posted on Oct, 5 2003 @ 08:20 PM
Something to consider is that in the days with respect to ancient cultures the sky was the location of heaven and where the earth and sky met was a
way to access heaven. Often referred to as the Rite of Ascension, it involved placing a dearly departed family member in a finely crafted boat and
setting it adrift on currents, which led it to the horizon.
This was not only a tradition with respect to the Vikings and Norwegian tribes, it is still practiced to some extent by oriental cultures (Though they
do now know that beyond the horizon is another continent, in other words the ritual is symbolic), but as well was a practice preformed by most
cultures to a great extent throughout Europe and Africa (burying the dead is actually a relatively recent practice).
Of course, you are looking for references to the matter of ascension in respect to the more common definition. This in respect to the stories of (for
example) Jesus and Mohamed and Ezekiel. One potential conclusion, is that Humans have the capacity to become 4 dimensional, from the context of their
physical structures. Beyond the three mentioned I known of several other legends which present the same phenomenon.
I would not consider this issue in and of itself, as justification to define the accomplishment as related to such individuals as being Gods. Rather,
I am more inclined to consider the phenomenon relatable to the human condition and the fact it is presented in history, in respect to prophets,
indicative of those prophets making us aware of our potential.
Any thoughts?