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Low flying lights in Kent England

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posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 12:13 PM

A good friend of mine and i enjoy ntohing more than driving out to a secluded area and starwatching or looking for UFO's we have seen some things but have usually explained them to ourselves. the other night whilst driving back home we stopped at a petrol station to get some food and drove to a car park nearby to eat it and have a general 'put the world to rights session'

We were talking about UFO's and alien encounters and as i said to him i was having a hard time to believe when i hadnt seen anything, the car shook and 2 tiny balls flashing red green and bue shot past VERY close (around 10inches) to the ground then instantly dissapeared i thought i had imagined it but when i turned to look at my friend he was completly white shaking, we have now gone there almost everynight but not seen anything like it since, there are strretlights nearby and we could see it wasnt a RC car or anything it was litterally a ball of light flashing VERY bright vivid colors

Has anyone experienced anything like this or know of any theories, the only thing we could think of was it was a probe of some sorts, or perhaps a lifeform of pure energy they were completely silent no noise although afterwards we both said we couldnt hear anything at all as they went past not even the car engine or wind it was as if we were deafened by something(i study music tech and have heard certain tones are not audible to humans but will deafen you for a time)

Any help much appreciated we go there every night and take a camera if we do manage to snap a photo ill post it

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 12:19 PM
I live in Kent, Canterbury to exact.

i tell you what, something is going on...cause i keep seeings odd things night after night. I am under the impression that something is being tested in our air. The UK stealth fighter is in the South East, so it may be that.

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 12:21 PM
Can you describe the lights more ?

How big where they?

How far away were they from you ?

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by lost_shaman
Can you describe the lights more ?

How big where they?

How far away were they from you ?

guessing, they tend to be flying over the Army barracks, which is just up the road from my house. Its on a hill. I am in the flight line with Manston airport, but those lights are not comerical airline lights.

Sometime a triangle shape, others move apart and come together...then just disappear. But something odd is going on.

[edit on 24-2-2006 by infinite]

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 02:11 PM
I put a post on here yesturday talking about the same kind of thing

There was 6 of us traveling through Norwich in a minibus on some road in the countryside.

1 of us saw some kind of craft hover above our taxi so we all looked out of our windows and and couldnt believe what we saw. It was amazing and I will never forget it for the rest of my life

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 06:10 PM
No this didnt fly over is it was lower than us id say the size of a football(soccer ball) it was literally 10 inches maybe less of the ground it was VERY close
i still cant get over the deafening sound its was so surreal they were travelling so softly if that makes sense no jerking just a dead flat line

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 12:28 AM
I had a similar experience , in that I also witnessed a Ball of light around the size maybe little bigger than what you are saying you saw.

What my friends and I witnessed was making no noise however. It also was close to the ground at times. Although the one we saw flew into the air and shot across an open field and hovered near my car for about five minutes before flying away.

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