What single person is responsibility for killing more people throughout history that any other. More that Ceasar, more that Hitler, more that Genghis
Kahn - GOD....
if u are talking about the christian god i'd call that hypocritical of your religiousness, as i recall gods plan is for people to do good but satans
corruption can screw up his plan and make ppl do other stuff, isn't that how it goes??
i'd say more people have been killed in the name of God than any other entity
however in my belief of "god" (i dun call it god but tahts the equivalent i guess) this statement would be true because i think "god" is
You know what, BULLSHYTE! God has never been inside
the Creation as himself. Don't follow that line of thought,
well free-will son! God don't kill people, people kill people.
God is a parental deity. Is it Jeffrey Dahmer's parents fault
that they had a kid despite his insanity as a horrifying
sickness of mind?
Wouldn't it be so much easier to just respect the big guy,
and save your intellect for topics that can be debated with
'proofs?' Faith means that belief is relied upon alone, not
a fair or sturdy argument is it? Who wants to waste that
much energy disputing an unproveable? Love God or don't.
That is personal. Speaking for him though as a user of less
than 20 % of its mind? Are you crazy?
Regardless, if anyone can actually mediate the mentality of
a dog from human complexity and/or extend beyond modern
psychology constructs, then I will let them talk about sentience
and the like. Until then, God let's me create my own reality and
I don't fear retribution, hell, or the fear-crap that blurs the
spirit of the divine.
Lucifer is right.
You have know one you blame for your problems than yourselves.
Was it god that Told Ghenis Khan to kill the millions he killed?
Was it God that mad the Black man slaves in the early 1900's?
Was it God that have orders to America to drop an Atomic Bomb over Japan?
God seems like the perfect scapegoat to absolute ignorant mind.
You forget, Alien. We are human, we need a scape-goat, although, good, point, its just as it's said, "it's easier to point the finger at an enemy
who can't defend themselves, but its harder to point on at them when their holding a gun to your head, as they're saying, "do you believe now".
and no man can(or hardly many)fathom the ability god has when he works through us to achieve great positive things...
stop resenting yourself for you actions, forgive yourself...
you are not perfect and are a man of imperfections...
realize that and you will have opened up many new doors you thought once were sealed shut...
I don't expect myself to be perfect but if I disliked something that someone or anyone was doing I would not kill them. I have it in my heart to
forgive which is what I was taught through church. Why was it then when God was displeased with man that he flooded out the earth killing everyone
except Noah and his family. Among this there are many accounts of God displeasure with man that he would wipe out cities etc. I don't blame God for
the killing that man does.
who wants to die and go to heaven? so isn't dying better than living for the true believer?
rule number one: life is pain.
all there is are lessons.
we cannot fathom the infinite.
I'd like to die and get to heaven when my time comes. It is how we live this life and what decisions we make, on where we go from here, this is our
test and training ground. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Satan is responsible for the fighting between men as before the fall there was peace in the 'garden.'
God does not interfere in the affairs of man because the body is a perishable container for the soul. It is the soul that matters and not your body.
God is concerned with soul advancement but if all you people want to be defiant and reject him then he will let satan rape you.
And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of
the air. Gen.6:7
Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven. Gen.19:24
"And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him." Gen.38:7
Would you like more examples of when God has killed man?
From the (heresay)? of organized religion
I BELIEVE, this G-D you accuse, found that his creation
& human activity had gone destructive/decadent/evil in many forms....like mutants from demons' seed & sexual perversions, ...
the G-D merely cleaned house... Fumigated the place...
decreased mans life span, set up new rules for governance & social interaction & health diet etc etc
me thinks a couple of night-school classes would be OK
or go to: www.reasons.org...
I think there's an article on the flood there...along with some other items, espousing another , different, Point-Of-View !!
'enjoy' the journey...( don't make it a trail of sorrow ) eh
my view holds that the mass of humanity chose the path of destruction.
if the G-D you accuse was the instrument of their demise, then tough cookies....they (pre flood populations) walked their walk, with a time-bomb
strapped on .
BESIDES, back then, when human populations lived longer, inter-bred to a point of self destruction, became immoral and loving every kind of evil...the
flood story-->
probably only affected those living in the Black Sea Valley, maybe 500,000 humans....but time/history/MYTH has enlarged that 'local' catastrophe, at
the behest of the religions which SELL salvation, to BECOME the global EPIC, aka Flood Story of Today.....