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A perfect opportunity!

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posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 02:55 PM
Many times I've seen where somebody puts a tremendous amount of time and effort into expressing themselves as effectively as possible, maybe we are hoping that somebody else will understand us that also has the ability to make things change, as if we don't.
WE are in trouble as a whole and it was not supposed to be mine or your problem to solve, but since it appears that so many of us understand how poor 'the future' looks if we continue to accept the direction we are heading in, I believe it is OUR responsibility to DO something about it.

Since MONSANTO has several former employee's in KEY positions at the white house and they are still trying to hide from the public eye, I think it's just a matter of putting them in the 'public spotlight'.
Maybe that can be done through the people of this forum.

Most people are scared to participate in a discussion or spread information that is 'detrimental' to this government, and just to make it clear this thread is about the crimes of MONSANTO, and the potential of making these murderous bastards STOP.
Just because the USG is in bed with this company does not give the USG the authority to protect them from their crimes against US!

Honestly, with what I have found and what I have sent the USG and posted online... they really do need some help.

Ok, I'll try to paint this bullseye perfectly for you.

ONE “organization” or “entity” is responsible for the following:

Providing the toxic chemicals to exterminate 6 million Jews,
Providing the toxic chemicals that exposed Vietnamese, Australians, Canadians and Americans, their children and grandchildren to Agent Orange,
Providing the toxic chemicals for the 8,485 victims of the Texas City Disaster,
Providing the toxic chemicals (plutonium & uranium) for the Little-Boy and the Fat-Man that instantly killed approximately 120,000 Japanese people- 95% of them civilians,
Providing the toxic chemicals that polluted 3,500 Anniston Alabama residents and their environment, AND intentionally hiding the exposure levels and denying the health effects... for decades!
The same “entity” I am making you aware of also occupies senior positions in many, if not all of the USG 'protection agencies' today, from the Sec. of Defense to the man who swore the president into office, and all the way down the line.
It appears as the people who thought they were in control have become victims of "mad-science", just like the rest of us.

United States Department of Health and Human Services

“Harmful Chemicals May Reprogram Gene Response to Estrogen”
"This study is telling us that an environmental reprogramming of a normal response, combined with an inherited gene defect, work together to promote cancer,"
“If this model is correct, it will help doctors to determine which individuals are more likely to develop cancers of the uterus, breast and prostate."
"We are just beginning to realize that exposures received decades earlier, during critical developmental stages, may be much more important in determining who develops cancer as an adult."

United States Department of Health and Human Services

"Among U.S. residents, 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will develop cancer at some point in their lifetimes.“
Do you understand that ?
The USG is acknowledging that 41.5% of US will be treated for some form of Cancer while many more will just die from it without seeking treatment or having a physician point out the obvious!!

United States Department of Health and Human Services

New Research Shows Air Pollution Can Reduce Children's Lung Function

Children who live in polluted communities are five times more likely to have clinically low lung function-less than 80 percent of the lung function expected for their age. New data from the Children's Health Study suggests that pollutants from vehicle emissions and fossil fuels hinder lung development and limit breathing capacity for a lifetime.

"This is the longest study ever conducted on air pollution and children's health," "It shows that current levels of air pollution have adverse effects on lung development in children between the ages of 10 and 18."
"Lung development in teenagers determines they’re breathing capacity and health for the rest of their lives,"
"The potential long-term effects of reduced lung function are alarming. It's second only to smoking as a risk factor for mortality. As lung function decreases, the risk of respiratory disease and heart attacks increases."

Is this a crime against nature, or humans?

Monsanto has been LINKED to CANCER. There is an obvious connection between MONSANTO and the U.S. Government. This entire NATION has a synthetic chemical (rBGH) ADDED to our MILK and our dairy products. Every other industrialized country in the world has banned the use of this MONSANTO product, but they never quit fighting to influence their target 'customer base'.

You may be wondering... how does this happen? and which one of our 'protection agencies' are supposed to stop this from happening?
Sadly, the answer is that none of them are supposed to prevent it and it is the responsibility of NONE of our gov. agencies to limit the amounts of synthetic poisoning we are being exposed to.

The White House

"EPA carries out a significant portion of its mission through the Operating Program, which includes its core responsibilities for regulatory development, enforcement, research, and program grants to states."
"The program guarantees results, by eliminating costly regulation, litigation, inspection, and enforcement actions. As a result, industry compliance has been nearly 100 percent."

The EPA’s "Operating Program" is a sick joke. Their core responsibilities are eliminated, and the industry is allowed to report the amounts of poison they are dumping into our system by the ton, based on their honor.
Imagine, if the people who are fighting the 'war on drugs' just sat back and waited for the drug dealers to submit statements to the DEA that they are selling too much crack.
That is what the EPA is doing to protect our environment. Since industry pollution is reported by the 'honor system', we will never know or understand any accurate statistics on our levels of exposure to toxic chemicals.
It took four years for the EPA to 'phase-out' the reintroduction of Diazinon to the products on consumer shelves. Nothing was done to stop it, nothing was done to prevent the millions of tons of Diazinon that were already in the hands of consumers to enter our system, even though...
The EPA finally had enough proof to acknowledge its potential health risks to children. It is among a class of chemicals known to attack the nervous system and are believed to pose special threats to children, even at low doses.
(*Allowing this chemical re-introduction into household products for 4 more years to provide the greatest amounts of profit, is TERRORIST activity! *)

*1996* Study Warns of Colon and Breast Cancer Risks from rBGH Milk

January 23, *1996*, Washington, DC - The Cancer Prevention The study summarizes evidence that rBGH increases levels of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) in milk. IGF-1 is a powerful stimulator and regulator of cell-growth and division in humans and cows. The study concludes that increased IGF-1 levels are risk factors for breast and colon cancer.
“rBGH poses an even greater risk to human health than ever considered," warned Epstein M.D., Professor University of Illinois School of Public Health and Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, author of the new report. "The FDA and Monsanto have a lot to answer for. Given the cancer risks, and other health concerns, why is rBGH milk still on the market?"

" Monsanto 's claims that rBGH is perfectly safe have been proven dead wrong today. This study further validates the health concerns of millions of consumers about this controversial product," said Michael Colby, Executive Director of Food and Water. "Only Monsanto is benefiting from this drug.
"The entire nation is currently being subjected to a large-scale adulteration of an age-old dietary staple by a poorly characterized and unlabeled biotechnology product, which is very different than natural milk."

A highly condensed summary of an IGF- 1 Monsanto short term test in mature rats was released by FDA (Juskevich & Guyer, 1990). The agency alleges that this study confirms IGF- 1's "lack of oral activity." At the outset it should be noted that the Monsanto test was contracted out to Hazelton Laboratories, which has a two-decade history of misrepresentation of scientific data. (Epstein, 1978).

The FDA has failed to investigate the effects of long-term feeding of IGF- 1 and rBGH-milk on growth, or on more sensitive sub-cellular effects, in infant rats or infants of any other species.
Who should we notify about this?

In a 1989 letter the FDA was warned that the effects of IGF-1 "could include premature growth stimulation in infants, [breast enlargement] in young children and breast cancer in adult females." "Further studies will be required to determine whether the ingestion of higher than normal concentrations of bovine insulin-like growth factor is safe for children, adolescents and adults." (AMA, 1991 ! ). Instead of further study, the FDA allowed for uncontrolled, unlabeled sales of treated milk to unwitting consumers.

Given the potential health impacts of consumption of MILK and other dairy products derived from rBGH treated cows, all such products at a minimum be labeled so that consumers are aware of what they are purchasing and consuming. More prudently the FDA approval of rBGH should be withdrawn until the agency performs adequate long term testing on the impacts of increased levels of IGF- 1 in milk and other dairy products derived from rBGH treated cows.
These practices are so frequent as to preclude dismissal as exceptional aberrations and, in many instances, arguably rise to the level of criminality.

United States Department of Health and Human Services

Mothers' Exposure to Air Pollutants Linked to Chromosome Damage in Babies
"This is the first study to show that environmental exposures to specific combustion pollutants during pregnancy can result in chromosomal abnormalities in fetal tissues," said Kenneth Olden, Ph.D., the "These findings may lead to new approaches for the prevention of certain cancers."
"This evidence that air pollutants can alter chromosomes in utero is troubling since other studies have validated this type of genetic alteration as a biomarker of cancer risk,"

United States Department of Health and Human Services

Agricultural Pesticide Use May Be Associated With Increased Risk of Prostate Cancer
Exposure to certain agricultural pesticides may be associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer among pesticide applicators, according to a large study looking at the causes of cancer and other diseases in the farming community.
"Associations between pesticide use and prostate cancer risk among the farm population have been seen in previous studies; farming is the most consistent occupational risk factor for prostate cancer,"


The jury in Gadsden, Ala., a town 20 miles from Anniston, yesterday held Monsanto and its corporate successors liable on all six counts it considered: negligence, wantonness, suppression of the truth, nuisance, trespass and outrage. Under Alabama law, the rare claim of outrage typically requires conduct "so outrageous in character and extreme in degree as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency so as to be regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in civilized society."

Monsanto found guilty of International Bribery

Monsanto, the leading global producer of genetically engineered seeds and crops, has been found guilty of bribing government officials in Indonesia.
The Justice Department has fined Monsanto $1.5 million for bribing the Indonesian Ministry of Environment to allow the company to ignore required environmental impact studies before proceeding to plant genetically modified crops.
The only people who would pay to RAPE someone else’s land, are the people who have been allowed to RAPE their own land for free!
Meanwhile, in the U.S., bribery seems hardly necessary for the Gene Giant, given that the Bush administration and regulatory agencies are stacked with former Monsanto employees and pro-biotech bureaucrats. Monsanto strengthened its grip on U.S. policymaking last week when one of its former lobbyists, Martha Scott, was appointed as Staff Director of the Senate Agriculture Committee.

NEWS Headlines:

"June 2005, over 100 research scientists issue a joint, signed statement concluding that scientific uncertainty should not delay precautionary action on reducing the exposures to and the risks from endocrine disrupters."

"For the first time, researchers have identified an association between pregnant women's exposure to phthalates and adverse effects on genital development in their male children."

"Two estrogenic contaminants cause adverse effects in prostate development in mice at levels to which millions of Americans are exposed each year."

"Exposure to phthalates is linked to three childhood allergic diseases: asthma, rhinitis and eczema."

"Infants exposed to herbicides and pesticides are much more likely to develop early persistent asthma"

"Testicular cancer linked to environmental exposures early in life"

“Calculations suggest high adverse impacts of DDT use on infant mortality."

"Research links herbicides used on wheat to birth defects in the Great Plains."
"Taxpayers Forced to Fund Monsanto's Poisoning of Third World"
"Monsanto's Roundup Pesticide Linked to Cancer"
"Monsanto Takes Ownership of Public Water Resources"
"Monsanto spends millions to stop labeling initiative!"
"Genetically Modified Corn Study Reveals Health Damage and Cover-Up"
"Furor in New Zealand over Monsanto Withholding Data on GE Corn Rat Feeding Study"
"Monsanto Buys Another Giant Seed Company
Monsanto to Buy Seminis for $1 Billion"
"Monsanto Bio-Pirates Strike Again in India"
"Monsanto and U.S. Government Handing Out Free GE Seeds in South Africa"
"Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide, Sprayed Heavily on GE Crops, is Hazardous to Humans"
"Monsanto's Transgenic Soybeans Found Guilty by People's Court in Brazil"
"Monsanto's Roundup Spreading Deadly Fusarium Fungus"
"Monsanto's Roundup Linked to Pregnancy & Reproductive Problems & Endocrine Disruption"
"What Are Monsanto & the FDA Hiding Regarding Controversial Cow Hormone?"
"Study Links Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide to Hormone Disruption & Fetal Damage"
"Deliberate Contamination of EU Food with Monsanto's GMOs Provokes Anger"
"French-Fries in Childhood Tied to Breast Cancer?"

"Monsanto files patent for new invention: the pig"

Just read “the-pig” story!


"USDA secretary Ann Veneman is a former director of Calgene (swallowed by Monsanto and now part of Pharmacia),
Rufus Yerxa, Monsanto's chief counsel, has been appointed as the US deputy to the WTO.
Linda J. Fisher... Vice President of Government and Public Affairs for Monsanto Corporation, has been nominated for the second-ranking job at the Environmental Protection Agency. Fisher, who worked as Assistant Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Pollution Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances for 10 years before
Michael A. Friedman, M.D. former acting commissioner of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Department of Health and Human Services . now senior vice-president for clinical affairs at G. D. Searle & Co., a pharmaceutical division of Monsanto Corporation

Linda J. Fisher . former Assistant Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Pollution Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, now Vice President of Government and Public Affairs for Monsanto Corporation.

Carol Tucker Foreman. former Monsanto lobbyist was appointed by to serve as U.S. "Consumer Advocate" on U.S. Biotech Consultative Forum Delegation.

Marcia Hale . . . former assistant to the President of the United States and director for intergovernmental affairs, now Director of International Government Affairs for Monsanto Corporations.

Prior to being the Supreme Court Judge who put GW Bush in office, Clarence Thomas was Monsanto's lawyer.

Michael (Mickey) Kantor. former United States Trade Representative, the Secretary of Commerce for the United States, has been made a member of the board of directors of Monsanto Corporation,

Josh King . former director of production for White House events, now director of global communication in the Washington, D.C. office of Monsanto Corporation.

Margaret Miller . former chemical laboratory supervisor for Monsanto, working on rBGH safety studies until 1989. now Deputy Director of Human Food Safety and Consultative Services,

Michael Taylor . former legal advisor to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s Bureau of Medical Devices and Bureau of Foods, another Monsanto employee-turned FDA official.

William D. Ruckelshaus. . . former chief administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency, now (and for the last 12 years) a member of the board of directors of Monsanto

Lasts but certainly NOT least, our wonderful Secretary of Defense !!

The Secretary of Defense (Donald Rumsfeld) was on the Board of Directors of Monsanto's Searle pharmaceuticals.

Rumbling Rumsfeld Defends the Nation from 'evildoers', while ,
In 1985 Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle, the chemical company that held the patent to aspartame, the active ingredient in Nutra Sweet. Monsanto was apparently untroubled by aspartame's clouded past, including a 1980 FDA Board of Inquiry, comprised of three independent scientists, which confirmed that it "might induce brain tumors." The FDA had actually banned the drug based on this finding, only to have Searle Chairman Donald Rumsfeld (currently the Secretary of Defense) vow to "call in his markers," to get it approved.

**"We are conducting a vast toxicological experiment, and we are using our children as the experimental animals." -- Dr. Philip Landrigan, Chairman, Preventive Medicine, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine

**"With chemicals, it's shoot first and ask questions later." -- Al Meyerhoff, former attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council

**"Historians don't like to use broad political term like 'cover-up', but there's really no other term that you can use for this." -- Prof. Gerald Markowitz, Ph.D., John Jay College.

It sounds like this Angell from Monsanto, is really Tony Montana !
“A Monsanto official told the New York Times that the corporation should not have to take responsibility for the safety of its food products. "Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food," said Phil Angell, Monsanto's director of corporate communications.
"Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA's job."

Was Hitler this brazen about the Holocaust ?

In 1967", Monsanto enters into a joint venture with IG_Farben", the key supplier of poison gas to the Nazi racial extermination program.-GENOCIDE!

Maybe so, they are related.

Can WE win this war ?

Winning the war on cancer means preventing cancer. Yet cancer is a multi-billion dollar business. Isn’t preventing cancer bad for business? It is for the pharmaceutical and mammography businesses. These industries have intricate ties to U. S. policy makers, directing research funds to insure their continued profits in cancer diagnosis/treatment. It’s time for reform.
We are all losing.

• Professor Richard Lewontin, professor of genetics, Harvard University, We have such a miserably poor understanding of how the organism develops from its DNA that I would be surprised if we don't get one rude shock after another."

• Dr Suzanne Wuerthele, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) toxicologist, "This technology is being promoted, in the face of concerns by respectable scientists and in the face of data to the contrary, by the very agencies which are supposed to be protecting human health and the environment. The bottom line in my view is that we are confronted with the most powerful technology the world has ever known, and it is being rapidly deployed with almost no thought whatsoever to its consequences."- GENOCIDE

• Professor Norman Ellstrand, ecological geneticist at the University of California, "within 10 years we will have a moderate to large-scale ecological or economic catastrophe, because there will be so many products being released." GENOCIDE

• "With genetic engineering familiar foods could become metabolically dangerous or even toxic.” Statement by 21 scientists including the following, Professor Brian Goodwin, Professor Jacqueline McGlade, Professor Peter Saunders and Professor Richard Lacey - GENOCIDE

• Professor Richard Lacey, microbiologist and Professor of Food Safety at Leeds University - has spoken out strongly against the introduction of genetically engineered foods because of “the essentially unlimited health risks”.- GENOCIDE ""

Professor Arpad Pusztai, world-leading nutritional science expert, formerly of the Food, Gut, and Microbial Interactions Group, Rowett Research Institute, "If it is left to me, I would certainly not eat it. We are putting new things into food which have not been eaten before. The effects on the immune system are not easily predictable and I challenge anyone who will say that the effects are predictable." ""

• Dr Andrew Chesson, vice chairman of European Commission scientific committee on animal nutrition, "Potentially disastrous effects may come from undetected harmful substances in genetically modified foods." - GENOCIDE ""

• Dr. Gerald B. Guest, Director of the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM),"...animal feeds derived from genetically modified plants present unique animal and food safety concerns.. "

• Professor Dennis Parke a former chief advisor on food safety to Unilever Corporation and British advisor to the US FDA on safety aspects of biotechnology writes: "In 1983, hundreds of people in Spain died after consuming adulterated rapeseed oil. This adulterated rapeseed oil was not toxic to rats". Dr Parke warns that current testing procedures for genetically altered foods including rodent tests are not proving safety for humans. -GENOCIDE

Public risk must always be balanced against the potential for public benefit. This milk-producing hormone has NONE—zero—benefit for the public. It merely places the public at risk to increase corporate profits. - GENOCIDE
NONE whatsoever - Zero. Even FDA says there are no consumer benefits. In fact, because the U.S. already produces a surplus of milk, which is purchased by Uncle Sam, increasing milk production with rBGH will COST the taxpayer an additional $200 million or more each year.

Monsanto's Genetically Modified Milk Ruled Unsafe by The United Nations

The Codex Alimentarius Commission, the U.N. Food Safety Agency representing 101 nations worldwide, has ruled unanimously in favor of the 1993 European moratorium on Monsanto's genetically engineered hormonal milk (rBGH).

If we watch the EPA fail us, we are failing ourselves.

In another rule, FDA has failed to require an adequate battery of safety tests. Even with the most rigorous testing, long-term effects will not be known for years and perhaps generations. Without segregation and labeling FDA cannot perform the responsibilities delegated to it by Food and Drug law.

The FDA says it is now in a listening mode

The FDA says it is now in a listening mode. If its ears are truly opened, then its conscience should have been touched. What is at stake is the safety of the nation's and ultimately the world's food supply.

What is troubling is that the government tries to deny that any genetically engineered food has caused harm. It is just running away from reality.

Labeling and long-term safety testing are only two steps in that process and we should not go another day without them. It is unfair, unsafe and unwise. As the evidence continues to come out, it is no longer rhetorical to ask what the industry is trying to hide by not labeling these foods, and why the insurance companies will not touch bioengineered food.

As mentioned on the earlier panel, rBGH has been rejected in every major industrialized nation. In fact, a recent report by Health Canada indicates that the FDA misreported the findings of Monsanto's ninety-day rat feeding study. Even the heavily corporate-influenced Kodak's alimentary commission has refused to certify the safety of rBGH despite heavy pressure from the United States.
Yet, we are forced to eat and drink products from cows injected with rBGH in secret because of prohibitive labeling requirements written for the FDA by a Monsanto employee.
There are several actions that need to be taken that are out of the FDA's hands, including ratification of the conventional and biological diversity for which it is shameful that the United States has not signed.

The greatest controversy in FDA history was the approval process for Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone. We shouldn't be here today. We should not be in this room, and I shouldn't be here because in 1994 Congress had a Bill that was going to require mandatory labeling of all foods that were influenced by genetic engineering.

When Monsanto made their genetically engineered bovine growth hormone, they noticed that laboratory animals were getting cancer, and they noticed that cows were getting mastitis, ulcers on their udders; they were putting more pus and bacteria into the milk. In 1958 Robert Delaney, a Congressman from New York, put in a Delaney Amendment. It was named after him. The Delaney Amendment stated that if a food additive caused cancer it was not to be approved -- pretty good law, right?
Well, Monsanto got their attorney, Michael Taylor from the firm of King and Spaulding -- by the way, when they started in 1979 they groomed their attorney now in the Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas, the same law firm -- Monsanto's attorney, Michael Taylor wrote and minimized the Delaney Amendment, an interpretation of the Delaney Amendment which became the new protocol, the new standard operating procedure at FDA. They minimized cancer. Michael Taylor was hired by the Food and Drug Administration and became the second most powerful man there, Monsanto's attorney. He wrote the standard operating procedures. In other words, we see cancer; ignore it.

Margaret Miller, Susan Sechen, Monsanto's scientists, were hired by the FDA to review Monsanto's own research. Margaret Miller knew cows were getting mastitis. The first week at the FDA, December 3, 1989, she was given broad power -- and here is an effect of genetic engineering nobody has considered -- she knew cows were getting sick from the genetically engineered hormone; she changed the amount of antibiotics that farmers could have in their milk. She increased it by 100 times.

Jerome Moore's paper said “if there is a middle of the chain protein change there could be Alzheimer's, or sickle cell anemia, or diabetes. Monsanto, four months after the hormone was approved, one of their scientists, Bernard Violand, published, in the July 3, 1994 issue of the journal Protein Science evidence that Monsanto made a mistake. Oops! Monsanto created a freak amino acid!
It seems to me that we are embarking on a dangerous path from which we cannot return and this government is making a grave error in judgment by not exercising more prudence.
Given the history of repeated assurances by the government and corporations and a long list of technologies such as pesticides, antibiotics or RbGH that were all declared safe based on research and then to find out, a few years later, that crucial evidence was not evaluated properly or even suppressed and now are shown to be unsafe.
I have come to have little or no confidence in the government's ability to exercise sound judgment in these matters on its own. The bottom line is that we don't need genetic engineering. This path primarily benefits those who are reaping the profits. - Mafia DRUG dealers!

I do not appreciate being treated as a guinea pig. I believe genetic engineering violates nature and I am deeply concerned that we have no way of cleaning up any unintended environmental catastrophes.

"When people are trying to kill you and when they attack because they hate freedom, other disputes from Frankenfood to bananas and even important issues like the environment suddenly look a bit different." - Condoleezza Rice, George Bush's national security adviser

Since public awareness and exposure of the truth about this company and their intentional 'adulteration' of the worlds food supply is their only enemy, will you help me find a vulnerable spot to attack...
or just spread the word?

The only protection this government can provide them is by keeping their crimes out of the news, and they are doing their very best!
We don't have to 'overthrow the government', all we have to do is expose their soft underbelly.


posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 11:30 AM
WOW. What a great collection of quotes, references and resources.

...I do agree that Monsanto is a very bad company, but it does seem to me that there are others just as bad. Maybe not as old, or with such a devastating resume, but they are well on the way.

... One the main problems I see is that Monsanto's lobbying and insider influence sets the stage for other companies to do the same. More bad news...

And yeah, Monsanto and others have not just changed the environment, they have changed the biological terms affecting life on this planet.

Thanks for all your hard work. ...I have a good reference for you if I can find it. Be back in a while...

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 05:39 PM
If this forum ever discovered an important issue that they chose to 'pick apart' like Serpo, Aliens, UFO's etc etc,,

could they expose something that would make a difference in their lives?

Would it be 'legal' or acceptable to the moderators of this forum if one person or a portion of the membership at ATS chose do dig into the background of MONSANTO employees, such as posting their personal information including their addresses, where the spouses work, and where their children attend school?

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 06:10 PM

Would it be 'legal' or acceptable to the moderators of this forum if one person or a portion of the membership at ATS chose do dig into the background of MONSANTO employees, such as posting their personal information including their addresses, where the spouses work, and where their children attend school?

What kind of sick twisted mind brought on this question? You want to know where their children go to school? What would you do with that information? I don't usually get personal, but you need to get some help.

I find this comment quite disturbing! Where their spouses work and where their children go to school? Again, why would you want that information?

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy
What kind of sick twisted mind brought on this question? You want to know where their children go to school? What would you do with that information? I don't usually get personal, but you need to get some help.

I find this comment quite disturbing! Where their spouses work and where their children go to school? Again, why would you want that information?

Can you say eco-terrorism? Maybe if Submersible explained the reason for his/her view on Monsanto he/she might gain some credibility here. Otherwise I'd be inclined to believe they have a personal vendetta against the company.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by Submersible
Would it be 'legal' or acceptable to the moderators of this forum if one person or a portion of the membership at ATS chose do dig into the background of MONSANTO employees, such as posting their personal information including their addresses, where the spouses work, and where their children attend school?

Well, submersible, I can think of a good reason not to post personal information about others:
Terms & Conditions Of Use – Please Review This Link.
Two sections that stick out in my mind:

2) Behavior: You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack anyone.

No doubt about it, that would be considered harassment and maybe even stalking.

5) Personal Responsibilities: At all times, you remain solely responsible for anything found within your posts and agree to indemnify and hold LLP, harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of any material you submit, post to or transmit through the message board, your use of the message board, your connection to the message board, your violation of these terms and conditions , or your violation of the rights of another.

[edit on 20-2-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by titian
Can you say eco-terrorism?

I am certain ATS does not wish to participate in any way, shape or form in eco-terrorism.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 11:58 PM
the people sat on their hands for far too long. it's too late to do anything now. you can't even effect change with a vote in america anymore. the voting system is and has been corrupted.
it's all over now except for the crying.
when you get a chance to say "i told you so", you'll get no joy in it.

people are so stupid it's frustrating. you can offer indusputable proof of conspiracy and wrong doing, and all it takes is one single person to say "ah phooey, you're just a conspiracy wacko", and that shuts everybody up. nobody wants to be called a conspiracy wacko. and everybody just buys into the conspiracy wacko charge in the face of proof positive. amazing now people can be manipulated so easily to believe what they want to believe. it's safe to believe that all conspiracy theories are wacko. gives you a false sence of security.

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy

Would it be 'legal' or acceptable to the moderators of this forum if one person or a portion of the membership at ATS chose do dig into the background of MONSANTO employees, such as posting their personal information including their addresses, where the spouses work, and where their children attend school?

What kind of sick twisted mind brought on this question? You want to know where their children go to school? What would you do with that information? I don't usually get personal, but you need to get some help.

I find this comment quite disturbing! Where their spouses work and where their children go to school? Again, why would you want that information?

I would like to know if the people who are feeding the American public FRANKENFOOD , allow their children to attend schools that are feeding FRANKENFOOD to the rest of the children in this nation.

Would it be possible to find out if MONSANTO's lunchroom cafeteria's are serving FRANKENFOOD also?

What kind of sick twisted minds do you have?
You were not interested in this thread untill I asked a question about the children of MONSANTO's employee's?

Did any of you notice that this thread is about an experiment being conducted on the entire American population?

Nobody is disturbed with that?
But it bothers you that I would like to find out if they are feeding their children the same crap they are feeding mine?
If I could prove that they are not willing to expose themselves to the same chemicals they are forcing into our food system against our will, it might serve as an example 'proper' enough for the rest of this Nation to ACCEPT that we are being attacked !

And your right messenger, if a man came along and saw the condition of the animals we have become, he would probably just knock us in the head.

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 01:12 PM
Since I am not scared to tell you the truth, do you really think my 'interest' are those of an eco-terrorist?

Got PUS ?

This information is not propaganda, these are the FACTS !

Someone MUST make this stop, I don't have a problem being called a terrorist if that's how narrow minded some of you have become.

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Submersible

Did any of you notice that this thread is about an experiment being conducted on the entire American population?

...If I could prove that they are not willing to expose themselves to the same chemicals they are forcing into our food system against our will, it might serve as an example 'proper' enough for the rest of this Nation to ACCEPT that we are being attacked !

Thanks for explaining submersible. Whew. Looked a little dicey there.

...I agree that the big boyz take care of themselves and don't eat the crap they shove down everyone else's throat - but tracking employees and their children won't tell you what you need to know. Employees are not big boyz; they are just as expendable as the rest of us, and treated accordingly.

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Submersible
Got PUS ?

This information is not propaganda, these are the FACTS !

I think some would argue that, while the state of the foods industry leaves a lot to be desired, that the people at PETA -- the source of your link are hardly the unbiased information haven we would want.

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 02:05 PM

Would you consider any of these 'unbiased', I mean, anybody who doesn't want a deadly drug in their milk is going to have a certain extent of 'bias' towards the source of the poison aren't they?

Are you not disturbed that the source of this poison has also taken over the Fright-House?
Or that the American people are the only people in the world that still have this deadly toxin added to their dairy supply?

"...I agree that the big boyz take care of themselves and don't eat the crap they shove down everyone else's throat - but tracking employees and their children won't tell you what you need to know. Employees are not big boyz; they are just as expendable as the rest of us, and treated accordingly."

Somewhere among them, 'the big boyz' dwell.

If the employee's of MONSANTO and the government officials who are allowing these crimes to be comitted against us are not responsible because they are not the official 'big boyz', then who is?

Somebody somewhere has to make these decisions, decisions that they know will kill innocent people and put more money in their pockets.
If 'they' are not included in the establishments responsible for allowing this to happen, are they somehow 'above' them?

Obviously they have taken on the role of "God" since they have chosen to molest the human genetic structure in order to ensure greater profits.
What could be more lucrative than providing the drugs that give people cancer, and also providing the cancer treatment drugs?

This is about 'the lawless one', a lawless entity that has presently has TOTAL control of everything ! From the war and news we see, to the cereal and milk we drink.

Do you really think I am an eco-terrorist DTOM?
I'm sure if it were not handled properly, that I could get in trouble for tracking down these people and their diets, but should I?

Is it 'morally' wrong to prove that these people are not willing to consume the drugs they are forcing upon us?

I mean, if we could somehow send a message to PETA that we are being used as lab-rats by the GENE GIANTS... maybe 'the people' would have better representation?
At least there is an organization that concerns themselves with how animals are being treated, we don't even have that luxury.

[edit on 21-2-2006 by Submersible]

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 02:25 PM

We don't have to 'overthrow the government', all we have to do is expose their soft underbelly.

Typical "let's just talk about it approach." Simply increasing public awareness of this kind of thing never does any good. I would bet that most people understand that the government is made up mostly of business people who often create stuff that isn't very good for them. And if some horribly toxic chemicals make their way into the environment and kill off a few thousand people, or kill people slowly, then that's the price of doing business. This isn't like some kind of stupid spy movie where once the information gets to "The Press" the whole enterprise dies like a vampire being exposed to sunlight. And if you think that, then you're incredibly naive.

How many people die in automobile accidents every year in the U.S.? Around 40,000 - 50,000? Believe me, all those people don't have to die. There are a few activist groups around who campaign for better auto safety or alternative transportation, but for the most part people just let it happen. Because as a society, we've all decided that 50,000 dying on the roads every year is an acceptable price to pay for the convenience and freedom of personal automobiles.

Evil Monsanto people in the government? Well, duh. Maybe they're the best people to do the job. Who knows?

Anyway, sitting back at your little computer and pointing fingers isn't going to accomplish DIDDLY SQUAT. You're just like a lot of people who think that talking about something is the same thing as doing something. Which it isn't. Talking is easy and lazy and ultimately useless.

If you really want to accomplish something, you need to push back away from the computer, retreat into real anonymity, and start developing plans to actively deal with the problem. I don't think I need to be more specific than that. But this notion that simply exposing the soft underbelly will have any kind of positive, active result is just the purest fantasy. Even somebody as nutty as the Unabomber understood that.

[edit on 21-2-2006 by Enkidu]

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 02:59 PM
Good post Enkidu

I'm sure a lot of men agree with you, I should quit trying to discuss the issue, just go into hiding for 7 or 8 years, then come out of hiding and start blowing shiit up.

Too bad this isn't the script to a cheesy spy movie, I could be like Austin Powers trying to get his mojo back from Dr. Evil!

You idea's sound like Number 2.

"Evil Monsanto people in the government? Well, duh. Maybe they're the best people to do the job. Who knows?"

They created a freak amino acid, if they were trying to kill us, they didn't get'r'done.

NOT Milk

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Submersible
Do you really think I am an eco-terrorist DTOM?

My eco-terroris remark was not directed at you:

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe

Originally posted by titian
Can you say eco-terrorism?

I am certain ATS does not wish to participate in any way, shape or form in eco-terrorism.

Originally posted by Submersible
I'm sure if it were not handled properly, that I could get in trouble for tracking down these people and their diets, but should I?

And, again, I am sure that posting personal information he for any reason will get you in trouble. It seems you missed that post of mine regarding breaching the Terms & Conditions of ATS. Please read above.

Don't do it!!

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 04:49 PM
Monsanto is one of the companies that OWNS this country. One of the companies that CONTROLS this country. What do you honestly think you have the power to do to change that?

I agree with Enkidu....griping gets one nowhere. If you have so much passion on the subject, then act on it. But seriously, what do you have the power to do? Unfortunately, nothing.

This country is run by companies like Monsanto and DuPont, run by names like Rockefeller and Rothchild. There is no democracy here and hasn't been for a long time. You can't have democracy while most of the money is in the hands of a few. And the few want more and more money. They don't care who dies or how many die....they never did and never will.

These companies and people control the government, control the FDA, control the EPA, control every organization you think has the ability to come along and save us from the evils of Monsanto.

You may be wondering... how does this happen? and which one of our 'protection agencies' are supposed to stop this from happening?
Sadly, the answer is that none of them are supposed to prevent it and it is the responsibility of NONE of our gov. agencies to limit the amounts of synthetic poisoning we are being exposed to.

And do you know why it's no ones responsibility? Because Monsanto, DuPont and other large corporations as well as the names I mentioned and some others CONTROL IT ALL! They own everything. Who are you going to get to be your watch dog? Ralph Nader?

My suggestion to you is, if you are so troubled by it, move. Seriously. Because it is only going to get worse!

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy

My suggestion to you is, if you are so troubled by it, move. Seriously. Because it is only going to get worse!

If everybody in this country maintains the mentality that there is nothing we can do to obtain 'human rights' in this nation, simply because we have taken them for granted and done nothing in the past,
you are probably right.

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 08:58 PM
Niice post!!

I had never even heard of these guys before, let alone all of that information you just compiled for my reading.

Much thanks, and a WATS from me.

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 09:27 PM
Thank you for your hard work. I know it may seem impossible, but bringing this info to light does a hell of a lot more than ignoring what goes on. Personally, I appreciate your efforts & hope there is a solution to some of these things.

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