Thanks Ross! For those of you who want to listen to the rest of the show, here's the summary of my show for this week:
The entire show has been posted to's podspace in different segments to allow people to listen to whichever bits they want. The
Topics this week include:
In the Totalitarian Tiptoe segment:
- an article relating to the 'Help defend Australia from Terrorism' campaign by the NSA in Australia, and the ever increasing occurence of paranoia
in the government and populace, as planned by the illuminati
- an article relating to the VeriChip and how it is part of the illuminati plot to control us all
- articles relating to the abu ghraib atrocities, and the problem-reaction-solution formula of the illuminati to bring about a 'peace-making' (not
peace-KEEPing) world government
- articles relating to the ever increasing amount of 'demand' for added monitoring security in the world, just like in George Orwell's '1984'
In the Aliens, UFOs, and other Strange Phenomena segment:
- the Project Serpo internet rumour
In the Tech Talk segment:
- 'ChemBusters' using orgone energy to disperse chemtrails
- HAARP technology and it's uses in electrical wireless transmission, and its use as a global mind control facility
In NrKy Hits The Streets:
- wasn't able to get hold of a portable mic this week, hopefully by next week I can have some Skype interviews done, so I just waffled on for a
little bit this week, instead
In This Week In podcasting space (podspace):
- two new podcasters coming in from ATS chat
- some text-to-speech fun in the BelowTopSecret humour feed
- one of my 'I'm going crazy' posts from a late night lack of sleep session
- some EXCELLENT music by Majic, which reminds me of the music from the legend of zelda