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Climate change scientists need your help on predicting Global Warming

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posted on Feb, 16 2006 @ 01:44 PM
The BBC Met office are asking us to help them predict climate change on there site click on about the experiment to understand it, baiscly they are asking us to download a program on to your PC, the program does all the work collecting weather data and other info and like snow fall/rain fall/temperature/ect. you can see your globe of the earth on the program it can be used as a screen saver check out the site it explains its far better than me and u can download the program there.

heres a quote from the site >("We're organising the world's largest ever climate experiment, and we need your help.
We need thousands of people to help

Trying to predict climate change is hard. There are lots of factors involved – air temperature, sea temperature and cloud cover all play a part – as do dozens of other variables. Therefore, there are a huge number of calculations involved.

One solution is for scientists to use the largest supercomputer they can find. But even the biggest supercomputers are only so good.

We think you can do better.

Using a technique known as distributed computing, we’re hoping to harness the power of thousands of PCs around the world. If 10,000 people sign up, we’ll be faster than the world’s biggest computer. And we’re hoping to be even better than that".

after they have collected all info there is goin 2 be a TV show about it anyway
all the infos on there site.

[edit on 16-2-2006 by matrix 333]

posted on Feb, 16 2006 @ 11:16 PM
we dont have enough data to predict global warming super computers or not heck we cant even tell exactly what the wethers gona b like in 24 hrs so how can we ever expect to determin a trend of earths global climate with the same data i beleve we might get a better idea in 1000 years but untill then where just spitin in the wind

[edit on 16-2-2006 by engenerQ]

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 02:27 AM
Bit like SETI?

Except....this actually is for a purpose which isn't useless.

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