posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 11:25 AM
There is absolutely no way it's that high. First you only go back 50 years when in fact gubmint secret aircraft goes back further than that. I have
been reading about,researching, and investigating UFOs since the late sixties. If we assume 99% are black projects that only leaves 1% for explainable
and unexplainable phenomena. Various research such as Project BlueBook, the Condon Commission, the U of Colorado study have all determined that at the
least 75% of sightings are explainable(planets,blimps,swamp gas, etc) some even higher. I would say a reasonable guess providing that the number of
unexplainable sightings was in the 25% range then maybe half that would be unknown aircraft and thats being generous since these black craft would be
limited in their flight areas and times whereas UFOs are seen anywhere at anytime.
Because these black craft would fall into the unexplained portion not the explained since noone would know what they looked like.
That's my best guess and should in no way be construed as correct but is much more reasonable based on what is known and the generalization of the