Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
If God created the whole world, then he created the guy that knocked up the young naive vulnerable teenager, and the the abortion clinic that the
little girl went to on her bike when the guy never called her again. Make sense? I think so too. AAC
So - infact we are God's second hand..Brain and heart - feet and legs? That later invented the abortion clinic.
Why do some men freak out like that? - who told them to do such things?
And suddently i realize this whole world is sick. That there is an natural spirit - or a natural idea behind it all....
But we don't live by that natural idea... And how come we don't live in a natural and harmonic world? (yet)
That is Money and power - greed and lies...
Everyday children teenagers - grown up woman and men, fathers and mothers goto work unless it is holliday... And we pollute this planet like we where
a plauge...
Likewise we can start talking about AIDS - Birdflue and malaria... So is that also the creation of God?
must be...?
Or if not.. Then what is this place? Is this place hell?
When God allow us to kill and murder... In the name of something...
Are you people really sure there is a God? that tells us such things as kill and make money? Go wash you kitchen - Clean up your mess... Drive your
car and go find a suiteable husband.
Or kill your unborn child...
Is that really - the kind and mecryfull God that throw these thoughts at us..??
Or is it in the moment of truth we deside that it it right - and suit us best...To rape - or make cartoons? blow up world trade center.. Blow up
London subway..Blow up just to make a statement...
To haul hell down on your ex-boy or girlfreind - so they might commit suicide? That might also be murder... Cause it didn't suite us. It didn't feel
And we can't compare...Things like that - cause it dosn't feel right - or it is outraged wrong!?! - And we do everything we can to fit into this
mess...Unless we try not to - Or deside not to do so...Cause it dosn't feel right...
And all our "world-leaders" as they are named by - run around looking mad and serious - while the world just crumble into a ZOO-like machine... A
world-garden full of anger and false-ness.. Cause we gotta fit our mind into the system - and just play along and survive...
Going to fast - Can't see it happend...!! Must comply to the need of our service..
Must wear nice cloth - must "not" smell bad.. Must look
Why did that guy do that to this teenager? Did he use he's brain.. Figured out that he could just leave her there - with a fetus in her stomac...On
the sidewalk.. I don't agree with that guy..
And i think - people aught to learn how to think...
Cause i know... most people - don't have an inner voice... I have made investigation... long time ago.. That there is a difference in the human mind.
And it is not just for woman or man...It's both sexes..
You can have an inner voice - that is completely soundless...But yet you can hear it's words... And that is you thinking - yet i meet people who
can't recognize that - at all.. Some people have NEVER heard the voice of theire own mind.
And you know why??
They never had to.
A big Mystery hides inside the human body... And sure... there is life after death and life before death... Else we would not exist... Plain and
And breath - is life...For humans.. We use loungs...
And the reason we have laws is bascially because people don't spend much time thinking... Cause we don't learn that in schools... Or on any sorta
learning facilities..or clinic's.. We just ain't got tha time to think. Leave it to the conspiracy people.. LOL* (they are all wrong anyway)
We live in a world for kings and qeens - but most of us are acting like peasants...
And that is the 10% of the human brain...
This conversation will end up in spiritual life - and physical life controversy..i think...And i agree with that myself...i totally agree...