posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 04:55 PM
Well, i agree with some of your points.But, to me, Gods and Aliens are all the same.But not in the way that your thinking.Think about it, since the
begginings of time, humans had to have something to believe in.That's why we have created Gods.Because we don't have the power to change destiny,
we(stupidly)believe that there's "something" up there watching for us.No matter what realigion you talk about, they're all about the same.So,
aliens, they're the real gods, if you know what i mean.They're, supposedly, real, so, what's easier, to believe in something you pretend that
exist, or something that really exists?
God doesn't have evil associated with him.His supposed son, Jesus, was the prototype of the perfect human.So, aliens, watched as gods, don't have
any evil stuff associated to them too.
Also, don't compare human thinking to alien thinking. Following your type of thinking, you can't say that they can't enlight us.
In the end, we can't really say that they're here for the good or the bad, but one thing is for sure.We all know that they have the power to end us
all.So, we must hope that they are good guys, just wanting to meet new friends, and help them.
[edit on 14-2-2006 by playguy]