Hi, I am actually glad you started this thread and I hope that many find interest in this as well. I have been toying with the idea myself to open
this to topic.
I have been doing alot of reading concerning this planet X and comparing that to ancient texts i.e Sumerian, Egyptian and Mayan.
All of these cultures that eluded to another planet that has entered our orbit in past bringing with it natural calamities because of the
gravitational pull. Purportedly it will and/or has stopped the earth rotation only for it to rotate counterclockwise and shift the poles.
So here is where I began to break it down: I won't go into great detail as I will provide links below
1. Nibiru in Sumerian tablets referred to an undiscovered 12th Planet or Planet X, but these claims are not taken seriously by experts in archeaology
or astronomy.
2. Unlike the other planets in our solar system, Nibiru allegedly has an elliptical orbit and moves clockwise rather than counterclockwise. Nibiru's
orbit passes through our solar system only once every 3,600 years, which is equal to one Nibiruan year.
3. The Hopi Indians had this to say about the 12th planet
An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". This will be
the Day of Purification. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the
plaza and removes his mask.
Blue links to higher/future frequencies of consciousness as we spiral up through the patterns of Sacred Geometry. Blue - electricity - our reality as
an electromagnetic energy grid program. Blue: Indigo children, the blue alien lady, Isis, the Pleiades, Sirius, blue galaxies, blue chakra, blue ray
and ascended master, and much more that will come 'out of the blue'.
4. The Ancient Sumerians called this Comet Planet, NIBIRU. The Egyptians
named it, "THE PLANET OF A MILLION YEARS" and Ancient Babylon renamed
it MARDUK, the name of their god.
Ok I somehow lost some of my links to the Egyptian and Mayan texts that I had been studying. So until I can find those I will jump ahead to the
We all know of the "new" planet X that has entered our solar system and as you Mrsdudars stated above they are hush hush about it with exception of
debate whether or not to call this an actual planet. Because if they can't call Xena a planet then opps can't call Pluto one either.
Here we could possibly have human error a decision made without full knowledge. I mean how do they possibly explain this?
Aren't the scientists the ones that know all and we can trust?
It's interesting to me that science is very quick to debunk the theory of another planet that could enter our solar system and debunk ancient texts
of other cultures that have quite specifically spoken through tablets of this planet and yet these same scientists cannot definitavily say how the
pyramids were built so precisely to exact coordinates of our solar orbit.
These cultures were beyond gifted when it came to astronomical and geometric calculations and to this day we don't know how they did this. Yet when
these same cultures state that another planet enters our solar system ever so 3600 yrs and brings with it major upheavels on our planet our scientists
are quick to say no that's not right or possible.
Let's look at what Planet X is supposed to do should it come to pass.
Nibiru (translated as 'planet of crossing')
In separate news announced late Friday, July 29 2005, astronomers said they had indeed found another object that is larger than Pluto. They are
calling it the 10th Planet.
A team led by Mike Brown of Caltech has been observing 2003 EL61 for a year but was seeking more data before announcing the discovery. Brown said
today it may possibly be larger than Sedna, which has been the largest known world beyond Neptune other than Pluto.
Brown figures 2003 EL61 has a diameter of around 930 miles.
Is there any chance it is bigger than Pluto?
"No," Brown said in a telephone interview. "Definitely not."
Oops but wait it's NOT larger than Pluto?
Tenth planet’ may be bigger than expected
An observational error may have understated the size of the tenth planet – if "planet" is in fact what astronomers finally decide to call it.
Ok from here the information kind of drops off and they aren't speaking much about it these days. Now onto the pole shift that everyone seems to be
talking about and the Chandler Wobble.
We all know that our earth is changing. We are experiencing major weather changes globlally, ice caps melting, temperature changes and the like. And
we have also heard about the shifiting of magnetic north and south.
There are large holes in the Earth's magnetic field over the Atlantic and the Arctic, indicating that the north and south poles may be getting ready
to reverse positions in a magnetic flip. This would produce a period of chaos, when compasses no longer point north, migrating animals head in the
wrong direction and satellites are burned up by solar radiation. There have already been recent cases where migrating birds ended up in strange
places, far from their regular destinations. The speed of the change has surprised scientists.
Such flips normally happen every 500,000 years, but it has been 750,000 years since the last one," so we're overdue.
The American Geophysical Union has announced that Earth's north magnetic pole is rapidly drifting away from North America towards Siberia.
For the past 21 days there has been no discernable wobble motion in the Earth. Have we come to a profound change in the geophysics of the Earth? Why
this sudden change in what usually has been for the past 100 years or more a fairly regular, fairly predictable wobble track.
As is well known, the wobble is generated by the differential pulling of the Moon and the Sun on the Earth's equatorial bulge (and any other
concentrations of mass in or on the Earth). This differential pulling is caused by the oblique angles of the orbital planes which bring the Sun and
the Moon alternatively above and below the equator, thus tending through orbital time to push one side of the Earth or the other to move faster or
slower than the other side to the North or to the South.
The Earth's Wobble has a 7 year cycle which produces two extremes, a small spiraling wobble circle and a large spiraling wobble circle, about 3.5
years apart. But suddenly at the beginning of November 2005, the track of the location of the spin axis veered at a very sharp right angle to its
circling motion. The track of the spin axis began to slow down and by about January 8, 2006, it ceased nearly all relative motion on the x and y
coordinates which are used to define the daily changing location of the spin axis.
As a thought. Could this wobble have stopped because of another gravatational pull? Perhaps from Planet X?
Why is Earth's Girth Bulging?
Something massive is moving on or within the Earth and causing the planet's gravity field to get wider around the equator and flatter at the poles,
according to a pair of scientists studying the field with sensitive satellite instruments.
I won't go into posting it all here but it too is an interesting read about the earth's rotation and the anomolies within.
In all my point in studying this is I feel that ancient civilizations recorded these anomolies for us just as we keep records of our bank accounts,
check books and other important items these people recorded accounts of their lives and how times and the earth was like then. I feel they also had
intense insight into our future from an astronomical standpoint. They were aware and knowledgable of things that we are only beginning to understand
and acknowledge today.
Years ago NASA and other scientists were quick to debunk that they was life on other planets. Now they are willing to admit that that is a
possibility. Yrs ago they were convinced that the known planets that they had discovered over centuries were the only ones in our solar system. Now
recently we learn of a new planet.
We are in a constant state of growth and learning. Is it so impossible to believe and perhaps learn that they is another planet Planet X that is one
in the same as the planet Niburu?
Is this the planet that will continue to come closer to our planet earth until it passes through as the Sumerians claim? Does this coinside with what
science is saying is happening to our planet now?
We know that a polar shift has happened in our past not in our recorded history but we are willing through study of magentism in ancient rocks accept
that our planet went through a shift and that during that time the earth was in turmoil from a nature standpoint. Scientists believe that it will
happen again though only through speculation as to how that will occur.
Is it through an unseen force? Is it God? Do we stop rotating and turn upside down? Is it due to solar lightening or a solar storm that has so much
magnetic energy causing our ever weakening poles to shift.
Or it is another planet? Perhaps through a "passing or crossing" that has such a gravitational force that it slows our planet eventually stopping it
altogether for a time and then realigning it shifting our poles?
Because there is so much we don't know it's enough to give one pause and wonder just what are we on the brink of?