It is interesting that Chicken pointed out that Jesus' name came from Jezus Khristos or whatever because in fact Khristos is a title not a last
name...meaning "Lord" in a literal sense, not as in "The Lord" but as in a lord of an area.
Assuming that Jesus was the first born he'd be no different then the Lord Buddha giving up his riches to preach a belief...especially sense Jesus was
a carpenter at the time which means he was indeed very wealthy because anyone with such a talent would have had much influence in a village area.
Also Jesus's parents had to travel to pay taxes, back in the day only Lords or wealthy personages paid such important taxes, the commoners would pay
their locality's lord and he'd pay further up the chain of command, the beginnings of feudalism.
That all supports the fact that Jesus was indeed and important man already, and it had nothing to do with his preachings, for one, in a time of such
strong religious control, it would seriously TAKE a Lord to get any followers.
It would also explain how Jesus managed to perform so many "miracles" such as feeding masses...he didn't perform miracles, he simply had the money
to feed the masses, and rare for the time, chose to do so.
This would also explain the many servants of Joseph and Mary, such as the one who's hand was taken when she doubted Mary was still a virgin, and
so....tested her
This would also lead to the fact of "who cares" just as now no one could care less except for the parents if the two had a child out of wedlock, but
because they were of important families, it was a public matter and had to be hidden....who knows where the "virgin mary" thing did come from. It
could simply be an invention of the church, they invented a lot.
This would also most importantly explain why it took so long for jesus to be executed, the Romans can't just go around and slaughter nobles of the
land, this would cause civil unrest, and for those of you who live outside a world of the bible, the Romans before the Empire weren't too privy to
civil wars.
An also interesting note is Jesus's time setting, it's only been an old man's story of the time of one of the Greatest men to have ever lived,
Ceasar, and I am uncertain but isn't Augustus still in power? Who brought much peace to Rome and began the Empire...hmm the deciples of jesus were
very well travelled were they not? I wonder if Jesus could have become the "sole benifactor" of the events of the time, later on, and the deciples
simply wrote what was going on.
If you can't tell, aside from that Jesus was a Lord a noble...if you will, and not some impoverished peasant, the rest of all I just me
thinking out loud :p give comments, my knowledge of real history and biblical history of that particular time varies greatly (I have no biblical
history of that time) but it's interesting they never mention Augustus as anybody in the they?
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