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Can anybody see planetX in the morning sky

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posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 01:17 AM
Hope I have this question in the right catagory. I've hered that you can see this planet without a telescope in the morning. I've study up alot on this subject and do believe it to be true.Acient sumerian text,the bible,and alot of other acient civilizations have similar stories.What do any of you think? WORMWOOD as the bible refers to it as.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 01:22 AM
Yes, I like to call it Venus...

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by Teague
I've hered that you can see this planet without a telescope in the morning.

Yup. It is Venus

If you wake up early you can see it for your self. We can see planets without a telescope nearly all year round, you just need to know where to look. Astronomy is fun

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 01:23 AM
If it were visible with an optical telescope in the morning sky I do not believe it would take into the 21st century for someone to scientifically confirm its existence.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 01:28 AM
Yes I'm very much aware of the planet venus. However you are close. It is right near venus.Are you familiar with the Annuniki.Let us make man in our image.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 01:31 AM
Venus and Mars have been the closest to each other than they have been for quite some time. I watch the sky constantly... day and night.. I'm in love with it... so if you haven't studied astronomy or looked over the sky carefully... and only read what is posted here on ATS... then I can see how so many conspiracies have been started about this. The truth is... I don't have actual percentages, so I'll go out on a limb here... I'd say about 85% of humans know nothing about the stars... if you told them there was a giant star wars like death star coming towards us, and it was visible in the night sky at such and such time. .. probably 50% of them would believe without a doubt that it was true after they went outside and saw it for themselves... the 15% that already know what it is, will tell the majority... who will then tell them that they are wrong.. that 15% will leave the message board and go somewhere else where people actually have knowledge. The other 35% will actually see the "star"... then take it upon themselves to look it up in an actual astronomy book or on a website dedicated to astronomy, and realize it's all fake. The rest who believe... just never care to take the time and look for the truth... and the conspiracy goes... infecting those who are too lazy or careless to look it up... until someone like me has to come along and write this post... Then I'll have to get my starmap out... find which star or planet you are actually referring to... scan it on my scanner... and do all the work for YOU and the others... so that it is finally conceived to be false.. hehe

[edit on 20-2-2006 by dgoodpasture]

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 01:42 AM
As a matter of fact I have only been a member of this site for two days and have not read any of this stuff hear. My study is of acient civilizations not astronomy.And if you know so much about astronomy can you tell me how the asteriod belt came into existance?Or what a black hole really is?Compressed matter so dense that it won't even let light escape it? I thought you would think that.Seems you don't know as much as you think!

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 01:51 AM
Well, since you so quickly assumed that I didn't know that the asteroid belt is leftover material from the building blocks of this solar system... and possibly leftover material from a larger 10th planet that was caught up in an orbit that was doomed, and was later demolished by a collision with a larger planet... I guess I'll just have to revert back to not telling you anything, leave the website and join the others who have "knowledge"(as I predicted this would happen in my previous post) and let you wander off into your planet X fantasy fairy tale

I don't know how you came to the conclusion that I don't "know as much as I think".... do you realize what that really means? Anything I can so freely think about... I must know..
Not only that... you never even gave me a chance to answer any of your questions before asserting that I "Didn't know."

[edit on 20-2-2006 by dgoodpasture]

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 01:58 AM
So what happens when we get to 2013 and we're all still here and no planet has passed between the Earth and Mars?

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 02:43 AM
How can one not know as much as one thinks?

To make this all a bit more philosophically clear... knowing is not truth. NOW SEE, if it makes sense to think more than you know... knowing is just knowledge... knowledge is not always true... how can it make sense to think of knowledge you don't have? You can think of knowledge that isn't true... but it's still not more than you know, because you are THINKING of it.
So... it's impossible to think about something that you do not know, period. Before you ever say that to someone again... make sure you take the time to understand what it really means... because it doesn't make any sense to beings like me. So it appears as if you're just throwing it out there as a saying... and not really a part of your own thought. There's so much more potential in there. *points to the human head*

More correctly, it should be written as. "You only know as much as you think you do."... or "...what you think you know". Again, knowledge is not limited to truth. Knowledge is just knowing. Someone can tell me a lie; that trucks have 6 wheels. Now, let's assume I have never seen a truck before (bare with me)... I have just been seeded with the knowledge that ALL trucks have 6 wheels. Thought and knowldge are somewhat, to an extent, one and the same. Knowledge is NOT only, and not always, truth. Make sense... understand... please HUMANS!

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 11:33 AM
Since you claim it to be "near" Venus I'm guessing it's the bright star Altair. That's about the brightest star near Venus, aside from the Sun. Take a look for yourself...

As for it being Mars? No way! They're on opposite sides of the Sun. Venus you can see easily in the morning, while Mars is only visible in the evening.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 03:04 PM
Okay,I guess I owe you an apalogy!Sorry!Kind of took your first stament The wrong way.And actually the asteriod belt is left over matter from a collision with a planet the acieints refered to as TAIMAT!About twice the size of earth!It was perhaps a third closer to mars than we are know.Millions of years ago a planet called nibiru,which has an oliptical orbit around the sun in an opposite direction than the rest of our planets,came between mars and TAIMAT aaand one of its two moons collided with TAMAIT splitting it in half,or so to speak.Creating what is now known as the earth and the moon.The impact moved the earth closer to the sun and the opposit reaction left the asteroid belt.I'ts not fallacy,Just fact. Cool picture you posted!And you never told me what you thought a black hole really is!Lets just say i'ts the opposit end of a BIG-BANG !!!! Hope you except my apology!! Sorry!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 03:18 PM
The asteroid belt isn't the demolished half of a planet... The total mass of all the asteroids combined is still only 1/35th that of Earth's Moon. So, if you were to make a planet with out of all that with the same density of the Moon's you would get something VERY small in astronomical terms. The Moon is, for ease of math, 3500 km in diameter. Simply divide that by 35, and you would end up with a sphere 100 km in diameter.

So how did the Earth and Moon come from a planet that was only 200 km in diameter? Since you claim these to be "facts," could you please provide a credible, scientific source?

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 03:36 PM
You know I'd really like to be able to give you scientific data,however it just doesn't exist.except for the fact that the earth,moon and aseriod belt are all made of the same material. The moon that collided with Tamait was actually alot richer in iron,iridium,platinum than the planet taimat itself.thats why asteriods are alot richer in those minerals.As for all the sizes and distances of all, I'll see if I cancome up with more exacting data for you! Want to know more? Study the sumerian text!


posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by Teague
You know I'd really like to be able to give you scientific data,however it just doesn't exist.except for the fact that the earth,moon and aseriod belt are all made of the same material.

Consider that the reason for this is all came from the same source: a giant mass of dust and debris leftover from the creation of our sun. Most everything in our solar system is made up of the same stuff.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 09:33 PM
ha! planet x! you mean the same planet on "the bugs bunny and tweety show"??!! no you cant see it with the eye because it doesnt exist and even if it did they with their awsome technology wouldnt waste their time with primitave humans like us.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 09:45 PM
Ah yes, the theories of Zacharia Sitchin loom their ugly head again.

Readers of my books will hardly need reminding that that planetary mother was called TIAMAT in the Sumerian Epic of Creation - a text deemed by scholars to be an allegory, a myth, a religious text -- but treated by me in The 12th Planet and Genesis Revisited as a sophisticated cosmogony dealing with the creation of our Solar System and the fate of Tiamat, a watery planet that had existed in the space between Mars and Jupiter and was destroyed in a celestial collision with an Invader-planet (Nibiru). As a result of the collision:

• Half of Tiamat was smashed to bits and pieces to become the asteroids and shortterm comets that orbit between Mars and Jupiter;

• The other half was thrust closer to the Sun to become planet Earth;

• The leading large satellite of Tiamat (“Kingu”) was carried along to become Earth’s Moon;

• Tiamat’s other ten satellites were broken up to become comets, especially those with retrograde orbits.

I personally find Sitchin's theories excellent science fiction/fantasy. Unfortunately he wants to push this stuff as the truth. His "evidence" presented in his books are usually hand drawn copies of sumerian objects, and him mistranslating sumerian and hebrew so it sounds like their talking about spaceships all the time.

As far as I can tell, his cosmology is impossible, especially the "retrograde" orbits that sound so scientificcy.

Here is a break down of quite a few of the fallacies presented by Sitchin.

Clearly, Sitchin is a smart man. He weaves a complicated tale from the bits and pieces of evidence that survive from ancient Sumeria to the present day. Just as clearly, Sitchin is capable of academic transgressions (fracturing quotes, ignoring dissenting facts), theft of intellectual property (those tables he copied) and flights of intellectual fancy (the whole book, really). Worst of all, he is almost utterly innocent of astronomy and other assorted fields of modern science.

He nevertheless paints a picture that is very attractive. One wants to believe it, for it explains so many things. Intellectual honesty, however, prevents anyone with common sense, access to archeological and astronomical data and the ability to read from taking his book seriously. In the end, he's just another nut making a living selling books that treat folks to a tale they want to believe in.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 09:56 PM
There is a theory out that is presented in some if not most astronomy classes. It is a Mars sized plantet collided with Earth about a billion years ago and the result of this collision was the moon. Any bigger of a body colliding with the Earth and it would have been smaller, and a smalller body would not have been able to eject enough matter to make the moon. The theory goes on that over time the ring of matter ejected slowly pulled itself together to form the moon. This is the only scientific 'planet X' that impacts the Earth that I have ever heard about.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by LeftBehind
especially the "retrograde" orbits that sound so scientificcy.

I'm not sure what his view of them is, but from what little of the guy I know, it's probably wrong. Of course, retrograde orbits are an actual thing.

Wikipedia: Retrograde Orbits
How Stuff Works: Solar System Explained

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 10:08 PM
And one important thing, I've never seen 'plantet X' in the sky, and it is a safe bet that I will never nor anyone else see a 'planet X.' Though I havent been up early enough to see Venus yet and I have never seen the southern hemisphere sky.

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