posted on Oct, 30 2002 @ 10:53 PM
Broadcasting whether or not Bush won the election fairly seems to be a moot point...I'd say the better question would be, "How do we get him *out*
of office?"
If we could find some way of presenting the truth of corrupt politics to a wide majority of citizens, we could clean out that corruption in a
reasonably short period of time...Without bloodshed (Or at least, little enough bloodshed that I could still sleep peacefully on most nights).
If the majority of citizens were to face the government with the demands to bring our Founding Documents back into play & *fire* them from their jobs,
they'd probably laugh in our faces...Until we reply that, until our demands have been met by *our employees*, we'll be witholding their pay (IE:
refuse to pay the taxes). If money is all they'll listen to, then we must give them a reason to listen.