posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 12:57 PM
Years ago I saw one near my gradmother's house and my Mom's house late @ night. (I think this also included an encounter with them, whoever or
whatever they were on that ship. ) I have some memories that were very strange, the whole experience was backwards, meaning my memory is starting from
finding myself awake and alert at the foot of my bed reaching for my nightgown that was at the foot of the bed, the one I had put on when I had gotten
in the bed earlier.
I ran to the window, forgetting the gown, I felt as though I was moving in slow motion. I was nude and looking at the UFO from my bedroom window, I
was positively giddy because I had fooled them and was breaking the rules, I was not supposed to be watching. Finally because I was so cold I turned
around and put my gown back on, half expecting it to be gone when I looked back out but no it was still there. I stood there until the cold (no heat
in the house, wood in the stove had long since burned out) and the fear overwhelmed me. Hubby who was a light sleeper could not be awakened no matter
how many times I shook him or smacked him.
We, my mom and my grandmother all live in the same little area, our three homes are built near one another. The UFO, or as I dubbed it the jolly green
giant, for some reason I named it for a favorite commercial from childhood, was hovering for quite sometime over the little creek that runs between
the two properties.
Everyday for a week I would visit my Mom with intentions of telling her about it, and asking if she or my granny had seen or heard anything. Everyday
I would forget to ask, though that was my sole purpose for vsiting. I was young then and forgetting such a question was totally unlike me.
Finally I realized I had some sort of a mental block and would forget no matter how any times I visited with the intention of asking and wrote myself
a note. I clutched the wadded up note in my hand and just like before forgot to ask. Finally just as I was leaving I realized I had the paper in my
hand and pulled it out of my sweaty fist, thinking I had wrote something for her, straightened it and read her the question outloud straight from the
note. Only after reading the question did I reall the experience.
She said no but was interested, she and I discussed it and I literally felt like I should not talk about it, like I would be in trouble for talking
about it.