posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 10:18 AM
Corn based ethanol fuel
Regenerative Electro Magnetic Drive Assist
Electro Hydrogyen Converters
All coming to a GM dealer near you. Nothing really ground breaking or Alien tech.
GW's speech about winging American's off their addiction to oil was a subversive message to get the American public ready to buy more "be Green go
Yellow" cars manufactured by US based Companies.
The oil industry lobbyist failed to win over the major parties that used to back them, with the show down in the middle east and the possible surge in
China oil demands, we as a Country must look forward to reduce our dependancy for foreign oil. So all those cool technologies that we have had for
more then 15 years but were supressed because of the oil lobbyist are now going to get more funding and the ok to release for consumer "white hat"
research and development.
We are in the last 4 years of the conventional gas engine dominancy of the US auto market. Begining in 2010 the ratio of "go Green" vehicles in the
US auto makers line will be higher then conventional gas vehicles.
It is the only way we will be able to fend off the foreign economic impact of higher crude oil prices due to tensions and possible (lack of
production, hint hint) coming from the middle east.
The PTB will not lose control of the being the World Super Power without a fight and without trying to implement and prepare for the future. They have
not run this country for more then 220 years by being stupid and lack of future planning. Many steps were taken in our Countrys growth to preserve the
power base. The history of man and actions throughout the world have all taken place in accordance to the grand scheme.
So do not be alarmed, it is as it was planned to be. There are no suprises in this life when dealing with the PTB just minor "adjustments" that need
to happen to correct the "course". Even the unrest in the middle east is being controlled and moderated and manicured on a global scale so that the
proper outcome comes into play.
Do not fear, everyone of us is just another link in the "factory" to generate wealth for the PTB.
They have our well fare in mind for the most part to keep the system turning. Even the lies and deceptions have their places in satisfying portions of
the population that will not rest without questioning, that will not take the face value and let it be. So "great" mysteries were created through
out history so that man would have something to constantly question yet have no solid answers for.
The Mayan Ruins, the Pyramids at Giza, Easter Island, Coral Castle, The Nazca (?) Lines, The Grand Pyramids and the avenue of Death in Mexico,
Stonehenge, the North American Copper Mines, Rpswell and many more have all had their histories altered by generations of the "ruling" so that
mankind would have something to ponder about, distractions, the more time and energy we spend turning our wheels and hypothesising the less time and
energy we as a race can spend on looking out into the vastness or peering into the sub atomic matrix that assembles life.
Our whole history has been a game to deceive us. We will never know how or why the Sphynix was built because the real history was long ago wiped clean
on purpose so that it would be forever an enigma. The great Pharohs knew this and commanded that all traces of its construction be wiped clean, that
no inscription shall be made, least the writer be dead and all works of the recount be destroyed. The pharohs knew that for them to live eternally
then their works must be marlved at for enternity as an enigma.
There was once and may still exist today a blood line of "ancient people" that knew far more about the universe then we do today.
Or what we see as enigmas are merely the result of one decision that thousands of years later we have no record of.
A servant to a Pharoh may have suggested that no trace of the construction details remain, lest another Pharoh find them a build a Pyramid greater
then yours. And a decision then being made to protect ones ego or stature ruled that all evidence of its construction details and methods be
Let the finish product speak for itself. For all to admire for enternity. A Pharoh may have demanded.
We might have very well rediscoverd how they were built but since we have no proof that is indeed the method they used we are forced only to ponder if
it was really so.....
Let your self only be amazed by the wonderment of its construction not on the hypothesis of what may or may not have had to happen for it to be
And then you may understand that the only answer that is possible is that we may never know.