posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 02:57 AM
NetChicken says you can't do a tarot reading on the net just using someones nickname that it has to be done in person. I disagree and I'm sure some
of you that had readings done by me probably disagree with him also.
I'd like to try and prove to chicken that it does work.
Here's a psychic test, I am asking members to go do 30 guesses (your first 30 guesses(no practicing)) and post in this thread the amount you get
right out of 30, say if your a mystic or phone psychic. Also, post either
1.I'm psychic
2.Maybe a little
3.Not at all.
The 1, 2, 3 choices are not how well you did on the test but from your past experiences of your psychic abilities.
For myself....
1. I'm psychic
11 correct out of 30.... Seer
Just do 30, you can keep going if you want, but I want your score for 30.
This way we can see if people who choose 1. I'm psychic get higher scores then people who choose 3. Not at all.
Net Chicken, I want to see your score too