posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 05:27 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome and no worries about the link. I am starting Psi Training Institute online at in a few days
which will explain Astral Projection, Healing, Meditation and much more for all interested. Please feel free to drop by next week.
Hi MerryMistressMarie
If you have a good handle on your energy body, that is, if you are sensitive towards it you should not have much difficulty in regards to energy
(chakra) development and its co-components providing some guidelines are followed.
In main raise energy to lower chakras first, then to higher chakras. I have a limited perception of your personal energy topology from here, but here
is what I can say mixed in with general advice:
1. Expands energy in and out of your Power (3) chakra, in conjunction with building energy in your Heart (4) chakra. This can be done in
2. Once energy begins to flow in these two centers slide energy up to your throat chakra. Work in conjunction on these 3 chakras until a solid
foundation is built, then others can be worked on more seriously. Doing this should also be supported by secondary chakra development. I use NEW (you
can find the link in the Energy section on my website) which is an excellent system to build "Foundation" for working with energy or chakras.
It looks like you are on the right track though, do not focus just on clearing though but also on building up energy and increasing overall energy
flow, this will greatly aid your energy body development.