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'New' souls v 'Old' souls..

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posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 03:34 PM
I often try to figure out how it is possible for people in this world to be so incredibly the likes of Hitler, Saddam, serial murderers etc.

If you look at it simply (and if you believe in reincarnation etc)....we are here each lifetime to learn, correct? Therefore, do you think it is possible that "new" souls who have learned nothing whatsoever about good and evil are able accept within themselves that it is ok to murder/steal etc and hence the individual ego deems it to be "ok" to do so without consequence (in the infinate scheme of things)? Then, as we live more lives and are given reviews at the end of each life to learn from our mistakes/wrongs - that these souls are taught to be "good"?

Perhaps it is just me trying to find some reasonable explanation for the evil I see in the news every single day, perhaps not. Perhaps, its possible that the evil people just simply don't know any better because their souls know nothing to begin with.


posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 03:44 PM

Perhaps it is just me trying to find some reasonable explanation for the evil I see in the news every single day, perhaps not. Perhaps, its possible that the evil people just simply don't know any better because their souls know nothing to begin with.

The most famous metaphysician to explore this theory is Helena Blavatsky.
She says new souls have no conscious nor any karma built up and the older souls 'need' to help them create karma, but I have a problem with this. If you are facing a raging serial killer or a hitler, unless I have my HK 91 fully loaded, I will not help them do anything but start over.
She predicted there will be more and more new souls, and that our future shall become even more criminal and this truly is what has happening and seems overpopulation is composed of a lot of new souls.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 04:06 PM
Take the concept of time out of the equation and you don't have such a thing as "old soul" or "new soul". Just multiple experiences. People can sometimes remember future lives, in addition to past lives. I think the only reason it's not as common is because there is less we can relate to in our current experience.

I'm not sure about karma transferring to other lives, but I won't rule that out just yet. At this moment in time I'm thinking the possibility for such is minimal. There is plenty of "karma" dealt out in this life in most cases, though for the likes of Hitler perhaps, we should make an exception.

As far as the whole good vs. bad thing... I don't look at it that way anymore. Personally, I chose the "good" route, because it simply seems more fulfilling. For those who choose the "bad" route, they don't necessarily have it easy, or at least as enjoyable.

Life is easier when you think of it as a game. Don't limit yourself with man-made rules, or expectations for others to play as "honorably" as you do. You either play to win, or you don't. Though in the game of life, I believe you can win by playing nice.

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 03:12 AM
The question is not "why are some people evil", but it is "why do you percieve them as evil?". Dichotamy of the everlasting, man made concept of what is good and evil. If you still belief that there is the dividing of good and evil then that individual has to "learn" a lot in that regard. Good vs Evil doesn't excist to begin with. Nothing philosophical about it. Things just ARE untill you use your own Moral values and personality traits to give a value/opinion about something. Thus making something evil or good in your perception of the event, because it conflicts with your personal ideals. You're judging someone/thing by your own standards...and what makes your standards better then that of the person next to you?
A nice discussion about The good vs Evil Concept

Hitler was the same as you. He had his own ideals who he thought were right. And many people thought the same. His ideas just conflict with what. There are a fair amount of people who don't like your ideals in similar fashion. Does that make them evil just because they see the world different then you do?

The whole Karma thing...drop it. It's useless to begin with. There is no ancient karma that needs to be resolved over time. There is no 3-fold payback from the universe. the law of attraction states that you get what you focus on, you focus on negative things and you will send out vibrations which will attract just that. You might feel guilty about what you did, thus attraction more harm which you will interpetate as 3-fold payback or karmic return. But in fact you are harming yourself. explains more about LoA.

Besides Karma is an Eastern thing, and as with everything that comes from the East (like yoga and reiki)...the Western World has no idea how to use it properly and thus bastardize the entire systems by making it work by western thought. Which also means that the changes made also made sure that the Western practices of it all got 0 effect.

Next to that we're not here to "learn life lessons". We're here to experience and such. "being good" and taking the easy route? come on, surely you know that taking the easy route won't teach you a damn thing. True lessons come from hardships. this doesn't mean your entire life should be filled with junk however. You can't understand what good is untill you truly experienced the bad/evil, and that means more then just having a #ty childhood or having a hard time in puberty (which is just natural course of events. something everyone goes through when they start to find out who they truly are)

[edit on 21-2-2006 by Enyalius]

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by Enyalius
The question is not "why are some people evil", but it is "why do you percieve them as evil?". Dichotamy of the everlasting, man made concept of what is good and evil. If you still belief that there is the dividing of good and evil then that individual has to "learn" a lot in that regard. Good vs Evil doesn't excist to begin with. Nothing philosophical about it. Things just ARE untill you use your own Moral values and personality traits to give a value/opinion about something. Thus making something evil or good in your perception of the event, because it conflicts with your personal ideals. You're judging someone/thing by your own standards...and what makes your standards better then that of the person next to you?

Very interesting. I've not thought of it quite like that and you've given me a lot to think about. What you say makes sense to me in some way. I gotta decipher it somewhat but I'm following what you mean in essence.

Cheers Enyalius

mod edit: shortened quote

[edit on 22-2-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 04:02 AM
Very surprised at the wisdom being posted here, it's quite similar to my thinking. I guess that's why i think it's wise : P
Nothing to add really apart from that fact that i agree.
Yes, i think Karma is misunderstood and is in fact quite different to what it is thought to be like traditionally.
Yes there is no good and evil, only cause and effect.
Old souls and New souls had always confused me a little in the past, until i read up about this concept of time as stated above. It does make sense, and adds clarity to the very confusing idea of new and old souls.
To make it more confusing, or more clear, i'm not sure which one -
It has been said that there are infinite timelines and realities, everything that can happen has happened and will happen. Add this onto the fact there is no such thing as time as we know it and everything is happening all at once in a sense, and you get an instant blip of infinity right there. Kind of makes you want to throw the whole idea of new and old souls out the window doesn't it. Too confusing.

Keep in mind, an 'evil' person may only be fulfilling his purpose and that is to show you or even a country the opposite ends of the scale. Experiences which are necessary it seems.

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 04:47 AM
There is some great information on the Net regarding Karma. I would recommend to type in "Google" the word "Gita". It is the Holy Book in Hindu Mythology and is said to be spoken by Lord Krishna. I have copied a site which gives an idea of the discussion, on a battle field of Good vs Evil.
I would however recommend a read of any article on Gita to understand the individuals before you read the below site.

Hope this gives some useful information.


posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 05:26 AM
it's Bhagavad-Gita by the way. It's written in sanskrit.
Also read up on Yoganada and Babaji while you're at it

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 03:14 AM
Great addition. It is correct, it is Bhagvat Gita.

On Sri Paramahansa Yoganand, there is a fantastic book, "Autobiography of a Yogi" Not sure if you can view it on the website. Great read on Yoganandji and his guru Yukteshwar followed by his Guru Lahari Mahasay. It is to whom the immortal Babaji forwarded some great information on Kriya yoga which they teach at their ashrams. Some great information of the course too.

Just adding to the information

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 05:17 AM
Good and evil, or construction and destruction. Power, which is control.

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 05:25 AM
which is noncense.

treu control comes from not wanting control to begin with.


posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 05:57 AM
Old and new ones...
Lately i had an experience - where i stood in the exact same situation as previous lifetime. Stunned - and chocked over this life. I found myself standing, looking into one of my walls in my home.
I didn't see a ghost i didn't see my Aura - i just realized i stood like that over 100 years ago...In another place and life.
Just staring at some furniture - as if time stood still - chocked to be alive, to exist and to realize this whole show we go through... More i cannot tell.

The thing is... Who is to blame for our problems and suffering...On all cases of life?
It's like the Cartoons... Who hit the Extreme Mulims..With Bonus charge..And death in the trail. First they blame Denmark - then they blame the guy who made the cartoon - what is next? It looks like they forgot to blame themselves...
Where in the Koran does it say!!! That Muhammed must not be pictured?? If anyone could tell us that - then this whole idea of The Evil west would disappear... Cause i have heard - that NOWHERE IN THE KORAN DOES IT SAY THE MUHAMMED MUST NOT BE PICTURED. - furthermore i have heard - that nowhere in the Koran does it say that woman has to carry a sack over their heads all life..

The case about Old souls and new ones - is that of Blaming other sources, of ones trouble or negative moods...
Old souls tend to blame themselves first - rather than find an object or another person to blame...
It's called figuring out how things works - or howcome stuff happends.

That means looking inside - But if that has anything to do with New or old i cannot say - it sure does have something to do with the good and Evil question...

Cause who does a serialkiller Blame? Who did Hitler Blame -

You see - It all ends up in parents - which also had parents to blame which had the past to blame..and so the chain goes on since the beginning of mankind. And during our lifetime - we can't help not to blame others or outside influence for our trouble..

Figure out - Why one cannot breath normal in high altitude.To make it simpel...We tend to blame the lack of oxygene. Or that we can't breath under water - we tend to blame the water.

That is what it is all about. That is the creation of "Evil" or "Good"

Or we could use the word "Jugde" - Just have a look at the wars... Are someone looking for somebody the Blame? Isn't that what we have to learn about our human existance..?
Who deside who to blame?

Still i think it has something to do with something being keept secret for humans on Earth. Some call them UFO's

[edit on 22-2-2006 by Ram]

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by Enyalius
which is noncense.

treu control comes from not wanting control to begin with.

If anyone understood that they must have a rock for a head, but then again you are from 'The Netherlands'. I suggest you use a dictionary and your head next time when posting a comment.

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by sanse_nz
the likes of Hitler, Saddam, serial murderers etc.

Saddam? Evil? Not as evil as the British and American soliders torturing prisoners and their leaders causing chaos in the east.

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by sanse_nz
the likes of Hitler, Saddam, serial murderers etc.

Saddam? Evil? Not as evil as the British and American soliders torturing prisoners and their leaders causing chaos in the east.

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 08:33 AM
Wel the whole concept of new and old souls goes out the window with me because of my belief on time which is similar to what tOby said, infinite realities all existing at the same time. Time as I see it is to let us experience each eperience fully, a friend helped explain that to me and I find it true.

As for power, it's useless. Knowledge may be power but power definately isn't control. Wisdom would be control. Here's the question though. Why are you seeking power?

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 08:56 AM
before humans could speak, acts of what we call evil were being carried out against man. We are more domesticated nowadays, and see these primitive acts as evil.

i personally am over domesticated, meaning it breaks my heart to hear of abuses towards people and animals, torture, rape, and murder.

I don't believe in reincarnation, i used to, but these people that are evil, are because of nature. we are all animals, we are just more intelligent, meaning we invent things and evolve.
hitler, mousalini, castro, tsung, aristide, ect were and are very primitive in mind, they are all self serving, narcissistic, and controlling, which creates greed and gluttonous personalities, killing, stealing, murdering, you name it, they will do it in order to gain something that means alot to them, whether it be prestige, money, temporary gratification, ect.
but it will also be their downfall, nobody in history has ever come out on top with those qualities. king henry was the same way, does family history have anything to do with it? that is another argument, nature vs nurture.

i do think that re incarnation, if one were to believe in it, would bring these evil people back as dung beetles or something worse because you have to take in the reincarnation law of karma. you get back 3x worse or better whatever you gave out. i'm sure they are just amoeba's now. or a skunk that got run over 10 times and then died a slow and painful death.

also, old sould vs new souls, i think that just has to do with people's willingness to learn as much as they can. the more you know, the more well rounded you are, and the more well rounded you are, the wiser you are, and the more 'old' one may seem.

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Killer 5
As for power, it's useless. Knowledge may be power but power definately isn't control. Wisdom would be control. Here's the question though. Why are you seeking power?

First off...what has my location to do with Encablossa being unable to understand aspects of life. It's not me with a rock for a head, but he who generalises without understanding what he's talking about. Thus his ego comes into play seeing that his "statement" lacks foundations, losing to the ego, and making the discussion personal trying to discredit the individual instead of their statements.

Back on topic reply on Killer

People seek power because they are weak in personality. They feel the need to control as much as possible in their lives, including other people to a certain degree. The law of atraction is quite simple in this. Seeking power is seeking unhappiness, should I explain why? No learn to think for yourself. Only people, young in soul at this time, won't understand.

The only person and thing you can excercise power and control over are you and your personality/emotions. Untill you are truly in control of those aspects you aren't in control of anything. Seeking control and power is lacking something in life, send out this in vibration and you'll get only more of that which you are short of. Thus unhappiness.

If you don't feel the need to control, you don't have a lack of anything, thus you get everything.

Knowledge will only lead to wisdom by putting the knowledge into action and live it so you can experience it in practice instead of shere theory. Wisdom wil lead to power and control over the self (personality and emotions and everything around you).

[edit on 22-2-2006 by Enyalius]

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 09:32 AM
If i can just chime in to say, please stay 'on topic' and cease with the bickering.



posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 02:44 AM
i had a dream 3 nights ago -
Some voice from beound told me the stranges story.. And i have only come to conclude it has something to do with conspiracy..

It was really weird...And also made me consider that the memory i have of previous lifetimes - might be some sort of holografic picture that an an early stage of my life came alive. In other words my memory might be wrong..and i agree that reaincarnation can be a rescue platform for me - but originally it was just a memory.

The person in the dream - oh my..lo*
Said something like this: " We don't know for sure if we are reborn again - We don't know if John F. Kennedy will be reborn - He choose a spot to be born in - But we don't know if he will be reborn"

The voice allmost sounded like they where looking for him..hehe...That was such a weird dream. Like they had send out a search team - in heaven to look for John F. kennedy.. Like "where the heck is he?"

I know it might be a bit of topic - but...

[edit on 23-2-2006 by Ram]

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