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Originally posted by Boniouk06
lol how ridiculous, god cant be proven, hydrogen can, so its more likely??? that is hilarious, bananas can be proven, so that makes it more likely to have created us than god, right? enough said
Originally posted by Produkt
A strand of DNA by itself isn't alive in the same sense we are. It's a mass of chemical's. It's only after conception that two parent's DNA strands come together in a bio-chemical reaction that the strand of DNA starts producing the necessary protiens and amino acid's that bring forth the needed cell's for life. So in a sense, higher life forms do come from non living matter.
Science has already shown that these very same chemical's exist in abundance through out the universe. Even in our own solar system. On astroid's, comet's, nebula.
Those who don't adhere to evolution are the one's who don't even understand it, yet they'll accept one aspect of it, that of adaptation, but they forget or don't realize that adaptation IS a proccess of evolutionary advancment.
The formation of the first chemicals isn't necessarily evolution in and of itself, evolution is what happened after those first strands of RNA and DNA started to reproduce and change in it's initial enviroment.
Baloney. Biological polymers exist in a single context only... in the presence of biological organisms. DNA is a product ONLY of biological organisms. There is no known instance in nature of DNA POLYMERS occuring outside of biological organisms.
Baloney. Science has shown nothing of the sort. Science has shown that the RAW MATERIALS for biological polymer formation exist in the solar system. But so what. There are no instances of DNA strands coming together spontaneously. The formation of biological polymers occurs in nature ONLY in the presence of enzymes. The formation of biological polymers spontaneously, without enzymes is inhibited by both entropic and enthalpic considerations.
BS times 3. I know more about evolutionary theory than you will ever know. Don't believe me... let's have at it.
This statement clearly demonstrates that you've never even read an paper that's supportive of the 'RNA world' hypothesis. DNA and RNA strands don't produce spontaneously in nature... even Orgel and his cronies have only been able to synthesize maybe 10 or 20 mer's under even the best and most accomodating, and most importantly extremely artificial of laboratory conditions. If you were familiar with these experiments you'd never have posted this. This is not what these experiments show at all.
Originally posted by Produkt
So, your saying the cell came first then the DNA, which after then, the DNA then started to create the cells? DNA does exist outside of biological cells. They're called virus's.
Baloney. Science has shown nothing of the sort. Science has shown that the RAW MATERIALS for biological polymer formation exist in the solar system. But so what. There are no instances of DNA strands coming together spontaneously. The formation of biological polymers occurs in nature ONLY in the presence of enzymes. The formation of biological polymers spontaneously, without enzymes is inhibited by both entropic and enthalpic considerations.
BS times 3. I know more about evolutionary theory than you will ever know. Don't believe me... let's have at it.
1) The change in life over time by adaptation, variation, over-reproduction, and differential survival/reproduction, a process referred to by Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace as natural selection. 2) Descent with modification.
This statement clearly demonstrates that you've never even read an paper that's supportive of the 'RNA world' hypothesis. DNA and RNA strands don't produce spontaneously in nature... even Orgel and his cronies have only been able to synthesize maybe 10 or 20 mer's under even the best and most accomodating, and most importantly extremely artificial of laboratory conditions. If you were familiar with these experiments you'd never have posted this. This is not what these experiments show at all.
I've read about the 'RNA world' hypothesis, and your right, no experiment has seen RNA or DNA spontaneously appear.
Then again, the experiment's are flawed as the exact condition's of pre-biotic earth aren't fully known as of yet.
But stating that evolution doesn't deal with that particular aspect of life's origin's doesn't demonstrate my knowledge or lack of in that theory. Both are two seperate theories.
Why such hostility? Doesn't seem very ... christian. Or is it? *checks history books*
Not saying anything like that. I am saying that DNA doesn't exist outside of biological organisms. Viruses are included, loosely in this case, as 'biological organisms.' I never said 'biological cells;' don't misquote me.
Ummm... yeah amino acids = raw materials. Amino acids are not proteins, they are the raw materials of proteins as my original statement clearly indicates.
My gosh... geez... you're right, you DO know a lot about evolution. You can define it and everything.
So you know that this isn't entirely relevant... certainly in the context that you've posted it, but you went ahead and posted it anyway...
The experiments are flawed for a number of reasons besides this, including stereochemically, molarity-wise, etc. The conditions aren't really relevant anyway... if you can show that biological polymers can spontaneously form under ANY conditions, it would be a huge step forward for abiogenesis theories.
Originally posted by truthseeka
Look at you, mattison.
You get on here and talk about how evolution can't work because of this and how it's wrong because of that. You say ID works better, but you never post any evidence of this.
All you or Rren post is somebody talking about how this is too complex to have formed the way evolution states.
Where are the experiments? You agree that "microevolution" has been experimentally determined, but when has IC been experimentally determined?
How does ID account for the creation of proteins from AAs and nucleic acids from nucleotides? Oh, I forgot, you don't have to explain that with ID. At least evolution supporters are trying to replicate the process.
All the ID people do is sit there and criticize evolution while babbling about IC and stuff.
No peer reviewed papers for ID, no experiments for ID, but it's so much better than evolution.
Even if evolution is totally wrong, how does that prove ID is right?
I invite you to post some comments in the "Which Theory Will be Next?" thread that I made. I'd love to hear from an ID supporter in this thread...
Originally posted by Produkt
DNA is biological in nature. It's not alive though by itself. Viruses are not living orginism's. Just some DNA covered with abit of protiens. So, DNA does exist outside of biological ORGINISMS. Orginism's being, living cells.
They may not have found actual protien's as of yet, but just by finding the very thing's needed does strongly imply that all the needed materials for life are not that uncommon in our universe. You can scoff all you want, but we are finding this stuff just about everywhere now.
So you know that this isn't entirely relevant... certainly in the context that you've posted it, but you went ahead and posted it anyway...
We can and have created the needed chemical's for life. No, we have'nt created the necessary condition's for the interactions required for life, but this doesn't rule out the possibility of these interaction's occuring under the correct circumstance's.
The experiments are flawed for a number of reasons besides this, including stereochemically, molarity-wise, etc. The conditions aren't really relevant anyway... if you can show that biological polymers can spontaneously form under ANY conditions, it would be a huge step forward for abiogenesis theories.
Under ANY conditions? And you claim to know this stuff ... Science isn't god you know. We can't magicly allow protien's to exist in solution's where they wouldn't normally exist.
Truthseeka does have a rather good point. You do go on and on and on and on (think energizer bunny here) about ITD and all it's wonder's, yet ... nothing to show?
Where's the experiment's for how life CAN NOT occur naturally on it's own and REQUIRE'S a creator?
Why does IDT need to attack thing's science just hasn't discovered or fully explain yet?
See, the thing with science is, WE DON'T KNOW. We may never have all the answer's, but the answer's we do get, we can apply to everyday thing's. Create new technologies, new medicine's etc. Now ... that's a big one up for scientific method's if you ask me.
But ... what does the belief in a god bring us? So far ... holy war's, intollerance for another's belief's, ignorance etc. You may not be christian, but you do adhere to the belief in a diety of some sort's creating the universe and life within it right?
You may not choose to follow a particular religous belief system, but in a way, IDT should be treated as a new religion, especially if the IDT crowd want's to work around thing's without mentioning god himself. IDT is nothing more then plain old creationism.
Always has been, admitted by the very founder himself. Document's found proving IDT was created SOLEY to undermine our public schools and get a form of creationism taught to young children. I can send you a link to the document if you'd like.
And no, no bad church experience's. Just abit tired of having god shoved down my throat. Tired of the absolute truth's when they themselve's don't even have any verifiable proof in what they have faith in.
Originally posted by Produkt
So, with ID you do what ... look at a hand and say, yep that was designed so we could use tools? Or ... well the designer was just lazy when it came to human eye's byt made extra carefull he got the squid's done right? Exactly what does IDT have? So far, everything I've seen from ID is let's attack that and that and this right here so we can sound more plausible.
And ID IS creationism, just without the mention of god.
When you start fighting in court's to get that taught in our public school's that IS shoving it down our throat's.
Certainly not if you don't read it.
IDT doesn't explain anything,
it attack's thing's we don't know and says this right here equals designer because you guy's can't explain it ... yet.
Evolution isn't a religion, never has been. It's a theory with alot of strong evidence and proof's to back it up.
So much so that it shouldn't even be considered a theory, but unfortunatly since it does have gaps here and there we do have to call it a theory still despite everything showing it's validity.
Does ID have this same level of validity? No it doesn't.
Like you said, you can't prove a creator.
But if you can't prove a creator, then you can't prove a creator designed any of this.
No matter how much thing's appear to be 'suited' to our species on this planet, or even the universe seemingly being 'suited' for life does not imply that some one created it, even if you refuse to name him god.
We don't know what the conditions were pre-big bang, and we may never know. Science and those of faith alike. What we do know or can come to know is the conditions after the big bang that lead to life. ID is a religion, it's still the same old belief in a god, just without naming him as god or even giving him a name. All you've done is taken the glory away from him by not naming him.
Originally posted by Rasobasi420
Why is it that when a thread comes up as to the origins of the universe, it always ends up in a brawl.
I've seen so many threads turn into a melee between evolution and IDT (big ups to evolution). OF course it's all or nothing, side A and side B, no in between.
Originally posted by truthseeka
Mattison, you're lying.
Matter of fact, you just lied right here. First, you tell me that IC is a hypothesis that is not experimentally determined, then you turn around and tell Produkt that the hypotheses from ID are tested. Which is it, man?
You like to assume, too. You assume I know nothing about evolution.
That's fine, but let me assume as well. I'm going to assume that you are really a Christian using ID to push creationism.
Then, you imply that Produkt is young and immature while you make fun of my label like a 7 year old. You're a complicated guy.
THEN, you say that the human eye was not designed. I thought the vertebrate eye was one of the main things Behe used to argue for ID. Again, you're too complicated for me.
As for peer review papers, it seems Behe would disagree with you that they exist. I'll post a link later for you. Seems like someone is lying, either you or Behe. I'll assume it is you.
The problem with ID is that people say it is science. If people were using ID in a philosophical context, it wouldn't be as big as it is becoming. No one would criticize it as much. But, when you say it's science, you run into some problems.
The thing with ID is that the designer is fleetingly mentioned. If this is science, you can't just come up with a designer, then just abandon it. Even if the designer were aliens, you would eventually have to describe them. Bringing a designer into the equation is a big thing you gotta deal with. You just can't say nope, no need to describe the designer.
Nothing in ID says that the human eye was designed... something I wouldn't have to point out to you if you'd bother to read some for yourself.
BTW, this 'imperfect eye' design has to be one of lamest arguments I've ever heard. What is something about the retina becoming detached... how often does this happen? I don't think I've heard of it... I'll bet it happens less than say most other genetically inherited conditions. And what about the blind spot... apparently the design was perfected by the time it got to me, because I don't have a blind spot. I don't even know what this 'blind spot' argument refers to.
Okay... by your standard... evolution is a creation theory without god. In fact, it's very specfically a creation theory that excludes god.
This is a misconception based on the fact the only thing you know about IDT you've probably read here, or maybe in your local paper, or maybe on the TO site. You wouldn't dare to crack open something that Dembski or Behe wrote and evaluate it for yourself... too much of a challenge to your world view.
ID operates perfectly well within the realm of certain evolutionary theories.
Like for example, you'd probably know that Behe supports the common descent of apes and man... that is if you'd bothered to open up a book.
That's why ID doesn't attempt to do this.
Well absolute proof is not a feature of ANY origins theory, abiogenesis and ET included. They are all speculation and inference. But you can find evidence suggestive of design, just like you can find evidence that suggests something needn't have been designed... the door swings both ways. Behe commented on systems that don't exhibit features of design in DBB.