posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 06:43 PM
Cabanman, I never said you had never seen a UFO. I was merely replying to your hypothesis that children are somehow under a different influence
of UFOs.
I myself have seen UFOs - twice. Those two times are the only times I have been left unexplainable, however, I realize to myself that it is POSSIBLE
(though not necessarily IS) that there were other causes both of these times which I am either unaware of, or am not accepting. For instance, I've
had an abduction experience. Only one. Despite how real it seems to ME though, I have to accept the possibility that it was a dream.
Recently, actually, I've discovered something that lends weight to my experience actually having been a dream. I found that during a recent brief
period of lucidity in one of my dreams, when I tried to scream/shout as loud as I could in my dream, I was unable to. I tried as hard as I could, but
I simply wasn't able to pull off anything more than a faint whimper.
I beleive this is because the act of screaming/shouting is a very difficult task on the body. This is why it's very hard to do strenuous tasks whilst
dreaming. Ever try having a fist-fight with someone in your dreams? Notice how slow your punches seem? How weak they are? This is because your mind's
trying to do the action in real life, but the natural nueral suppressants that keep you from twitching in real life suppress your ability to do these
So, I related that feeling of inability to scream in my dream, to my inability to scream when I was in my abduction experience. I discovered that the
two were amazingly familiar. The same feeling of having the air, but almost like something tightening and stopping you from letting it go in one big
So, I'm just saying that one has to remember to approach things with a constantly critical mind. Right now you may consider your 20 UFOs as being
only explainable by paranormal phenomena - but always leave yourself that little shelf-case of doubt - that little bit of humility to have the pants
to say to yourself "maybe it wasn't". Once again, I'm not saying you HAVEN'T encountered 20 of these UFOs, but think hard on them and try to
explain each and every one to yourself. See if there's discrepancies. Even if you can't figure out what it IS, can you figure out what it is not?
And finally, I don't beleive you to be an Indigo Child. I was only making referance to them, and the following dismal of them, because you made
referance to them.