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Career most future-proof.

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posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 06:49 PM
I'm 14 now and was wondering which two career paths would be the best for the future. I've always been involved in computers, as it's what I really like to work with, but the need for several computer professionals is decreasing. What really got my hopes down were direct brain-to-computer interfaces. Also several machines can now write their own code, and I'm sure every machine will in the future. I'm proficent in almost every computer field. Networking, repair, programming, etc., and I would love to work in any of those fields. However, I'm slowly becoming interested in nanotechnology, and nanotech is bound to be a huge new field in the future. Now, nanotechnology is very future-proof, but I don't really know if I would want a path in that, as computers have always been my biggest interest.

Realistically, how do you think the computer market will be in the next 20 years or so? Do you think people will always need computer professionals, or computers operate by themselves more in the future? How do you think nanotechnology will be in the next 20 years? Overall, which career would be better, computers or nanotechnology. Thanks for your thoughts and advice.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 06:53 PM
Nano medicine will be a massive area in the next 10 - 20 years. As students we are touching on it at the minute due to its ethical and moral issues, especially the use of nano machines working inside the body at all times.... go into Nano tech...its the future!

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 06:56 PM
Why just go with one or the other when you can have the best of both worlds. Check out:


Good luck my young friend, hope you find what your after,


posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 07:00 PM
The most long term career would be -- arms dealer. Sorry just joking.
There will be a need for computer professionals but if you are interested in nanotech or other cutting edge fields that would probably be a good idea. Another thing to think about would be combining computer knowledge with another field like the brain to computer interfaces you mentioned. Integrating human and computer seems to be the coming thing--even if it is only used for amputees to begin with. The idea I am trying to say--unsuccessfully so far-- is to follow your interests and try to keep them adaptable or at least able to cross more than one field. The computer professionals that lost their jobs in the dot com bust had to find other jobs, if you can cross over between 2 fields of interest or have some adaptability so that you are not pigeonholed into only one job, you will have job security because you can fill more than one position.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 07:20 PM
The need for graduates of comp sci and computer oriented people is not decreasing from any information I've read, where did you derive that information from that the need is declining? Most people, like myself know jack about computers.
AI and pitri dish brains controlling computers are a long way off.

You could graduate PhD in mathematics and make computer models of nano-phenomena for researchers or go into any computational field. Nanotechnology is very vagues, what field is it that interest you?

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 07:38 PM
If you like computers then pic a field involving that. Dont pick a field you wont like, even if that field has a brighter future. PC's wont be controlled by your brain for a long long time to the very least 30 years until its accepted as a norm.

no job really stays the same through-out anybody's life...they simply adapt to the changes. as will you.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 07:48 PM
As a comp sci undergraduate myself i would recommend taking a broad view, even until i started my course in the UK i didnt realise just how many different areas of comp sci there were. A degree in mathematics will always be future proof so that is another option available.
To sum up, keep your options open, if you have a broad background it gives you many areas in whcih you can specialise later along with a wider knowledge of your subject area.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 07:53 PM
I don't know where you live, Amschel, but I'll put in a plug for my school here, and point out that the University of Alberta has one of the best nanotechnology research facilities in the world. NINT

I seriously doubt the need for computer specialists is going to decrease. Computers are more and more ubiquitous in the world, meaning we need more networkers, more programmers, etc etc, to maintain all of those, not to mention tech support for the dummies who don't know how to use a computer
I think that seeking a career in computing should be solid for quite some time to come. The only caveat I have about this field is that you will need to be constantly learning and adapting to changes; we all know how quickly technologies change in this field. Fortunately, since you seem to like computers so much, this shouldn't pose a hardship for you, and in any technological field these days, constant learning is a necessity, if you want to keep your job.

Nanotechnology is pretty cool, too. Nano is a big area of research right now, but outside of academia, there aren't that many opportunities out there. If you want to go slightly bigger (the micro scale) there are a lot of opportunities in fields like microelectronics engineering, MEMS devices, (MicroElectroMechanical Systems) optics, and probably even medicine as well, although as an electrical engineering student, I don't know much about the possibilities in medicine at the present time, though in the future it should be huge. There are at least half a dozen companies here in Edmonton who manufacture devices on the 'micro' scale, and do quite well financially.

If you want to do computer stuff, I would suggest computer science or computer engineering, or some kind of technical school degree (they are usually 2 years). If you want to do nano, the kinds of people at my university who research nano are usually either electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, physicists or chemists; there's also a few from the biological sciences and medicine.

Personally, I've taken a couple of courses in both computing and nano, and I find nano more interesting, but computing more practical. You've got to go with what's right for you, though. When I was thinking about what to study in school, I had several subjects that I was interested in, as well. What I ended up doing was taking engineering as my major, and taking 4 history courses as electives, since I love history, also. Maybe you could take a science degree where you had computers and nanotechnology as your major/minor. (though I don't think any schools have a degree in 'nanotechnology'; you would most likely have to take an area that includes nanotech, like any of the ones in the previous paragraph)

One other thing to look at is how much schooling you might need. In computing, you could get a 2 year diploma at a technical school and that would be enough; you could also do a 4 year program at a university. To do serious nanotechnology, though, you would probably need to go to graduate studies. I've been considering myself taking a masters degree in the nano area, but I'm also getting tired of being a student with no money, so I'm not sure if that will happen or not.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 07:56 PM
Wow. I wish I had your foresight at that age
It's really good that you are thinking ahead. Since you're main interest is in Computers you could specialize in Artificial Intellegence, Math like Frosty said, Robotics, Computer Science stuff like that.

If you like to work with your hands as well as your mind you may like Engineering. Electrical, Nanomechanical, Genetic etc. Isreal actually made a computer made primarily from DNA. A spoonful full would outperform all the supercomputers in the world combined....hypothetically speaking that is.

You're young still so I wouldn't start to think too seriously until you start grade 11 at the very least. Pay attention to your Science and Math teachers though! You will not regret it later on in life

though I don't think any schools have a degree in 'nanotechnology'

Yeah they do it's call Nanomechanical Engineering. The Waterloo program is 1/3 Theory and 2/3 Practicle hands on work with Electron Scopes and things of that nature(working on REAL research projects as well and not just "busy" work)

[edit on 19-2-2006 by sardion2000]

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by sardion2000You're young still so I wouldn't start to think too seriously until you start grade 11 at the very least. Pay attention to your Science and Math teachers though! You will not regret it later on in life

I find it very poor advice, just my opinion. I was bored to tears with high school and wished I had gotten my GED and gone to community college much earlier than when I graduated. If Amschel is interested in nanotech and computers I would recommend to her/him to start pursuing material in science outside the class ciricula, hire a few tutors over the years and begin to learn the calculus, linear algebra and other math, earna boat load of AP credit for transfer (if applicable), and try to graduate a year or two early.

If a person is interested enough in the sciences, there should be nothing as mundane as mandatory high school to postpone their learning and interest. In most countries outside the US, calculus is taught to students as young as 15 and 16. Places like India and South Korea I hear start much earlier.

If you are well prepared enough in mathematics to enter a college tier calculus class, drop high school, earn your GED, enroll into a community college and then transfer to a 4year school.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 08:19 PM
Heh you and me both. Perhaps I didn't articulate what I meant to say properly.

I meant not to start taking what you want to be seriously but still taking your studies seriously.

Try out many different things until you "click" onto something and you just "know" it is for you.

You're advice on the extracurricular stuff is a good idea though.

[edit on 19-2-2006 by sardion2000]

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 08:28 PM
Amschel Rothschild, as articulate and intelligent as you are, any field you decide to go into, you will be successful. Don't limit yourself, get a good all around education with social sciences, arts and the tech stuff. I'm not saying you will lose interest in technology but people change and by the time you finish college, you may decide that what really attracts you is being a Shepard with a nice flock of sheep and goats. You just never can tell!!

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 03:02 PM

as articulate and intelligent as you are, any field you decide to go into, you will be successful. Don't limit yourself

That sounds like a fortune cookie.

posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 08:35 PM
Well here is a link detailing the various specialist fields in Nanotechnology.

Enabling science and technology
1. Nanofabrication
Methods for making materials, devices and structures with dimensions less than 100 nm.
2. Nanocharacterisation and nanometrology
Novel techniques for characterisation, measurement and process control for dimensions less than 100 nm.
3. Nano-modelling
Theoretical and numerical techniques for predicting and understanding the behaviour of systems and processes with dimensions less than 100 nm.
4. Properties of nanomaterials
Size-dependent properties of materials that are structured on dimensions of 100 nm or below.

Devices, systems and machines
5. Bionanotechnology
The use of nanotechnology to study biological processes at the nanoscale, and the incorporation of nanoscale systems and devices of biological origin in synthetic structures.
6. Nanomedicine
The use of nanotechnology for diagnosing and treating injuries and disease.
7. Functional nanotechnology devices and machines
Nanoscale materials, systems and devices designed to carry out optical, electronic, mechanical and magnetic functions.
8. Extreme and molecular nanotechnology
Functional devices, systems and machines that operate at, and are addressable at, the level of a single molecule, a single atom, or a single electron.

Nanotechnology, the economy, and society
9. Nanomanufacturing
Issues associated with the commercial-scale production of nanomaterials, nanodevices and nanosystems.
10. Nanodesign
The interaction between individuals and society with nanotechnology. The design of products based on nanotechnology that meet human needs.
11. Nanotoxicology and the environment
Distinctive toxicological properties of nanoscaled materials; the behaviour of nanoscaled materials, structures and devices in the environment.

[edit on 23-2-2006 by sardion2000]

posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by sardion2000

The two largest sectors, and maybe only, aside from the federal government you will find work in these areas are the computer and biology sectors. The need for smaller circuits and higher storage capacity over a smaller volume. In biology it is called transportation, the ability to carry a drug/treatment through out the humanbody without killing the body. There is also academia as a professor or research scientist or post doc elsewhere, but those are probably more competitive than the other two.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 10:36 AM
Nanotech is originally a concept made by chemists. Inorganic Chemists to be specific. In my Senior Advanced Inorganic Lab they made nanodots. I did not participate in it myself - my professor let me work in his reserach facility instead and get credit for the course, and I got to learn about much more difficult methodology.

But, yes, nanotech has been overlapped by many aspects. Yes there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there's still time to change the road you're on. Okay, enough Led Zep.

If you want to get into the more central, core, theoretical side of nanotech, I would say go chemistry. And on that note, either go Inorganic Chemistry or Physical Chemistry or Physical Inorganic chemistry if you go to grad school. Inorganic Chemistry would be more concerned with the synthesis and mechanisms of it, while Physical Chemistry would be more concerned with the quantum theory and thermodynamics behind it. Physical Inorganic chemstry would be split.

If you wanna get the "jist" of the theory and work with applications, I would say go computer engineering. There is no "nanotech engineer" major in colleges yet. I don't forsee it, but then most of the time people are proven wrong when it comes to future technologies and fields of study.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 01:00 PM
As an IT professional with 15 years in the field I would say that you can offset the risk of offshoring by building your skills at analyzing, understanding and communicating the business needs for technology solutions. Systems analysts (good ones) are hard to find and companies work to them. We bridge the gap between business and technology and what I am seeing is that this skill is more difficult to send to India.

Business analysts can perform some of the same services but usually tend to have less hands-on with technology. Personally I prefer the SA route.

You're never too young to start thinking about the future. Your initiative now will separate you as a leader from the rest who are doers.

Good luck!

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 03:39 PM

I would say go computer engineering. There is no "nanotech engineer" major in colleges yet.

Yes there is, it's called Nanomechanical Engineering.

Oh wait, you said Colleges. My bad.

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 12:07 AM
You could be a Math/Science/Technology teacher. Teaching is a future-proof job, especially if it's something technical (English and Social Studies teachers are a dime a dozen, while Math, Science, and Technology teachers are hard to come by!). There will always be kids, and the basics ( 2+2=4 and all that) will never change.

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 12:30 AM
Don't take this the wrong way, but you are 14, don't try to look at things as a carreer possiblity, don't get me wrong, being prepared for the meshugana world that awaits you is admirable, but why dont you explore what you really like.

If it's math or music or whatever, if you're torn say between something you have a real knack for and something you may not be great at but really want to explore, do both.

It'll come to you eventually.

On another note, there are some alternative scenarios to consider for long term prospects, for example:

1) If we are ever invaded openly by aliens, probe repair would be a solid career choice.

2) If giant ants take over the earth I would think landscaping would be a great choice.

3) When the apes take over, well i would guess slave or produce merchant might be pretty good.

4) If a simpsons level catastrophe should occur, say dolphins march out of the sea and attack I'd go with speargun salesman.

I hope that helps.


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