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Bigfoot is in PORTUGAL

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posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation

Originally posted by thiopental sodium

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
I challenge you to find one other person on ATS that agrees with you. Have them read this entire thread and your eyes will open. I will give you a week. AAC

I already have other ATSers who agree with me, dude.

Also, no way in hell I'm looking for more people like that in Paranormal. I'm inviting my physicist and philosophy friends to read this. Several are reading it right now in fact. You are so deluded beyond help. I'm not insulting you. I'm trying to help you realize your folly.

[edit on 26-2-2006 by thiopental sodium]

What does a physicist have to do with anything?

It has to do with the fact that your sources need to be qualified because you are especially only appealed by authority. I could have invited my average joe friends, but I KNOW you would have said those people weren't smart enough. See where I'm getting at now?

EDIT: This reminds me of that Flying Rods thread. I kept saying OVER AND OVER again the exact same reason why flying rods are optical illusions and some people just won't take it...and then finally somebody posts a link that was saying the EXACT same thing I've been saying and now those people agree with me. People need to be able to be convinced by sound reasnoning, not just be authority/status (and it's funny how people consider links to be authoritative lmao).

[edit on 26-2-2006 by thiopental sodium]

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by benevolent tyrant
I have my doubts about "bigfoot" being in Portugal, though I certainly would not dismiss that possibility. It's just that I really have not come across many reports of what one could describe as a European Bigfoot.

Perhaps he got a cheap flight like most people who go to Portugal. (Sorry a silly moment).

There have in fact been reports of European Bigfoot in the past. Not sure I have ever heard of one in Portugal but who knows as forrests are depleted and man encouches perhaps they have moved south.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 12:36 AM
No. The point is, I study all kinds of hyperphysics, quantum, nuclear, astro, and statistical physics. And I just can't seem to find a reason they belong in your position. Please enlighten me. If you're just trying to showcase knowledge by reiterating what others say and do, to make yourself sound smarter, I could understand.

Have you heard of Sacrates? Plato? Those people represent the same ideas that are talked about in Mengaurds thread. You didn't entertain the thread because you have a preconcieved notion, that was wrong. I was only trying to tell you that in the begining. You turned it into a bunch of regergitated baseless assertions and conjectures. Find someone to agree with you please. I have read your threads, you do a lot of this stuff. I am now embarrassed that I kept it up with you. Peace AAC

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
No. The point is, I study all kinds of hyperphysics, quantum, nuclear, astro, and statistical physics. And I just can't seem to find a reason they belong in your position. Please enlighten me. If you're just trying to showcase knowledge by reiterating what others say and do, to make yourself sound smarter, I could understand.

Have you heard of Sacrates? Plato? Those people represent the same ideas that are talked about in Mengaurds thread. You didn't entertain the thread because you have a preconcieved notion, that was wrong. I was only trying to tell you that in the begining. You turned it into a bunch of regergitated baseless assertions and conjectures. Find someone to agree with you please. I have read your threads, you do a lot of this stuff. I am now embarrassed that I kept it up with you. Peace AAC

You are cat crazy and nonsensical.

1. Nobody needs to qualify themselves. In the end, its your content that qualifies you, not your title. Also, I've read books on physics and other supposed "highly cerebral" topics, but again, the books I read don't make my arguments any weaker or stronger. You seem like you are easily swayed by politicians and advertisements.
2. What regurgitations? Dude, if you're gonna make that wild claim out of the blue, at least cite or quote one of my past posts. Are you that desperate now? At least try to remain ethical.
3. Sorry, but menguard REGURGITATING well-known generic advice that parallel Plato or Socrates does not make him psychic lol. Real smooth again, AAC. Keep going,'re on fire!
4. This "regurgitated" thing seems to be a new parlor trick of yours. Your newfound confidence? If you can't handle the major leagues, that's cool. Just don't pretend you can. It's a waste of everyone's time and you're only lowering the quality of ATS.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 01:01 AM
I feel like I am connecting to the future. Sodium will be a BANNED MEMBER very soon. Reason: He makes sense to only himself. All others had turned on him.

Man, please read through the threads today, everyone has disagreed with you. The one that you thought was on your side, responded back only to say that he wasnt. So he went out of his way to tell you he didn't agree with you. THAT IS THE ONLY FACT!

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 01:12 AM
Why don't ANY of you get back to the main point of the original post? Talk about getting off the point and then we have this endless spiral of everyone attacking one person.

If I was Growing Con I would be really cheesed off. Please reread the original post.

Question - who else thinks Bigfoot might be in Portugal and should 'we' be concentrating 'our' search there rather than Malaysia?

Originally posted by GrowingConspiracy
Ive been talking with a really good phsycic lately, trust me, this guy knows everything, and he tells me, he is 90% sure bigfoot is real and somewhere in the dense forests of portugal. he couldnt narrow it down after that, but i wounder are there alot of bigfoot sighting in portugal? who else thinks bigfoot might be there? they should search for bigfoot in portugal not malasya.

[edit on 26/2/2006 by Lady of the Lake]

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 01:42 AM
To get back on topic, if Bigfoot exists, he or his many other species that look like him, are capable of roaming any forest.

To get back with AAC:

1. You obviously have no idea who my supporters are. I think I know who you think they are, and if so, you must not be the most socially savvy person in the world (also, I was not even aware I had somebody open claim on the forums that he/she agreed with, how flattering...NOT lol). You also seem to be unable to decide whether my arguments have credit to them unless I have openly verbal supporters.

2. Why are you stalking me? A bit flattering, but seriously. Also, you are exaggerating things. Everyone in Paranormal is disagreeing with me, but again, everyone OUTSIDE of Paranormal already knows how Paranormal is like lol. If I were to try convince an abortion clinic that pro-life is the way to be, how many supporters would I have? LOL, you're silly, AAC. Read my other threads. The ones I've both responded and created. Also note that I am strong advocate of evidence. Are you? Obviously not.

3. You seem to have followed me into some other threads. And for the sole purpose of trying to restart this argument elsewhere. How immature. Also, don't confuse contributing to a discussion with disagreement. Just because nobody has posted within 5 minutes, "HOLY CRAP THIO YOU ARE SO RIGHT YOU ARE SO AMAZINGLY 110% RIGHT CAN I GET UR AUTOGRAPH," doesn't mean everybody is disagreeing with me silently. I don't know how else to put it, but wow, you're pretty dumb.

4. If the mods have an ounce more sense than you, I will not get banned. Disagreeing with the general populace of Paranormal is not grounds for getting banned. In fact, following me around to post in other threads your bitter posts sounds much more like ground to get banned.

Keep going, AAC. You're on fire.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by Lady of the Lake
Why don't ANY of you get back to the main point of the original post? Talk about getting off the point and then we have this endless spiral of everyone attacking one person.

If I was Growing Con I would be really cheesed off. Please reread the original post.

Question - who else thinks Bigfoot might be in Portugal and should 'we' be concentrating 'our' search there rather than Malaysia?

Originally posted by GrowingConspiracy
Ive been talking with a really good phsycic lately, trust me, this guy knows everything, and he tells me, he is 90% sure bigfoot is real and somewhere in the dense forests of portugal. he couldnt narrow it down after that, but i wounder are there alot of bigfoot sighting in portugal? who else thinks bigfoot might be there? they should search for bigfoot in portugal not malasya.

[edit on 26/2/2006 by Lady of the Lake]

this guy is right, so many members like to go off track specially when we could be on track to finding new information. the phycic i talk to is a member of ats, and he says his answers come from the "otherness" who he claims is very accurate. even if there are none or few bigfoot sightings in portugal... maybe bigfoot is trying to decieve humans and is hiding where we dont think he would be, aka portugal. if you dont believe bigfoot in the first place just say you dont dont go rambling on about how im wrong and the phycic's wrong and blah blah blah... ramblers will be ignored.

who knows of any forests or wooded areas in potugal? gimme some forests names and ill find a link sooner or later.

[edit on 26-2-2006 by GrowingConspiracy]

[edit on 26-2-2006 by GrowingConspiracy]

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 02:46 AM
How do you know menguard is a real phycic?

And for the record, cryptozoology and UFOlogy are the reasons I joined ATS.

EDIT: AAC and I weren't going off track. We were discussing the source of this thread, menguard. That is very relevant to this thread.

[edit on 26-2-2006 by thiopental sodium]

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 02:49 AM

this guy is right, so many members like to go off track specially when we could be on track to finding new information......

who knows of any forests or wooded areas in potugal? gimme some forests names and ill find a link sooner or later.

[edit on 26-2-2006 by GrowingConspiracy]

Thank you - but I am a girl not a guy. :p

I would also be interested in hearing of any wooded areas and the like.

[edit on 26/2/2006 by Lady of the Lake]

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by GrowingConspiracy
who knows of any forests or wooded areas in potugal? gimme some forests names and ill find a link sooner or later.

We do not have big forests or wooded areas, as you can see in any map, Portugal is a country with many small villages scattered throughout the country, the wild animals we have are only wolfs and Iberian lynxes, and these are always monitored, so something as big as Bigfoot would be easy to spot.

Also, most of our wooded areas usually burn during the summer, so if Bigfoot was in a wooded are in Portugal he must be a roasted Bigfoot by now...

[edit on 26/2/2006 by ArMaP]

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP

Originally posted by GrowingConspiracy
who knows of any forests or wooded areas in potugal? gimme some forests names and ill find a link sooner or later.

We do not have big forests or wooded areas, as you can see in any map, Portugal is a country with many small villages scattered throughout the country, the wild animals we have are only wolfs and Iberian lynxes, and these are always monitored, so something as big as Bigfoot would be easy to spot.

Also, most of our wooded areas usually burn during the summer, so if Bigfoot was in a wooded are in Portugal he must be a roasted Bigfoot by now...

[edit on 26/2/2006 by ArMaP]

dam! my hopes of exopsing bigfoot are ruined! maybe pshycic manguard himslef got decieved when he was trying to get an answer for where bigfoot is. what about malaysia how many bigfoot sightings are there? is there one every week or what? and if there are so many bigfoot sightings in malaysia, BRING A CAMERA for gods sake and take a decent picture of bigfoot already.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 01:07 PM
Back to the point. There is the heavily dense Bussaco Forrest in Portugal. From what I've researched, in the last few generations the forest life in Portugal has been desimated immensly. Remember, like cockroaches, they are probably wired to stay away from us. AAC

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
Back to the point. There is the heavily dense Bussaco Forrest in Portugal. From what I've researched, in the last few generations the forest life in Portugal has been desimated immensly. Remember, like cockroaches, they are probably wired to stay away from us. AAC

i hope your sure most of the other replies said there are no forests. anyway im gonna try to find a link and ill post one when i do.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 02:48 PM
here is some info i found on the net maybe bigfoot could be hiding there after all...
The Buçaco Forest
The Buçaco Forest is a dense wood, many centuries old, where the trees are of a gigantic stature and are rich in essences, fragrances and brilliance.
This unique forest was first settled by Benedictine monks in the 6th Century. Later, it was administered by priests from Coimbra Cathedral, and a Papal edict of 1622 declared that women entering the forest would be excommunicated. source -
more links to come later

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 02:51 PM
That story of scaring people out of the forrest could fit the bill if those highly conscious monks had reason to keep it obscure. It is definitely hard to find info on those areas. Good find

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by thiopental sodiumQualify his source with better credibility than simply "he said so so he must be right." That's no different than being a 5th grader who blindly believes everything his teacher says simply because she's a teacher.

GC is a 5th grader
Look at all his posts, they're all either dumb or rude.

Portugal is way too small to harbor bigfoot.. you even had someone from portugal post on this thread. The place to look for bigfoot, obviously, would be somewhere far from human interferance. Nepal is one good example.. and hair was found by one expedition there, whose DNA doesn't match any known mammal.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 07:30 PM
GrowingConspiracy: inform that guy that Portugal is in Europe, near Spain. It's not in Africa or South America. Portugal doesn't have dense florests. Portugal have a mediterranean climate, not a tropical one like Brasil or Congo. I'm from Portugal and I can assure you that there isn't any bigfoot in Portugal.heheheh

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by SteveR

Originally posted by thiopental sodiumQualify his source with better credibility than simply "he said so so he must be right." That's no different than being a 5th grader who blindly believes everything his teacher says simply because she's a teacher.

GC is a 5th grader
Look at all his posts, they're all either dumb or rude.

Portugal is way too small to harbor bigfoot.. you even had someone from portugal post on this thread. The place to look for bigfoot, obviously, would be somewhere far from human interferance. Nepal is one good example.. and hair was found by one expedition there, whose DNA doesn't match any known mammal.

like i said before.. ramblers will be ignored and i would delete my old crappy threads if i knew how to do it

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 10:47 PM

I'm from Portugal and I can assure you that there isn't any bigfoot in Portugal.heheheh

Thanks for clearing that up for everyone. Do you believe in Ghost, Aliens, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Demons, Pacifists, or anyone thing unexplainable so I can scratch them off the list too?

[edit on 26-2-2006 by AnAbsoluteCreation]

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