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human beings from the future

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posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 06:37 PM
Last year I watched a programme on television that was describing the effects that zero gravity would have on the human body if it was exposed to a long period of in space.
Their conclusion was that there would be extensive muscle wasteage, bone loss in the weight bearing bones such as the legs and spine, but not in the skull or fingers.
Now if you look at the majority of peoples sightings of aliens they have thin arms and legs (-muscle wasteage-), long fingers (-bone not reduced in fingers-), large heads compared to their bodies (-bone not reduced in the skull-).
Also their palor seems to be described mainly as grey, wouldn't you expect this if human skin was not in contact with the sun over a few generations.
And finally the big black eyes, I would have thought that after a few generations in the blackness of space then eyes as well as pupil apertures would evolve to be bigger to absorb as much light as possible.

So looking at all this, couldn't the aliens that we are seeing now, be human beings from the future, coming back to study how they evolved, just as we study fossilised bones to find out how we evolved.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 06:41 PM
or is it possible that the aliens we are seeing ARE aliens that have been in deep space for a long period of time? Just because that may be what would happen to us doesnt mean it wouldnt happen to anything else, my opinion is NO, the aliens we are seeing are not us from the future.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 06:41 PM

There have been rumors about Nazis fleeing to even space..


(Greys are nazis?)

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 06:50 PM
May be possible.

Until you know for sure it would be foolhardy to rule it out.

Some abductees have claimed this or were said to have received this message from aliens.

There is the story that this was a result of genetic engineering run amok.

One doubts they could be so different though especially when other aliens of a much more human resemblance have been encountered.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 07:00 PM
Dj then how do explain this.
1. Aliens have nothing inside beside there heart and lungs
2. How are they going to live with no food?
3. If there skin turned grey because of the sun..........then why the big eyes? You said they needed big eyes for see ing better in the blackness of space......
But if there near a sun theres no need for that.

And why are they landing on carriers? lol

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 07:04 PM
And if there so INTELLIGENT wouldn't they know the difference from a Pepsi from a Beer? (These aliens didnt and turned out drunk)

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 07:14 PM
ha ha them pics are funny!!!!

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 07:16 PM

do a search on gray aliens and you will find pages upon pages of info,

start reading.

regarding the national enquirer, I doubt they have a real picture of such an event being the masters at an airbrushed photo composition,

but that does not mean that a similar event has not happened,

in fact there are many rumoured encounters with naval vessels and ufos at sea.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 07:24 PM

Makes more sense to me than the idea that they evolved on another world... I can't imagine a seperate evolutionary path producing something so similar to humans.

However, they would have to have come from far in the future... 500,000 years maybe? Or genetically altered.

Or, maybe most or all of the "aliens" that we "know about" are urban legends.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 07:36 PM
I don't think any UFO that we see stays in space or zero gravity environments for any length of time. At least if their ships are capable of traveling in between space to get from one point to another. If the theories on space that we know today regarding the inifinite mass/infinite energy required to even fly at the speed of light, its more likely any alien has figured out a way past this and made their own form of wormhole/jumpgate tech that allows them to just briefly travel the stars. And if aliens are smart enough to do that, they likely have gravity generators in their ships which negate the effects of space's gravity-less vacuum.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 07:37 PM
Neo i believe that is the 2nd time you have told me to do my on research I would like to say some thing to you but i wont in fear of loosing ats points.

posted on Oct, 5 2003 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Ricko
Dj then how do explain this.
1. Aliens have nothing inside beside there heart and lungs
2. How are they going to live with no food?
3. If there skin turned grey because of the sun..........then why the big eyes? You said they needed big eyes for see ing better in the blackness of space......
But if there near a sun theres no need for that.

And why are they landing on carriers? lol

I'm sure they have a few other things in their bodies

How to live without food? What about a bio dome? Where they grow their own food on the space ship?

I don't know why they would have such large eyes, I mean space ships have lights inside don't they???

posted on Oct, 5 2003 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by DJDOHBOY
Last year I watched a programme on television that was describing the effects that zero gravity would have on the human body if it was exposed to a long period of in space.
Their conclusion was that there would be extensive muscle wasteage, bone loss in the weight bearing bones such as the legs and spine, but not in the skull or fingers.
Now if you look at the majority of peoples sightings of aliens they have thin arms and legs (-muscle wasteage-), long fingers (-bone not reduced in fingers-), large heads compared to their bodies (-bone not reduced in the skull-).
Also their palor seems to be described mainly as grey, wouldn't you expect this if human skin was not in contact with the sun over a few generations.
And finally the big black eyes, I would have thought that after a few generations in the blackness of space then eyes as well as pupil apertures would evolve to be bigger to absorb as much light as possible.

So looking at all this, couldn't the aliens that we are seeing now, be human beings from the future, coming back to study how they evolved, just as we study fossilised bones to find out how we evolved.

That is what I think. I have always thought that.

posted on Oct, 5 2003 @ 11:57 PM
logically deducing this without an ego...
we were created not them...
and i believe in the father but...
could the father have cousins?...
our apperance is similar to that of simians for a reason...
could it be to feel at "home" in out habitat...

we as well as most life could not be so highly evolved or as highly evolved as we are without intervention at some point in our past...

why do such conclusions never enter the discussion?...

is it fear of a loss of ego?...

posted on Oct, 6 2003 @ 04:27 AM
Perhaps it is beings from the future coming back trying to create children from us and what they have become to design a human that can survive in their world more like what they were at one time, trying to further mankinds existance as they are now a dying breed and the only chance for mankinds survival is for there to be a children from their world and ours. Many female abductees believe that they have had fetuses stolen and many men say they have had their sperm stolen, perhaps they are doing genetic testing and designing a child that can live in their world.

posted on Oct, 6 2003 @ 04:39 AM
The Big Black Alien Eyes are a holographic insert to scare the bejeezus out of the abducties. Here's a photo that shows the normal eyes better.


posted on Oct, 6 2003 @ 06:02 AM
interesting pics.....god the detail of them alie/n ones are amazing...

posted on Oct, 6 2003 @ 06:23 AM
My guess is they are beings from another world.

Time Travel is not possible

Time is a human concept created to understand the chain of events which goes only in one direction, you can't go back.

posted on Oct, 6 2003 @ 01:35 PM
Some of what you state about an alien may be true - but who says that they all live in the dark to have developed large eyes. I was under the impression that their eyes are larger because their senses are greater. They use their eyes to communicate while during telepathic communications. Over the years through their bodies migrating to their enviornment they grew larger.


posted on Oct, 6 2003 @ 02:55 PM
I met a man who looked like he was from the future when I was paintballing on saturday. He has a bald head (looked like Lex Luthers from superman) and silver sunglasses with BDU pants on. I saw him when we were leaving and yelled something to the effect of "good-bye future man" out the car window, he did not seem as amused by this as the rest of the people in the car did. I received an extremely evil look in return. I know it was an @$$hole thing to say but I couldn't help it, the guy looked like he was from the future. Also I know this has little or no relevance and I am sorry but after seeing this topic I had to post it, I usually don't make random posts.

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