate. Stop the violence" and "Love everyone."

The cops should just wait till the Nazis are deep inside the black neighborhoods, and then just turn their backs and let the citizens show them what they mean by "Love Everyone".

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by curme
They want the attention! That's why they go into neighborhoods that will cause the most disruption, to get on tv. If no one showed-up to protest them, ignored them, they would eventually see that rallies won't get them on the news and they will stop because it will be too much hassle to organize, with no results.

That's just what I was going to say. Just imagine if they walked through the neighborhood and nothing happened.

In some white neighborhood, they'd get the same reaction they got in the black neighborhood.

They're looking for the biggest response.

That is exactly right. They want the biggest response and the most media attention that they can get. I agree with jsobecky, leave them in there for a while and see what happens.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 07:11 PM
something else is going on, this seems bigger, a new resurgence of nazi mentality is joining the fundamental religious mentality we have seen a rise over in the past few years.

I'm thinking the Nazis probably feel the time is now right for them to start staking their claims on society again...since others are getting ready to do.

imo the wheel is spinning faster when it comes to the whole scale of things.

Like duh!!!!
Marley concert and I'm already forgetting things.

the link I meant to add:
German authorities report sharp rise in number of neo-Nazis

German intelligence officials have reported a dramatic rise in the number of neo-Nazis nationwide, the weekly Focus news magazine said on Saturday.

It cited the annual report of Germany's domestic secret service Verfassungsschutz as saying the overall number of neo-Nazis in 2005 stood at 4,100 people compared to only 3,000 in 2003.

In a related development, the number of neo-Nazi organizations rose from 87 groups in 2004 to 105 in 2005.

Meanwhile Germany's leading neo-Nazi party, the National Democratic Party (NPD) registered a strong increase in its members from 5,300 in 2004 to 6,000 last year.

German neo-Nazi parties caused a shock on the country's political scene last year after making huge gains in two key regional elections in the east German states of Brandenburg and Sachsen.

Not just in Germany..but in the US too

U.S.: Rise in number of neo-Nazis

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has said that there has been a worrying and clear rise in activities by fascist skinheads in the United States, including a rise in the number of skinhead groups and organizations, Israel’s leading newspaper Yedioth Ahronot reported Wednesday.

The ADL identified 110 new skinhead groups in the U.S., which did not exist five years ago. The most activity by skinheads was seen in the state of California, which has a large number of skinhead organizations who cooperate with prisoner gangs. The groups are responsible for "significant violence."

[edit on 2-25-2006 by worldwatcher]

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 07:20 PM
i live in a small town and once the KKK came here to hold a (March)?
anyway everyone And I do mean everone blacks whites and in between ignored them. rolled up there car windows as they went past .
needless to say they never bothered to come back here .
ps to all who think racisum is still so strong here you wrong .
at its peek there were over 100,000 in the kkk today its less then 10,000
and thouse are just the Diehard ideats.
as for the neonazi there the Dumest of them all dont they read history the nazis were killing white jews mostly and most of them would have probly been on the nazi hit list even if there wernt jewish and were white .
because the nazi were killing any who were trouble makers.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 07:23 PM
while I think public movement is still small, I feel the underlying issue of racism is getting stronger again.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 07:25 PM
You could be right, but it has always been hit or miss with them. I do not believe that they have capable leadership or the numbers to do any "real" damage. I am by no means saying that they are not a significant threat, but I just feel that they will never be capable of an all out take over of anything.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 07:28 PM
While I do not agree with there personal beliefs, I do support there right to believe whatever they like, and freespeech.

As for the idea of the police turning there back, and leaving the group in the core of the neighborhood, well if they did that, and I was the poice chief, I'd put the officers in question on unpayed leave and get them tried.

Now, I'm a bit confused on something, in one of the links it called them "The National Socialist Movement", that confuses me, since most socialist organizations promote peace and equality for all. Does this particular group of Neo-NAZI's consider itself to be socialist?, because they can't be socilaists if there NAZI's.

And on that note, I have another question, in the link about Germany, it says the leading neo-NAZI group is the National Democratic Party, is the group call itself that, or is the German Democratric party neo-NAZI?

If any of the links explain either of those two questions, please forgive me, I'm trying to get alot of stuff done, and I'm in a hurry, so I did'nt read them.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 07:29 PM
the timing seems too perfect to me. We are already breeding a society of don't trust the arabs, the arabs have problem with the jews and the nazis have a problem with the jews and every person of color, so in this time of fear mongering and disinformation, it seems to be a concerted effort by the nazis to revive their agenda. However I feel the first target will not necessarily just be black people but those of arab descent too.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 07:32 PM
iori... here you go, you can read up more on them, I don't want

The National Socialist Movement

NDP of Germany

[edit on 2-25-2006 by worldwatcher]

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 07:43 PM
The Nazis marched all right, square into the fists of their betters.

As far as I'm concerned, any day where some Neo-Nazi punks get beat down is a good day.

If it weren't for the 300 cops protecting these scumbags, they wouldn't even have the balls to show up.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
Why does the city officials allow the Nazi to antogonize their citizens by having them protest in black neighborhoods?

This is why the city officials let them march pretty much where they want.

The ACLU, Nazis, and Skokie

In the late 1970s thousands of ACLU members resigned in protest when the organization defended the right of the American Nazi Party to march through Skokie, Illinois, a predominately Jewish suburb of Chicago. Skokie had enacted laws to prevent the group from gathering in a public area. The ACLU fought for the group’s First Amendment rights—freedom of assembly and freedom of speech. The organization has always argued that all groups, no matter how unpopular, have a right to express their ideas in a peaceful manner. In Smith v. Collin (1978), a federal court ruling prohibited any official attempts to restrict the Nazis’ right to free speech.

[edit on 2006/2/25 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 08:49 PM
Those crafty Nazi wannabees they know the cops have to protect them since its a legal rally. I would bet good money they would love to spark another Toledo, Ohio riot with the blacks in Orlando.

In their minds when the can spark blacks to do such things its only illustrating the ignorant crap they believe in.

What Simcity4Rushour said happened in his town is IMHO the smartest course of action. These people thrive on the media attention of riots or the counter protestors.

The KKK is a dying group it at once had nearly two million claimed members. I would personally bet closer to 500,000. But anyway they are a pale shadow of their former self.

[edit on 25-2-2006 by ShadowXIX]

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