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Revealing Truth Behind Revelations

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posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 05:23 PM
This site suggests the book of Revelations is for all intent and purpose fraud, its value as relevant to the future non-existent.

Relevant to the discussion is the fact that a many feel Nero was in reality the Anti-Christ suggested in the book in question.

Any thoughts?

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 08:37 PM
Actually some believe that revelations was one of the most accurate books in the bible, which I now agree with.

The revelation as told to John is believed to have come from the draco and is part of their pact with the universe. They do as they please but they must also provide disclosure.

Many events occuring today parallel what is told in the revelation. The revelation was written as analogy and thus is difficult to understand.

Nero is not one of the anti-christs according to some.

I think that Napoleon was one, Hitler was one and now we are expecting annother.

He is some interesting material from this website

Q: (B) Maitreya... What is the destiny of this person in this
A: Plays prominent role in disinformation process.
Q: (B) Is Benjamin Creme aware of that?
A: No.
Q: (B) Are the E.T.s putting thoughts in Benjamin Creme's
A: Yes.
Q: (B) What is their purpose in this?
A: To cause confusion, diversion, and deception so that reality
channels may be cloaked. Self explanatory.
Q: (B) Does this mean so that what we think is real really isn't?
A: Close.
Q: (B) This must mean that the Aliens want to give us one
person to focus on which is so spectacular, so that we cannot
see the truth.
A: Remember warnings about false prophets in the "desert."
Q: (B) Does this mean that Benjamin Creme is an STS
A: Yes, indirectly.
Q: (B) Is he the antichrist?
A: No. The "antichrist" is not an individual, but consortium.
Q: (B) Who is the Consortium?
A: Term refers to idea of large body of individuals.
Q: (L) Who specifically? (F) Human beings?
A: Yes and others.
Q: (B) Are these beings who have lived longer than most
people live in one lifetime?
A: Confused thought patterns.
Q: (B) Are these people who have reincarnated for lifetime
after lifetime and have kept the same memory to continue the
same plan?
A: Only a select few.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 08:52 PM
The first sign that I shouldn't give much credit to the intelligence and research that went into your quoted site is that the book in question is NOT


It is the The Revelation of John ... there is no s. never has been. And those who tend to refer to with an s, always seem to be a little less read in the subject than they ought to be if their going to start debating the credibility of the book.

So that they slip into this error throws a flag.

Second, why wouldn't the Revelation coincide with Jewish scripture? The entire New Testament coincides with Jewish scripture, quotes Jewish scriptures and hangs on Jewish scripture. John was a Jew for pete's sake...

Anyway, I believe the first portion of the URL points out the bias toward which this was written.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 09:40 PM
Back in the 70s a supercomputer was used, invited were all interested parties with respect to this book.

All responded and every bit of information which was available was inputted into the system being used, in respect to the book of Revelations. The question asked was in regards to who was the anti-Christ.

The response after about a week of clocking (it was a lot of information) was Nero.

Any thoughts?

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 10:08 PM
Reading the page, I saw assertions with no proof. This web site is basically a tout for his books. Looking at his home page, I see the name of Hyram Maccoby. Serious scholars take Erich Van Daniken more seriously than Maccoby. There are other names I recognize - all of whom don't know what they are talking about. Another one of those "axe to grind" web sites - much hot air - very little proof. Just going on his web page, I would say he is a little above Solomon Tulbure.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 10:46 PM
Jagdflieger point taken, but would not those same considerations be applicable to Revelations in general?

Never understood the logic of removing the Malachi and keeping Revelations, do not they both go hand in hand?

Personally, am looking forward to a serious analysis of the book in question and for the record will be arguing from the context of a serious skeptic

Jagd despite what you might believe is great to see you back

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 10:53 PM
this from paul schockley who channeled god for years.....

This Awareness indicates it is no coincidence that the Book of Revelation is being used as a kind of blueprint for the world domination. It is a fact that the Book of Revelation was originally a writing of the Templars. The Templars having discovered the pattern or plan of alien conquest of a planet, and put this information into the Book of Revelation, and if you examine it, you will notice that it speaks of the "dragon." Instead of calling it the dragon, read it as "Draco," the constellation Draco.

would you like some more?

i don't have a hard time thinking this is genuine.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 11:09 PM
You mean the Book of Malachi in the Old testament? - it is in the NIV, the ASB, and the KJV. Revelation is New Testament - Malachi is Old Testament and I find them both in my CD ROM version of the Bible.

The Book of Revelation has been known since at least 185 AD. and was included into the canons around 335 AD. I don't see how the Knights Templars could have written Revelation. Also I would beware of anyone who has "channeled for God" for years. Reference Tal Brooke.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 11:14 PM
my view:

nero= was antichrist....... for his day & age
napolean- antichrist.......for his time on earth
hitler = also an A-C.........for his generation

maitreya- ??..................the jury's still out on that one

new antichrists appear every generation....and the end times are forever 'at the door'

that is the design of the prophetic story, a mythic journey that is; more fully realized in each generation!!

more proofs are found...more valid claims of proof exist,
for each period in history!!! look..prophectic messages are unfolding before our eyes...they claim!!!
There is truth in what 'they' say....but in another 20-30-50-100 years....more-real-proofs will be revealed,
as clearer & more accurate fufillments are displayed or interpeted as being 'realized'....

the story, myth, continually being refined and each generation...thats the beauty of it!

the never-ending story...relevant to every, man-woman-child...bringing new salvation & regeneration to everyone--....i expect that story/myth is an algorithm for the existance of the material universe...if we only look for the 'mind of g-d'

many different links could be made here.....but lets try:::

don't recall seeing that one for a spell--> remember, there's new thread makers, here, at any given time....
and they don't want to 'research' yesterdays posts, for the hot topic they got...NOW !! or for 'relevent' LINKS !!
***in yesterdays, scraps....****

PS: my 'ink-blot' test...took a record 4+ hours to complete...that psychiatrist sure had staying power...
s/riff raff

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by jagdflieger
You mean the Book of Malachi in the Old testament? - it is in the NIV, the ASB, and the KJV. Revelation is New Testament - Malachi is Old Testament and I find them both in my CD ROM version of the Bible.

The Book of Revelation has been known since at least 185 AD. and was included into the canons around 335 AD. I don't see how the Knights Templars could have written Revelation. Also I would beware of anyone who has "channeled for God" for years. Reference Tal Brooke.

not channeled "for" god. channeled god. we can all do it. we all do do it. most of us ignore god.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 11:16 PM
oh, sorry. i forgot. the templars have existed under different names from time immemorial. just my educated guess.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 11:18 PM
Microchips today are commonly presented as related to the Mark of the beast, but the reality is their function and the technology in question, has simply not caught up with the human condition (especially given recent discoveries). We are to complex to believe that modern technology has a grasp upon us in that way.

As far as aliens any race capable of reaching this planet in respect to the distances in question, would have no real reason to react to the human condition in the way suggested.

Any thoughts?

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 11:19 PM
Again I reference Tal Brooke - that kind of behavior opens one up to pure demonic input.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 11:21 PM

agreed but there is one thing that many people are overlooking and that is galactic events which do signify a true end to a period.'

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 11:25 PM
Again I reference Tal Brooke - that kind of behavior opens one up to pure demonic input.
the word demon is from the greek daemon meaning "inner self". no demons exist for you unless you empower them.
the word satan, which appears in the bible hundreds of times, means that which keeps you seperate from god.
the word lucifer appears once and is a bad translation.
people who take the bible as 100% gospel are wishful thinkers.
i do believe in christ, so please don't freak out on me. i just have an open mind about the man and the message.
go(o)dness is written on my heart.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 11:35 PM

Quote from Toltec
Microchips today are commonly presented as related to the Mark of the beast, but the reality is their function and the technology in question, has simply not caught up with the human condition (especially given recent discoveries). We are to complex to believe that modern technology has a grasp upon us in that way.

Embedded chips and a cashless (no currency) society will make the "cannot buy or sell" provision possible - just wearing a mark could not prevent people from economic transactions in the past. Now it is just a matter of a couple of years. Also in Revelation there is reference to a war that will kill one third of mankind - simple with a few nukes. There is an army of 200 million men - the size of the army of Red China. There is a description that could be the effects of being in a blast zone of a nuke - "flesh melts of bones will standing". There is also a description of modern communications - the two prophets of God killed by the beast will be viewed by the whole world for three days - sounds like their bodies will be shown on CNN.

As for near by aliens. Why haven't we heard from them? I can explain if you desire.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 11:42 PM
Demonic input? Revelations ends with God destroying the world and for that matter the Universe
all because of what happened on earth. This cause being that every human being alive and well on earth simply did not accept Jesus as his and her savior???

Common Jagd, it sounds more like an effort by men to justify expansionism militarily, than an actual mandate from God. That you may wish to site that at the time revelations was prepared, Christianity had no real desire's with respect to world domination. The truth is that in reality that has nothing to do with the fact it is featured the way it is.

Faith in God is one thing, faith in the words of a man is quite another especially in regards to visions.

Furthermore are you sugesting that the army of God is Chinese????
Any thoughts?

[Edited on 4-10-2003 by Toltec]

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 11:43 PM
Billybob, there is a specific prohibition in Mosaic Law prohibiting the contacting of spirits. Even though the Cross of Christ releases us from Law it does not destroy the Law as a indicator of sin. In our present state we do not have the spiritual knowledge to distinguish between "good" and "bad" spiritual entities. Any spiritual entity which spends anytime in contact with a human being is a demon. For angles who are still obedient to God do not spend their time chit chating with humans. They contact humans only when there is a specific mission to perform. Tal Brooke was a former adept under Sal Babba until he came to Christ. He work the book "Avatar of Night" and has much exprience in channeling, etc.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 11:44 PM
More boring stuff on the subject of the revelation given to John:

material that is available at

Q: (L) Who gave John Revelation?
A: The Lizzies.
Q: (L) Who did Paul encounter on the road to Damascus.
A: Spirit of the 6th density.
Q: (L) If the Revelations are from the "bad" guys, are they an
accurate portrayal of the end times?
A: Close.

Q: (L) What is the meaning of the number 666 in the book of
A: Visa.
Q: (L) You mean as in credit card?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are credit cards the work of what 666 represents?
A: Yes?
Q: (L) Should we get rid of all credit cards?
A: Up to you.
Q: (L) Would it be more to our advantage than not to
disconnect ourselves from the credit system?
A: Isn't just credit also debit.
Q: (L) Is that an affirmative.
A: How are you going to do this?
Q: (L) Well, do you have any suggestions?
A: World will soon have nothing but credit and debit have you
not heard of this new visa debit cards this is the future of
money as controlled by the world banking system i.e. the
brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist.
Q: (L) If I don't have a credit card then I don't have to belong
to this system?
A: No. You will have no choices: belong or starve.
Q: (L) What happened to free will?
A: Brotherhood AKA Lizards AKA antichrist has interfered
with free will for 309000 years. They are getting desperate as
we near the change.
Q: (V) It has always been my nature to rebel against that
which I did not feel was good for me. Is rebellion against this
system possible?
A: If you are willing to leave the body.
Q: (L) Leave the body as in death, croak, kick the bucket?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) If we were to move...
A: Changes will follow turmoil be patient.
Q: (L) We would like to move into the country. Will it be
possible to get along without this credit/debit card leading that
kind of life?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are they going to have the kind of capability of
controlling everything and everybody no matter where they
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Even if we moved to Guyana and built a log hut in the
rain forest and didn't bother anybody, we'd still get sucked
into this thing?
A: Laura you will feel the effect of the Lizard beings desperate
push for total control no matter where you go.
Q: (L) That is inexpressibly depressing. Do you understand?
A: Why? Change will follow.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by jagdflieger
Billybob, there is a specific prohibition in Mosaic Law prohibiting the contacting of spirits. Even though the Cross of Christ releases us from Law it does not destroy the Law as a indicator of sin. In our present state we do not have the spiritual knowledge to distinguish between "good" and "bad" spiritual entities. Any spiritual entity which spends anytime in contact with a human being is a demon. For angles who are still obedient to God do not spend their time chit chating with humans. They contact humans only when there is a specific mission to perform. Tal Brooke was a former adept under Sal Babba until he came to Christ. He work the book "Avatar of Night" and has much exprience in channeling, etc.

once again, ...
i'm not talking about spirits or other subspecies in the aethers. that is a trap for the power hungry. i'm talking about god.
how did christ speak with god? there have been others who are have been historically recognized as being in touch with the divine. why does everybody think it's only in books? ask god. i did.
do you think god can't talk to everyone of us all the time simultaneously?
it's a matter of faith. intuition is your connection. gut feelings. emotions. innate moral sense. just listen.

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