posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 08:58 PM
There is a common thing amongst teens, which affects my brother. What it i, during growth spurts, your leg bones grow quicker then the surrounding
tendons and ligaments. Which result in allot of pain, most commonly in the knees. My brother used to fall allot, his legs would give for no reason,
and we took him to the doc. The doctor said it was a common condition, that most people grow out of after a while.
There is also a similar thing in which one part of the joint grows faster then the other, which results in the same problems. which you also grow out
of, when you body catches up.
But i used to have a problem with cartilage, i hurt my knee playing football. A piece of bone splintered off and caused the cartilage to leek, making
my knees swell and hurt real bad. It fixed itself after a long period of time, after getting the splinter of bone removed.
I would really suggest going to the doctors though, just in-case it needs treatment.