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666=Jesus Christ?

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posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 09:32 AM

144,000/6/6/6 = ?

144,000 is the next number after 666 in Revelation.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 09:34 AM
666 is carbon

atomic number = 6

( 6 protons )
( 6 electrons )
( 6 neutrons )

our bodies are carbon based/organic chemistry.
as such, they give out and give up our ghost so they can re-enter the carbon life cycle that is our death on the smaller wheel but the life of our Mother Earth on the larger wheel.

our death is her life! our carbon based shells decay and provide nourishment and energy until they are completely absorbed into the living environment, from which they arise in new and fresh configurations, including newborn babies!

our bodies - our FLESH, as mentioned in this post by BadMojo, are "the beast" and it is the part of us that does know death but it is not the death of the soul - only the body.

Jesus experienced that same death - on the cross he was subject to the mortality of his beast-body, based on the carbon atom and it's wide ranging ability to make covalent bonds with so many other elements...


the number of a man - NOT the number of the man, that is, of the angel - as mentioned later on in Revelation:

And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.
(Revelation 21:17)

here's proof that we are all the beast, in part:

Ecclesiastes 3:
(18) I said in my heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts.
(19) For that which befalls the sons of men befalls beasts; even one thing befalls them: as the one dies, so dies the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man has no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity.
(20) All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.
(21) Who knows the spirit of man that goes upward, and the spirit of the beast that goes downward to the earth?

the SPIRIT of MAN goes upward...and the spirit of the beast goes downward to the earth!

the spirit of man comes from GOD the father who is pure spirit - therefore there is where it returns when released from the body.

and the body is the beast - and the spirit of that body/beast goes downward back into the earth when it is no longer quickened by the spirit of man - back to Mother Earth from which it came - the ultimate in efficiency when it comes to recycling !!!
our bodies are matter from our true Mother
our souls are spirit from our true Father

body = beast = death
soul = spirit = life

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by queenannie38
WHAT ABOUT THE 144,000 ?
What’s in the number 144 or 144,000 ? 72 x 2=144. In Rev. 21:17, we find the measurement of the wall of the holy city, New Jerusalem. This is not a literal skyscraper city somewhere in another part of the universe, that will one day float down to the Middle East. (That is a very dangerous and erroneous teaching.) Verses 9-10 clearly states that the New Jerusalem is the Bride, the Lamb’s wife. Furthermore, Jesus told us that we are the city set on a hill.
The measurements of the wall (realm) in this metaphysical city is 144 cubits. 144 cubits = 300 ft or 72 yards, this is the measure of a man. God has given us the 5-fold Ministry to grow us up “..unto a Perfect (complete-mature) Man, unto the Measure of the stature of the Fullness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:13 As stated early, 72 denotes Fullness.
At the end of Revelation 13 we are introduced to the mark, name and number of the beast, which certain individuals will have IN, not on their right hand or forehead. Revelation 14 opens with the 144,000 on a Mystical Place of Worship called Mt. Zion, they have their Father’s name written IN their foreheads.
These are Initiates of the Cosmic Mystery School of Prophets. They have ascended to the Mt. Zion Experience by way of Jacob’s Ladder. Step by step taking on the divine names/attributes of God, changing the sequences that dictates physical limitations and death. (When we descended to come to this lower vibration, we forget those names each step spiraling downward). The 144,000 - Symbolic of the 72 Initiates during Moses time and the 72 Initiates during Jesus time. 1000 denotes rest from the works of the flesh: also a number of no end.
The 144,000 are the Overcomers, Sons and Daughters of God, the Manchild. A people no longer striving in themselves, they are redeemed from the earth, no longer bound by the drives of the earth nature/flesh. They are not taken off the earth. They are not contaminated by women (religious, carnal teachings, traditions), they are spiritual virgins. They are God’s Tithe, not following man, but the Lamb. They have tapped into the Christ within and are expressing Him. Another interesting thing, they have harps. The harp is associated with the prophetic, utterance of mysteries and dark sayings. Ps.78:2-3 The 144,000 are singing a song that no carnally minded person can learn. This is the sacred song that the ancient prophetic Levitical Choir sang. They sang the unprouncible name of God, the Tetragramation (YHWH) using the 7-10 mystical vowels; all 72 names of God which equals 72. We thank God for giving us the name, Jesus (Yeshua), and all that it stands for. He said that there would be a group of Initiates or Overcomers that he would reveal His new name unto. Rev. 3:12 Of course nothing is new to God, but it would be new to us. Could that be the most hallowed 72 names in one Name, the mystery of God within man expressed?? This 144,000 have the name In their forehead, which means, they are operating out of the Divine Mind.
This 72,000 x 2 group also represent Melchizedek, the Eternal Cosmic High Priest Order. The mysterious robe of Aaron, the high priest had bells and pomegranates on the hem. It was worn only on the most holy day of the year, the day of At-One-Ment. It is said that there were 72 bells and 72 pomegranates alternating around the hem of the robe. 72 + 72=144 To touch the hem of the Melchizedek Priest garment, is to touch or experience the Name that brings immortality. (Aaron was only the shadow of Melchizedek). Although we don’t consciously know this sacred name that equals 72, I believe through the baptism in the Holy Ghost we are able to speak that unknown name. “For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue..speaks to God, no man understands him, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.” I Cor. 14:2
The number 144 or the 144,000 on Mt. Zion are not literal measur

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:11 AM
Actually it is 616,, like this X 600 I 10 S 6 or 616 xis or 616 six
See Episemon. Very simular in nature to IHS , or the symbol of the I X with I in middle of X and the bottom part of the S on the top of the I.

It is related to an age of man which is comming now to a reality near you .

Oh and all those who know or understand this will suffer. So seek the understanding of this, at your own peril.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by BobAthome]

[edit on 21-6-2010 by BobAthome]

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Kalki11

you need to get past the *death* idea, first, my friend, with the 666.
as an understanding, that is.
because until you do, you're still worshiping that beast 666*

and then after that, you can make sense of the 144,000
you have to go in order
and it is a numerical order, for certain
but you're missing a big part of it, from what i can tell.

& i definitely do not get the impression of anything well-thought out or sagely considered, reading your tirade about the 144,000

slow down!

punctuation does a world of good. trust me.


* (in you)

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by queenannie38

I just c&p'd that from another thread, not my words. You still haven't divided 144,000 by 6 by 6 by 6 have you?

I agree with you, and it's nice to see someone offer something new to me that I can integrate into my knowledge.

That piece I pasted backs up what you are saying if you'd do the math.

I was actually looking up the connection of 144,000 and the Nadis:

The network of energies which distribute the Vital Force energy of each chakra into the physical body are called nadis in India. These nadis are an energy communication network linking us to the whole of creation through cosmic energy. When St. John in the Apocalypse spoke of the 144,000, one of the things he was referring is the 144,000 nadis that will be flowing with energy when we open all our Seals (chakras) and harmonize our aura.

It's all about Base the light body integrates with the 666.

BTW, John, when referencing the worshipping of the 1st beast (out of the sea) was really talking about how modern man watches TV and surfs the www - probably indistinguishable to him. To him it would look like worship.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by Kalki11]

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Kalki11
reply to post by queenannie38

I just c&p'd that from another thread, not my words. You still haven't divided 144,000 by 6 by 6 by 6 have you?

of course i did



[edit on 6/21/2010 by queenannie38]

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by BadMojo

If God is everything, wouldn't he also be 666?

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by Kalki11
I agree with you, and it's nice to see someone offer something new to me that I can integrate into my knowledge.


That piece I pasted backs up what you are saying if you'd do the math.

well, sort of.
but that math goes nowhere - at least for me

i don't really use numbers as mathematics - it works, i'm sure, especially in regard to the pi thing (which i still perceive in a theoretical or symbolic way - philosophical might be the right term)

but numbers (digits) to me are just the named version of the vibrational energies holding up, organizing, and supplying all of creation.
the most formally named, as opposed to colors or musical tones or words or feelings or letters, etc.

there is no life in an endless circle of 6's.
the only life in the circle is the nothing of the zero.
no thing.

when you get to the 144, it is the 13th number in the Fibonacci Sequence - if you count 0 for GOD...or the 12th number if you start with Adam.

Fibonacci works not because of math but because of THE PATTERN
the pattern is the backbone of physical creation.

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144

Adam & Eve (Garden)
Adam & Eve (East of Eden)
Cain (after killing Abel)
...this one i've not found for sure, yet - right now as it stands it might be because Noah was 500 years old when he had his son(s) - when he beget his offspring and then it was time to build the ark....
Noah & wife, 3 sons & wives = 8 in the ark
Children of Jacob and his two wives and their hand-maidens
Michael's partner stood off the Prince of Persia twenty-one days. (Daniel 10:13)
the last year of Jesus' life
5 were wise and 5 were foolish
12 male disciples + 7 women disciples + 70 extra chosen to be apostles
redeemed throng on the mount

0 empty (void) perfection
1 unity
2 partnership
3 seed
4 creation
5 grace
6 redemption (death)
7 divine perfection
8 regeneration
9 judgment
10 fullness perfected
(same as 0 + 1 but perfection that is full = so back to the start but not the beginning)
11 the two anointed of GOD 1 & 1
12 governmental perfection
13 revelation, mystery, completion of the present dimension

I was actually looking up the connection of 144,000 and the Nadis: The network of energies which distribute the Vital Force energy of each chakra into the physical body are called nadis in India. These nadis are an energy communication network linking us to the whole of creation through cosmic energy. When St. John in the Apocalypse spoke of the 144,000, one of the things he was referring is the 144,000 nadis that will be flowing with energy when we open all our Seals (chakras) and harmonize our aura.

i dunno
that makes sense, intellectually and theoretically.

however, once the flow is flowing becomes obvious that
truth is BINARY
nothing but 0 & 1

when the chi, or qi, (or nadis?), or force, or kundalini, or whatever one thinks of it as, flows wide open and merges with all the cosmos....
there is no way to quantify that energy.
even if there were, it would not be logical because it wouldn't "add up" because that is the point at which the sum becomes greater than the parts

It's all about Base the light body integrates with the 666.

how the light body integrates with mortality?
what do you mean, exactly, when you say light body?
the soul?
the intellect?
our star self?

because even carbon based lifeforms are made of light
everything is made of light
all bodies are light bodies, in a sense.

and what about the dark body?
oh wait, not everyone has that
do you know what i mean by that?
darker than dark?
so dark it has no shadow?

BTW, John, when referencing the worshipping of the 1st beast (out of the sea) was really talking about how modern man watches TV and surfs the www - probably indistinguishable to him. To him it would look like worship.

a tv is not a beast
a computer is not a beast
a beast is a living creature
a beast is not a man
something created by GOD and breathing life but not man
"like unto a son of man"

son = builder of the family name
man = the family name

I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts.
(Ecclesiastes 3:18)

angels who are in bodily form
incarnate spirits - Elohim

12 tribes of Israel - Judah and Joseph = 10

10 horns = 10 kingdoms/domains - something ruled over like a clan or a tribe, etc.

7 heads - a head is the same as a captain - the one who organizes, oversee, and delegates the entire group's functioning - Captains of the Host!

7 Archons/Archangels - the builders of the family named "man"

there is one head who has a healed deadly wound
this is Michael, the great prince, who stands up for his people, Israel.

and Israel had a deadly wound but recovered from it
and now the world worships the idea of Israel being the "chosens" regardless of what anyone does under the guise of the name Israel - no matter how contrary to Moses' law or God's law one's actions and deeds might be, it is okay in the eyes of the rest of the world because they are told "Israel" and so they blindly see some form of "Israel" but not GOD's true servants who are called Israel because they fit the name's meaning which is "prevail with GOD"

so the whole world says "we better not make *israel* mad - we better hate everyone who did them wrong or persecuted them or *GASP* genocide'd them"
how can we make war with the biggest nuclear arsenal in the whole world?
in such a little space, as well??


posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 07:38 PM
but some of us aren't fooled by names and disguises of names

we know that unless GOD's laws are followed
(love neighbor, love enemy, judge not, fear not, live truth, make peace)
it doesn't matter what name anyone goes by!

those that don't love their neighbor ARE NOT GOD's chosens.
those than don't serve their fellow man are NOT the chosens.
those that lie are not chosens!

so this isn't about even race, culture, jew, or gentile...
it is about hiding behind a name, the name "Israel"
just like many people hide behind the name "Christ" or "Christian"

and so the next verses are about those who aren't fooled by words covering contradictory actions:

And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

and about karma (who is a bitch, by the way!)
especially post WWI and WWII karma all the way up to right now.

If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leads into captivity shall go into captivity: he that kills with the sword must be killed with the sword.

what goes around comes around, essentially.
just like GOD has always said.

Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
(Revelation 13:8-10)

meaning that the situation just has to be endured for the time necessary to do what needs to be done for the eventual good of the Earth and ALL MANKIND.


now the second beast has two horns - these two horns are the two from the 12 of which the first beast has 10.

but the beast is an arnion - a lambikin, of either the sheep flavor OR the goat.
back when this was written a baby goat was not called a kid but rather a lamb just like a sheep.

and this one spake like the dragon - meaning this little one spoke with the big one's voice - in the same manner that Jesus said that his words were really the words of the Father.

but this arnion is not Jesus - Jesus is the big goat, not the baby one.
this is Jesus offspring.
and it speaks with the voice of its grandfather, so to speak.
the ancient of days
(yes the dragon)

because NOTICE - where does all the power come from?
who is the one delegating authority?

the dragon

so then that begs the question, who is making all these miracles and fire and persuading all the world to make an image - an idol? - of the first beast and worship it!

who is sent by GOD, with all authority and voice of GOD, to set pretty much everyone up in a major metaphysical sting?!?!?

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by queenannie38

I'm actually claiming to be The Second Coming:

The first beast - out of the sea = tv/www

fatal wound healed = Y2K

Authority of the beast = ubiquity of mass media

exercising all it's authority =

Fire from heaven in full view of men = public demonstration of free energy

Giving life to image of beast so that it can speak = AI via soul-catching

Setting up image = E-Govt

worshipping the beast = watching and surfing

[edit on 22-6-2010 by Kalki11]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by BadMojo

Jesus was a great prophet... also Know Issa.... If you take time and look up and read" The lost books of the Bible" The gospel Of Judus is a good place to start, You would Know that... Satan is a man made creation for fear only. To control man...
There is Evil.... but it is not just a being.... it is a collective Thought.......

In the Book of Judas, You'll see he is a spiritual man never claims to to be a god of any sort. And Judas reconginze this and tells Jesus this. Also in the Book of Mary Mag.

So since thier is no Satan, there can be no mark of the Beast......

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Kalki11

The first beast - out of the sea = tv/www

fatal wound healed = Y2K

The parallel of Daniel ch7 indicates that the various beasts out of the sea are political powers.
And Y2K was not a fatal wound, because nothing happened.
People thinking that something is going to happen does not constitute a fatal wound.
I will be providing a better interpretation of the Beast from the sea in about three weeks.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Kalki11
I'm actually claiming to be The Second Coming:

yes, dear, i know.
you said that in another thread.
along with about 4 or 5 other applicants, if i recall.

you did stand out, though, be sure of that!

but since you haven't got your game-plan figured out to the very end, according to the play book (Revelation), you're still sitting side-line.

and i know you probably feel sure and confident that you know the playbook but if you did, you'd be LIVING it.

because we are in the midst of it RIGHT NOW.

and even though there are many many skins on that onion and just about everyone with an understanding is going to have something of value that is true, in many ways, good ways - but yet still relative, meaning applicable to them personally in a unique way.

which is totally perfect and wonderful and just goes to prove that GOD loves every one of us for who we are and no one is ever going to be left out....

HOWEVER, in regard to the wrapping up of this aeon in order to start the next age that we are all looking forward to...there is obviously a job to be done by a particular someone on behalf of everyone else, in the name and power of the GOD we all share.

and so that person's script is going to have to be objective, to some degree, because it is going to be a shared thing, what happens and what is done and how it ends.

otherwise the whole she-bang is just a fantasy or daydream or even worse, an outright LIE...and i know it isn't, not at all.
and i know you know this, too.

since GOD is the author of all things, then only he can reveal the shared objective storyline with the person he's prepared for these very times we are presently living, right now.

there is no room for dropped balls or mixed up plays or even improvisation.
there can only be a successful end to the whole thing, that bears out, without room for denial when it is all said and done, that GOD IS REAL and none of this has been a hoax or joke or lie.

whomever it is, had better have their game face on and be about nothing but the next play, perfect down to the grass stains on the knee from the last tackle. they'd better not only know that we win the game but every play and detail on every point until the last second in the last quarter has been played out just like the play book says!

and i don't want to be mean or make you dislike me, because i dig you quite a bit, for some reason, actually...
but your game just isn't there, where it has to be, right now, today.
as well as you aren't on the playing field - i don't know if you are aware that the game is on even as we speak?
and it is a little rougher than you describe.

The first beast - out of the sea = tv/www

fatal wound healed = Y2K

Authority of the beast = ubiquity of mass media

exercising all it's authority =

Fire from heaven in full view of men = public demonstration of free energy

Giving life to image of beast so that it can speak = AI via soul-catching

Setting up image = E-Govt

worshipping the beast = watching and surfing

how did you arrive at these conclusions?
i'm not trying to wear you down, either, i'm just curious.

i'm like that
curiouser and curiouser just like a cat!

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by Trudge
reply to post by BadMojo

If God is everything, wouldn't he also be 666?

no, because GOD is pure spirit - not body at all.

so GOD is not made of carbon and therefore not subject to the death that comes with being clothed in an organic "robe" so to speak.

GOD is not a beast in any way - no pooping, no sex, no eating (i guess), no dying.

but we do those things and Jesus did those things, too, when he had a body like ours.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 11:53 PM
Here is some very informative information from a very knowledgeable source.

Originally posted by queenannie38
reply posted on 15-10-2006 @ 10:25 PM by queenannie38
Attribution. You must attribute authorship of the work to "queenannie38; a member of", and include the title of the message thread, the true meaning of 666, the beast within.; and this full link URL to the post:

tav (400) resh (200) samech (60) vav (6)


(truth/perfection)-(the wicked)-(divine presence/holy of holies)-(man/redemption)

Check out the traditional meanings of those letters:

tav = sign/mark (literal) covenant/to seal (symbolic)
resh = head (literal) person/head/highest (symbolic)
samech = a prop (literal) support/turn (symbolic)
vav = nail (literal) secure/hook/add (symbolic)

Very ODD how 'head' or 'highest' (as in ruler) is also 'the wicked.'

I know both of these representational systems work consistently work throughout all the Hebrew scriptures - but I prefer the more esoteric symbologies, myself - because they have taken me a level deeper into my understandings.

Does this shed any light on '666?'

In and of itself it may seem "Very ODD how 'head' or 'highest' (as in ruler) is also 'the wicked'", however, when put in the context with further information from the bible about the anti-christ it makes perfectly good sense.

2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For it will not be, unless the departure comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of destruction, 2:4 he who opposes and exalts himself against all that is called God or that is worshiped; so that he sits as God in the temple of God, setting himself up as God.

If you put the form and meaning of the letters together


We were brought this understanding as vstr which the vav would be like a prefix and str means hidden.

This is the crucifix, the image of the beast. So then it makes perfectly good sense that if you take the name of the head of the church which is the one depicted on the crucifix and who also sits in the temple of God and transliterate it letter for letter into Hebrew;


It would make sense also why the Messiah/Christ said
Matthew 24:4 ...“Be careful that no one leads you astray. 24:5 For many will come in my name, saying, I am the Messiah...

and what name might that be?

It is also why he said
Revelation 3:12 He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he will go out from there no more. I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God, and my own new name.

Revelation 19:12 ...He has names written and a name written which no one knows but he himself.

If as Paul stated an empty way of life was handed down by their forefathers what kind of life do you think the children of the Gentiles would be handed down?
Jude 1:4 For there are certain men who crept in secretly, even those who were long ago written about for this condemnation: ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into indecency, and denying our only Master, God, and Lord,...

Favor was shown to the Gentiles but this is what he says about that
Isaiah 26:10 Let favor be shown to the wicked, yet he will not learn righteousness.

We were also brought the understanding of "threescore"
first score 666
second score 616
third score 665

God's better judgement will not allow us to reveal 665, however it is not very difficult to figure out what it is. We shall see who God's spirit falls on.

A work in progress

[edit on 22-6-2010 by The Riley Family]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by The Riley Family


i have had that same idea for quite some time and it hasn't been shown to be questionable, yet.

worshiping death, essentially, with the image of Christ hanging dead on a cross!

it is hard to buy into the idea that Jesus overcame death when he's been stuck in the moment of death for the last 2,000 years; at least in the eyes of the Church of Rome.

this is the "strong delusion so that they should believe a lie."
a lie sent expressly from GOD, on purpose, to all those who do not love truth!

it is wonderful to read your ideas and see our shared point of view!

such a rare thing but maybe not any more!!
i look forward to reading more, thank you!

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by queenannie38

Actually thank you. We have been wanting to cross paths with you since we first came accross the info we borrowed.

We look forward to further dialogue.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 05:44 AM
666 = represent the evil..killing.torturing.raping etc etc ... all BAD stuff

111 = represent the good side

777 = the myth of the lucky number ..

911 = calling the cops / the terrorist event in 2001

thanks god that we cant go higher in 60sec 60min time period
imagine to have the 666 in the clock lol
6:66PM :O


[edit on 23-6-2010 by Ben81]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by BadMojo

Jesus is the good guy - we all know 666 is the bad guy.

How can you even think that?

And have a post and flags - probably from the devil.

We all know Jesus is the good guy.

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