posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 01:15 PM
Wow, this thread really caught my attention. Mainly because of the incident I had early this morning about 4am, but let me start at the beginning,
it's quite long so I'll summarize most of it.
When I was young I started getting this "sleep paralysis" and it evolved into what I call "Extreme Sleep-Walking" episodes. I would be fully
awake, eyes open and completely in charge of my body, but I was seeing things. Things that I couldn't explain. I would be in class and my vision
would become distorted. The chalkboard at the front of class (I always sat in the back) would seem like it was right in front of me, like at my nose
much like looking through a magnifying glass. I felt as though the walls were closing in on me. And peoples heads would seem large than normal. And
that's how it would all start, hallucinations would follow... Most notably was a bright white ball would appear in front and above of me and I
"had" to get to it, move towards it. My parents would freak out. They even thought I was on drugs. I would be in a cold sweat during this time. It
only happened in two places, at home (in California) and in my aunts house in Mexico City. When I reached the age of about 15 I decided to take
control and learned how to give myself these dreams. I was searching for an answer but I never found one. The only thing I learned was how to control
the hallucinations and stop them from beginning.
I moved out at about 17 to Arizona. There I would have lucid dreams, most of which I attributed to gory games like DOOM or Quake that I liked to play.
But then the sleep paralysis started again and those dreams were almost always the same. I would wake from a dream or nightmare, the room would be
dark but I could look around with my eyes. I couldn't move my body very well as though someone or something was holding me down, but I was either on
my side or laying on my stomach (which I never do). I could feel someone behind me with their hand on my arm, sometimes they were whispering to me but
I couldn't make it out. My mind would race and I would struggle to get free. It felt like the whole bed was shaking and it would pain me to struggle
more but I continued to fight out of fear. At some point I would wake up and it usually scared me enough not to fall back asleep. At one point a
friend gave me a Dream Catcher. Supposedly they are meant to filter out nightmares for children, but the whole time I had it up my nightmare worsened.
The nightmares decreased significantly when I took it down.
As I got older I grew tired of the "nightmares" and of this "thing" holding me hostage. I began to fight back and struggle as much as I could.
Sometimes I would come out of them in a sweat, think about what just happened and force myself asleep again and ask for it to return. I'd then try to
communicate with this presence, but in the back of my mind I knew I was only seeking answers within my subconsciousness. Because I don't believe in
God, Angels, Demons, Ghosts, etc. Although I won't fully discount them all, but the funny thing is that those things don't scare me and I'm deathly
afraid of spiders, so why demons? Why not Spiders? I've had these "incidents" during the day on my couch, at night, in consecutive order (one right
after another sometimes even after I was awake for at least an hour in between) and in at least a dozen homes in two countries and 3 different states.
So I'm the only common element in this crazy equation. What gives?