posted on Oct, 5 2003 @ 12:47 PM
Easter island, the familiar (to archaeology sudents or buffs)
little smote in the Pacific covered with the mysterious megaliths
or 'heads' with the long ears and such...., has for ages been
a hot topic on the forum of ancients and their ways. However,
I was once watching a documentary of the pieced-together
timeline that archaeologists assembled which was evident by
artifacts, samples taken and other modes a la scientific-method.
It was suggested that originally inhabited by two tribes, the island began to dwindle in sustainance provision. Essentially,
they speculated that one tribe having used its resources up entirely, sought aggressively to meet survival demands and the two tribes warred for the
remaining resources. In the end, the
tribespeople who survived the finality of vegetation and life-
giving factors on the island, died out themselves. The megaliths
being potential war symbols, tribal conquests or formulated
theosophy or spiritually designed in nature all that would remain....
I wonder this: If this hypothesis of competitive survival needs
instituting attacks and decimation with no relative symbioses with
the habitat speaks like the islanders were not native there at all.
Would native peoples in survival, governed by the natural environment and their own system of tribal leadership, not
show a more interactive or symbiotic initiative? Only people
that were enculturated of/by a more 'civilized' or possibly communal environment, or knew life by much greater excess prior
with no foreknowledge of conservation techniques, would systematically devastate and incapacitate themselves as such.
Anyone know when or what rough 'timeframe' that the island was
inhabited as far as the cultural developments (in its heyday)? I
believe it had been home to some native peoples until recently if I remember the documentary with any accuracy. What descent or ancestry were they?
Where could they have originated from? Are there any other-like statues found elsewhere in the world? Linguistics, dogma, culture, music,
craftworks? Any takers?