posted on Oct, 5 2003 @ 02:23 PM
Culture Wars II
by Gregory Koukl
"Culture wars" is a term that's been coined to describe the conflict between the society and Christians, often identified in the press as the
"religious right"--that radical element, as the L.A. Times reported on Thursday, that in the minds of many so-called moderate or mainstream
Republicans is radicalizing the Republican party. We talked a little bit about the actual statistics that related to that issue and I'll mention them
again today. It is the conflict between this religious right and the rest of society, apparently, for the heart of our culture. Of course, the views
of the religious right is that they were here first. As Christians they reflect the intentions of the Founding Fathers who were also Christians. We
have departed from that original intention of founding a Christian nation over the years, and we ought to get back to that because that is our
nation's heritage. We were here first. That's what the Constitution and Declaration of Independence really are principally all about. That was the
intention of those coming over here early on and we must get back to the faith of our fathers, as it were. At least that's the extreme expression of
the right side of the culture wars. Of course the left is pronouncing a strong version of separation of church and state, and it says outright that
there is an illegitimacy to having religious views and religious people and religious institutions informing public policy. Of course, they point to
"separation of church and state" and to the First Amendment. Well, that's kind of in brief a thumbnail sketch of what culture wars are.
See the full article at:
This is a pretty fair evaluation of the church/state issue that's being argued so much lately. He attempts to portray the more radical claims from
both sides, though he does support Christianity for his personal belief.
I don't really agree with a lot of this guy's opinion's, but I thought it was cool that there was finally an intelligent, non-fascist Christian
opinion about this and several other subjects. He is respectful of other opinions, and doesn't condemn everyone to hell for not agreeing with him.
I just thought it might be good to acknowledge, in the spirit of fairness, that not ALL Christian believers are the Jerry 'psycho' Falwell types,
after all.