posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 01:51 PM
Originally posted by gimmefootball400
What CAN teachers do now these days? They have so many restrictions as to the form of punishment they can legally use that it's rediculous!
If it was my child, I would hope that the teacher or the principal would call me!
If my child was just playing around in the classroom and creating a disturbance, he knows that he would be in some serious trouble when I got to the
school or when he got home that afternoon. If it is a medical problem that is causing it (ADD/ADHD), then it is a situation that can be resolved by
working with my doctor, the school counselor, the principal and the teacher together.
In my child's school, I have had two teachers make off-handed remarks about other children with large imaginations or that are just a little more
unruly that "they should be on a med." My response to one teacher was, "What type of child are you expecting to teach? Automatons?"
She did not appreciate my input.
Anyway, if my child is creating a disturbance, I want to know about it. I would rather punish my child than let the school do it because I want him
to understand that he is there to learn, not to disrupt the class. Recess is where he can goof off and play.