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7/7 Never Happened?

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posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 07:22 PM
I have never seen any proof that 7/7 actually happened.

Just my general observation has concluded that it could of all been acted out. The areas where it happened could of been government agents. There was no video of the actual attack. The bus that got blown up mimicked past anti terrorism drills. Any witness is potential MI5. Any civilians were conveinantly likely nowhere close to "ground zero" and all most likley just seen the theatrics such as smoke, dust, and police cordons.

The way the UK's .gov smacked down their citizens rights, how it was in a time where the UK citizens wanted out of Iraq and the war on terrorism. Questionable video of the suspects before the attack that appeared to be doctored(like one of them where the railing was photshopped).

There just hasnt beeen any proof it happened. It could "potentially" be a stage show. I am NOT saying it was, but I definatly ain't saying it was'nt either.

9/11 to me is legitimate because there was videos that noone really refuted in mass numbers that showed airplanes crashing into the buildings. The whole eyewitness's seeing people falling from windows and then the ultimate collapse. I can see how there is no stage show here. But in London, it just seemed scripted and I have seen no equivalant unqestionable proof that I have seen on 9/11. Maybe it did'nt 'seem' scripted, but I havent seen any proof that it was'nt. Versus 9/11 I can deduct the actual physical attack happened, I can't deduct the attack on 7/7 actually happened.

I don't know the UK government, I know I would'nt want to live there. And if they are anything like the politicians here in the US. There are alot of agendas and 'at all costs' attitude. Being a monarchy does'nt help either. There are deep roots.

So anyways, who has PROOF that 7/7 happened? If you think you do please enlighten me. I know the misinformation agents will be posting, so if they read this, please recognize that the more BS that get's posted to me the educated American(who can smell BS), I will probably start supporting the idea of conspiracy more. So if you have educated proof, fine. If you don't then you will only enlighten me to the fact that maybe something's up. Keep that in mind. Thanks


[edit on 18-2-2006 by ImplementOfWar]

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 07:45 PM
an post like this just makes my blood boil. Try checking simple facts with someone who was here that day - you might like to U2U me for a start. To make such a statement is crass and below the standard of this board.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Silk
an post like this just makes my blood boil. Try checking simple facts with someone who was here that day - you might like to U2U me for a start. To make such a statement is crass and below the standard of this board.

UK conformist number #1 has entered the arena.

Thanks for showing me undeniable proof that leaves no questionable doubt the actual physical attack on 7/7 was carried out against UK civilians.

Maybe the new terrorism laws would brand you a criminal for even talking about it. It could be construed as gloryfing terrorism. We would'nt want the new UK gestapo to have their potential conspiracy unconvered, the herd has been silenced I guess.

Anyone not living in slavery have any compiled information that can answer my doubts?

[edit on 18-2-2006 by ImplementOfWar]

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 07:51 PM
and Im afraid unworthy of an intellectual discourse.

(edit) Of course i forget you have no idea of the trauma that first hand knowledge of a terrorist attack probably has upon the victims and families of such an incident - please pray you never have to cope.

[edit on 18-2-2006 by Silk]

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 08:06 PM
we live in a Democracy here - and that is what some people would love to rob us of - personally i like the Texan model - prise it from my cold dead fingers etc.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 08:08 PM
Course this wont bring them back - BBC News

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 08:10 PM
Whilst I appreciate you are trying to think outside the box on this issue, please remember that 55 people lost their lives in this terrorist attrocity. I like Silk find it deeply insulting and a dishonour to those that lost their lives.

The attacks were carried out by evil minded people, who had a grudge against their own country. Just because there is no direct video evidence does not take away from this fact. Though i assure you there are pictures of the aftermath, both from the emergency services and members of the public, and the bombers entering the tube station, there are video cameras on the tube trains though this is not, rightly, in the public domain. All of which you can find with very little trouble on the internet, I am not going to do your research for you.

I have no video evidence of your birth and yet here you are posting on ATS, i am prepared to accept the fact you were born.

I hope you can realise that this is not 'BS' as you so eloquently put it, please try to imagine that I had said '911 didnt happen, its your shadowy government wanting excuses to go to war'. How would you react? You would quite rightly, flame my post.

The proof is ultimatley the fact that 55 innocent people lost there lives. I am an educated man and can see no reason for you to act in this way.


posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 08:10 PM
maybe this The Red Cross

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 08:12 PM
Thank you - I lived that day and i t was the second day in my life like that - I can do without this on this brilliant site. We do our best to deny ignorance - but it seems to finds its way out in many corners.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Silk
Course this wont bring them back - BBC News

No people I can verify with that those are real people. If you see this as undeniable proof I think you have no place on a conspiracy discussion forum.

Something along the lines of video would be more appropiate. And not cell phone video taken from cloudy tunnels. Video of the actual bomb going off. Video of the aftermath scene. Pictures of the general area so I can try and deduct wether government theatrics or real legitimate attack witnessed by civilians where there was actual damage created.

Thank You
I am pretty sure the UK government official stance was to not release the videos. Some say they are readily available. I have never seen them. I don't think they are public domain.

Pretty conveinant that the videos arent released? Some will say they don't want to glorify the attack or give them any satisfaction, a conspiracist like me thinks coverup and staged attack.

[edit on 18-2-2006 by ImplementOfWar]

[edit on 18-2-2006 by ImplementOfWar]

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 08:17 PM
While I respect your right to have whatever opinion you wish, I think it is rather foolish to deny that they happened at all. They clearly happened. Who they were actually planned and executed by is up for legitimate debate, but they did happen.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 08:17 PM

Where where you that day?

Well let me tell you where i was, In london!

I spent the 1st part of that day trying to figure out where all my family where,

Then ringing skynews to see if the could put the names of my other family members out so they could contact us as they worked right in the midst of that bombing,

I can assure you the blood was real, I can assure you that no body there laying on the floor with no leg was NO stage act,

This is from a eye witness, a first hand account,

[edit on 18-2-2006 by asala]

[edit on 18-2-2006 by asala]

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by ImplementOfWar

No people I can verify with that those are real people. If you see this as undeniable proof I think you have no place on a conspiracy discussion forum.

I find your comments utterly repugnant. Just because you cant see a video of it doesnt mean it didnt happen. Please think about what you are saying. I know people on this board have been directly affected by this tragedy.


posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 08:19 PM
I have to ask - just how old are you - gods sake do you really have any idea what happens when a bomb goes off ? Do you really think that any ANY body is going to release that footage ? U2U me and I will tell you - and I do hope you havnt eaten before

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 08:21 PM
I will ask you this when you ask for proof. What proof do you need to convince you that it happened? what sources of information are valid?

Please keep an open mind and start here with your research here and then you can ask otehr ATS member of thier personal accounts of the infamous day before you come to the conclusion that they were staged

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by asala

Where where you that day?

Well let me tell you where i was, In london!

I spent the 1st part of that day trying to figure out where all my famiuly where,

Then ringing skynews to see if the could put the names of my other family members out so they could cintact us as they worked right in the midst of that bombing,

I can assure you the blood was real, I can assure you that no body there laying on the floor with no leg was a stage act,

This is from a eye witness, a first hand account,

You witnessed the attack first hand? You seen somebody with a leg blown off? Or are you relaying information to me from the grapevine?

How does pandemonium in London on 7/7 prove an actual attack happened? Would'nt that be what the government tried to orchestrate? A simulated attack with 'real' pandemonium?

You have no credibility as an actual eyewitness. Misinformation agent possibly, eyewitness to blood and gore, unlikely. It could of been a MI5 agent who had lost a leg in the Falklands or something and was playing a part with fake blood on his amputated leg.

See where I am getting at? I am looking for undeniable proof where I can deduct the attack actually happened. That is all I ask.

[edit on 18-2-2006 by ImplementOfWar]

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by LoganCale
While I respect your right to have whatever opinion you wish, I think it is rather foolish to deny that they happened at all. They clearly happened. Who they were actually planned and executed by is up for legitimate debate, but they did happen.

Well there is no compiled proof that proves it did. You obviously have some, so how about posting it? I mean you're preaching that it absolutely did so I assume you have proof. Right?

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Silk
I have to ask - just how old are you - gods sake do you really have any idea what happens when a bomb goes off ? Do you really think that any ANY body is going to release that footage ? U2U me and I will tell you - and I do hope you havnt eaten before

I can handle it. I see footage from Iraq all the time of IED attacks.

[edit on 18-2-2006 by ImplementOfWar]

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 08:27 PM
and you crossed the line - sorry I have no choice

You are repugnant and ignorant in the extreme

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 08:27 PM
no i had family who where there, They where there when the bombs went of, they heard them ..they seen for themselfs the carnage, they even helped take people to the bus to get first aid,

I also have a friend who lives and works there,

They had there own proof, mobile cameras ect,

all at the time where handed to police, and news

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