posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 12:50 AM
Originally posted by Saltman
Well, regardless of its engineering capabilities, you have to remember that quantum events take certain equipment to view, and at best are not
viewable at all, if any! Quantum theory is based on wave function. Maybe you could show them a few graphs and relate the graphs to something they know
like trigonometry. I would recommend you build something up to scale.
You are stuck at best with pictures and abstract thoughts/theories and their explination.
My opinion:
I'm not even sure such a demonstration would succeed in doing much. To understand a theory such a quantum mechanics (and not a single phenomena)
takes a fairly good understanding of math, facts derived from certain experiments, etc. I know people that have been hung up on algebra and chemistry
for years, at the indtroduction levels, despite having several textbooks, professors, tutoring, etc.
I think you will generate a lot of "ooo's" and "aaaahhh's", but outside of the few minutes after the demonstration, people will wane interest. I
think you are, more likely than not, going to 'mystify' people rather than demistify them if you can find an experiment. Most people here on ATS who
think they are interested in QT, get hung up on certain semantical and philosophic debates and never seem to move much further. It truely takes the
desire and a strong urge to learn QT, as well as years of math instruction.
Hope you find an idea.