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No more males in the human society in 125000 years

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posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 07:42 AM
Anyone that studied biology knows that our gender is simply decided when we were still fuetus in our mother's vaginas by the combination of X and Y chorosomes. XX chorosomes will result in a female, and XY will create a male, there is no YY.

The X chorosome contains about 1500 codes of genes given to the offspring, while the Y chorosomes, much smaller in mass than the X, only contains 781 genes. Recent discoveries by scientists showed that the number of genes possed by the Y chorosomes decrease over a long duration of time. Eventually and predicted by 125000 years into the future, there will be no more Y chorosomes, which also means only XX chorosomes will be result in faetus: there will be no more male.

It's not a joke of some sort, it WILL happen, it is only a matter of time. The whiptail lizzard has already been through this genetic process as the entire whiptail lizzard is only consisted of females. They were mutated over the milennia and adapted to reproduce without fertilization of sperms.

Being a male myself, i find this extremely scary. Imagine a human world without boys and men and female lesbians dominate making babies amonst themselves......of course that is assuming humans do live to that time. Still it is freaky

posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 07:52 AM
A world of lesbians


To bad I won't be around to witness all the action...and if I were, it's like I would get any myself. You know, me being a male and them being lesbians.

Hey can you please post a source on this, if you got off the net. I'd like to read a little on it. Thanks

[edit on 15/2/2006 by SportyMB]

posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 10:04 AM
Then let me be reincarnated as one of the last males on Earth before they are extinct. I'll have women throwing themselves at me like Tom Jones and Leif Garrett.

Why is it assumed that all women would be lesbians?


[edit on 15-2-2006 by Dr Love]

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 06:20 PM
Humanity in its current form won't last another 1,000 years, at best, mostly because of purposeful modifications of our DNA, and the rapid rise of intelligent machines. So I wouldn't worry too much about males vanishing.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 10:57 PM
No more men. Hmmm interesting. But I really don't get how our species could reproduce without them. Maybe lizards can but still, we're different.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 01:40 AM
Ya I heard all about this. It's gonna happen, folks.

Sorry to spoil the little party, through, but Im pretty sure that this thread should be in Medical. It's not like this is Speculative Conspiracy Theory Discussion and Collaboration. Point out the conspiracy to me.

Also, are you sure that the determining of our sex occurs in the vagina?

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 02:01 AM
Asexual reproduction? That wouldn't be a very fun world to live in now would it? I mean the species would have to reproduce somehow. (of course we could very well kill ourselve by then so it wouldn't even matter)

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by EarthUnificationFrontier
Imagine a human world without boys and men and female lesbians dominate making babies amonst themselves......

I'm imagining, i'm imagining.....
Need a cold shower (pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh). That's better....

Personally though, I reckon that an entirely female human population is the least of our worries when looking that far into the future. Have you seen planet of the apes? I'm more worried about monkeys

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 06:50 AM
The problem with these kinds of theories is that they fail to take CULTURE into account, as well as science.

First, Culture. Culture's a remarkable evolutionary tool. If we imagine that 100000 years from now, when this is beginning (which it won't, see later), those male societies that breed "strong males" - or Y chromosones that don't degrade - will keep their male populations up. This means that their populations will grow or stabilize better than other societies. Eventually this covers the world, and the "threat" of losing the Y chromosone is ended.

Secondly, science could easily save us with Gene Therapy. I'm sure within 200 years from now we will have the technology to be able to get people to have whatever kind of baby they want - and science removes the threat.

However, we don't have to worry anyways. Regular evolution will drive this problem away, and keep things in equilibrium. As a culture, we have strong relationships between male and female social positions. Currently the female is in the ascendant - and so not only does culture start to shift to be less male-orientated, but women will likely mate with those who show a little bit more women-like characteristics (mostly emotionally).

Once this equilibrium is reached though, depending on how culture shifts, those with a stronger or weaker Y chromosone will continue to keep the male population at this equilibrium.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by watch_the_rocks

Also, are you sure that the determining of our sex occurs in the vagina?

technically it ocurrs in the fallopian tubes. the egg(s) are released and the sperm swims to them. the y chromosome sperm that fertilizes the egg produces the "male" zygote

the vagina is not where it happens. once the egg leaves the uterus it ain't attaching to the walls of the vagina after fertilization

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 08:27 AM
Yes, that's what I was getting at. Thank you craks for making that clear.

I must admit, the thought of an all lesbian society is a mighty interesting one.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by watch_the_rocksI must admit, the thought of an all lesbian society is a mighty interesting one.

I've seen that movie. it's on late night cable every so often. on skinimax or peepshowtime.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 09:23 AM
Why would all the women be lesbians? Can you explain?
Also sousrces would be helpful, to learn more about this.
At any rate, male sperm counts all over the globe have fallen
drastically, meaning men are becoming infertile - due to the
toxins on our planet most likely.
Men will probably lose all fertility before male chromosomes die off.


posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 09:24 AM
So what you're saying is that it's something I'm not going to have to worry about in the immediate future?

Seriously though claims made about that far in the future hold little validity. You can say just about anything because by then no one will recall that it was ever said.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 09:31 AM
forestlady, the idea of there being no men around and only women to continue repopulating the planet would mean that women would need to procreate with women (assuming the genetic alteration would result in women being able to impregnate women - big assumption).

so, if there are only women on the planet and they have to have sex with eachother to continue the species, it will be lesbianville or the end of the family name.

I strongly suggest the women of the world start practicing this concept as soon as possible. For those that are unsure as to what to do or how to go about doing it, I, for one, am fairly adept at the female female mating ritual, having watched countless hours of video, apparently, all in the name of science.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 09:53 AM
125000 ? You must be kidding me.

Not only would be by then be able to change the slighest aspect of our DNA with a mild thought, in a microsecond, our race would have been wiped out millions of times over.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur
I strongly suggest the women of the world start practicing this concept as soon as possible. For those that are unsure as to what to do or how to go about doing it, I, for one, am fairly adept at the female female mating ritual, having watched countless hours of video, apparently, all in the name of science.

Woah. DUDE. I need to brush up on my research. Can I borrow your video's? Pleeeeeeease! I'll return them. Honest!!

I mean, if it's going to happen, I feel I have a responsibility, nay DUTY to make sure I know what the world is facing.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by SportyMB
A world of lesbians



OK time to get serious. I'm thinking that you aren't addressing enough variables. Take China, for instance. They are expected to have an "army of bachelors" in about 50-75 years. Why? They are only allowed one child per family, and males are valued highly over females. Plus, they're the biggest country in the world. It's not just in the genes.

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