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Who has the most negative view of Americans??

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posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by SpittinCobra

Being an elder doesn't make you old.

True...but it "sounnnnds " old

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by zhangxi0183
First,I wanna introduce myself.I'm a Chinese.Yeah.I'm from China.You guys so called "mysterious" and "Communist" country.Though China is not mysterious and neither a Communist country.And you guys may ask,is this the CPC who control the country?The answer is yes.But this doesn't mean china is a Communist country.

I agree its a very common mistake that China is labelled "communist", as far as I'm concerned it's socialist, but is growing ever more capitalist. The label "communist" that is commonly used as a result of the media and education.

Just for the record, there has never been a communist country ever, only socialist states which were installed to create a foundation for communism to eventually begin, based on the works by Karl Marx. The biggest example is the USSR (the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics), which became corrupt when Stalin came to power, as most other socialist states have too.

Originally posted by zhangxi0183
The question is "which country's people really hates Amrican?".I already have my answer,and I want to listen yours.

PS:I'm curious that i found most American in this forum are speaking and expressing the samething which American government is speaking and expressing.And i wanna know is there anyone who has a different thought

I don't think you can generalise that a whole country hates the US, but I think a vast majority of the peoples of the world don't agree with its global position and the government's decisions.

Obviously I cannot speak for all people of the UK, but personnally I am against the US government's decisions and it's imperialism, and I believe it has too great an influence on the world to remain isolationist.

I have not met very many Americans in my life but most of the Americans I've encountered on ATS are friendly, welcoming people and are a pleasure to talk to.

[edit on 10/2/06 by eternally_damaged]

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by eternally_damaged
Obviously I cannot speak for all people of the UK, but personnally I am against the US government's decisions and it's imperialism, and I believe it has too great an influence on the world to remain isolationist.

Extremely well said, bravo.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 04:04 PM
I know quite a few people of European origin, whom I work with, they seem to love it here. Good folks like you and me. Opinions differ, but hell what do you expect. Ive never met anyone who seems to hate Americans. As far as how I feel about China. I dont know enough to make an educated opinion about their leadership. I'm sure the people are nice and have much of the same desires and aspirations as anyone else. I havent met any Chinese people to my knowledge, I have met plenty of South Koreans though, nice folks too, but tend to be a bit shy.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 04:35 PM
One thing that hasn't been mentioned yet...

the people who are jeolous of American freedoms and opportunity...
Of course these same people would often celebrate at the idea of immigrating here...
we used to have quite the problem with that.

It seems that most people in the world that used to envy us, now pity us instead... for good reason...(but they still come)

often it is the countries own citizens who are the last to realize how much they have lost when power changes hands.

Ohhh, and BTW... America isn't so much a land with borders as an ideal of societal operation. If America dissapeared overnight... it would reappear somewhere else within a week... spontaniously...

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
Your title is somewhat inflamitory (anger making) but we will ignore that for now, and try to deal with the main issue of your post.

I have much experience with China. I am in involved with manufacturing, and importing auto parts from there...

I personally Like the Chinese people.
I can say that one true critism of China comes from idea ownership policy.

We have a tradition here. If you create something, it is yours to sell or destroy... but no one else can copy it and make it cheaper and then prevent you from selling yours...

Lazarus, i applaude your masterly dialogue in your reply. You state that the original post was " Anger Making," but by the statement "We will ignore that for now, and try to deal with the main issue of your post" is condescending to say the least considering you proceed to instill more anger and spit in the rest of your post in a subtle and by stating that China makes thing cheaper by taking Americas ideas...... A word of advice .... A constructive conversation derives from taking someones point of view and replying in a way that might provoke thought from both parties. What you have done is make this confrontational in the most gentle and intimidating way.

If the whole world played that way, we would still be living in caves...
What does this mean???, what on earth does this mean? it makes absolutely no sense.......

Mod Edit: Quoting Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 10-2-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 04:51 PM
People aren't hated. Leaders, policies and philosphies certainly can be. Currently the US leadership is a runaway train to fascism. I personally am disgusted by the whole lot of them regardless of party affliation.
I travel to Ireland every year in the summer to primarily golf. I have noticed a little cooler attitude toward Americans over the years, but if you express any real discontent with BushCo. they quickly warm to you.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 05:16 PM
Well, firstly, welcome and enjoy your stay here at ATS.

And I agree with you, China is not a communist country, in fact there has never been a communist country, there have been countries that have some communist ideologies, but most so called communist countries are based on Marxism and Lenninism really.

As for who hates America, well I'm pretty sure 80% of the middle east does, and people in every country in the world, not all of them, but some from each country, in fact there are Americans that hate America, and only stay here because they have to.

Anyways, if anything I said was reminescent of anyone elses post, sorry I only read the first 5 posts, I'm sorta tired.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by Spiderj

You guys so called "mysterious" and "Communist" country.

Hey Zhang,

First let me say welcome to ATS.

As for your comment (quoted above), am I wrong in thinking this was directed at Americans? If it was I feel very confident in saying the majority of americans do not feel this way towards your country.

But no matter how you slice it, while you're country is slowly moving toward a society of free trade you are still technically communist country.

Americans do not have a fear of "Red China" that you may think we do, there is a growing concern globally regarding population, demand and need of limited natural resources; but this is in regards to all nations not just china. For the most part Americans do not look upon your country with fear or paranoia.

I will admit that I personally believe a big shift in global atitude toward your country came when you re-gained control of Hong Kong at the turn of the century.

I believe there was a lot of speculation and fear about what would happen after mainland china again regained control of Hong Kong, but to everyone's suprise absolutely nothing (for the most part) happened.

While not privvy to the inner workings of your government, it seems they took a very open minded and forward thinking approach to Hong Kong which I believe went a long way to allaying global fears of how china and the chinese people see the world of the 21st century and beyond.

I am only speaking for myself of course, but I again feel confident in saying that most americans do not view china in an adversarial way.

As to your post of who really hates america I'd be very interested in hearing your views.

The short answer is of course, pretty much everybody.

But don't confuse the actions of a few people in our government as the actual will of the people.

Whoever you believe truly hates america, I can only suggest you tell them to get in line, we'll get to them eventually.

Again, welcome aboard.


Thanks,and yeah,china's GDP is growing up,china need more natural source,such as base oil.Some western media often said that china is becoming a superpower,and china is a communist country.and so china is becoming the biggest threat toward USA.and I totally disagree with this speech.because there are 3 reason.

The first reason is simple:China is not a communist country.

The second reason:even if China is a communist country,Why this turn out to be China is the threat toward USA?Is there any connection between "communist country" and " the threat toward USA"????Not to mention china is not a communist country.

The last reason:when one day(maybe after hundreds years),China successfully grow up.China still is not a threat toward USA.because of the geopolitics.(this will be a long speech).and certainly china's grow up cann't without USA's help.after china successfully grow up,still need USA to balance the Asian geopolitics.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by skippytjc
Well, ill answer this question this way:

The USA has the highest immigration of any nation on the planet, even today.

People can talk all they want, the news can report whatever, and statistics can be made to represent anything. But the cold hard fact is more people come to the USA from all over the world each year than to any other destination.

Another twist to this question you ask is this: Who are Americans? A cross section of the world.

Example: How would my wife answer your question? She is an American, but she is 100% Chinese like you. So how is her opinion counted? How about my Pakistani neighbors who were born in Pakistan but are American citizens today?

Chew on that.

And btw: Your first thread by all definitions is a pharm thread. Starting up the plow now…looks like a good crop this one will be...

yeah,people swarm into America because America is rich.and I don't agree you said "the news can report whatever",I think there is some latent rule in America's media.

For example
oes America's Media report the bad news of Israel???maybe some media can report it. but the result may turn out to be berserk.and meida will not take this risk.

And yes there are many China-American and other country's-American.Maybe my expression is irrelevant and leads to some I will change it.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by ferretman2
the whole idea of injecting formeldehyde into a new born babies head is kind of disturbing.

The crack down on dissents is kind of disturbing......

The movement of 1 million peasants to make a dam and not provide them anything is return is disturbing......

The fact that the internet is censored is disturbing......

The fact that the media is censoned is disturbing......

The fact that there are no free elections is disturbing......

The only place with any freedoms is Hong Kong....and I don't expect those to last.

Face it....China is a Communist nation.

UI think that is actually totalitarian(sp?) as an american i think we must always be careful to seperate totalitarian and communism. the new deal was communism yet we are not a communist country. china allows private ownership of property yet has a state controlled economy, and allows violation of intellectual property rights so it strattles the diference. most western societies have a tendency to call socially"secure" govt's communist, but actual communism is an economic system and not a type of govt.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by zhangxi0183

Originally posted by skippytjc
Well, ill answer this question this way:

The USA has the highest immigration of any nation on the planet, even today.

People can talk all they want, the news can report whatever, and statistics can be made to represent anything. But the cold hard fact is more people come to the USA from all over the world each year than to any other destination.

Another twist to this question you ask is this: Who are Americans? A cross section of the world.

Example: How would my wife answer your question? She is an American, but she is 100% Chinese like you. So how is her opinion counted? How about my Pakistani neighbors who were born in Pakistan but are American citizens today?

Chew on that.

And btw: Your first thread by all definitions is a pharm thread. Starting up the plow now…looks like a good crop this one will be...

yeah,people swarm into America because America is rich.and I don't agree you said "the news can report whatever",I think there is some latent rule in America's media.

For example
oes America's Media report the bad news of Israel???maybe some media can report it. but the result may turn out to be berserk.and meida will not take this risk.

And yes there are many China-American and other country's-American.Maybe my expression is irrelevant and leads to some I will change it.

sorry, i cann't edit my titile i would change my expression here.

"who really hates Americans",and the "who" doesn't refer to a certain country,but refer to a certain group of people.

PS: I don't hate American

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by zhangxi0183

Originally posted by Spiderj

You guys so called "mysterious" and "Communist" country.

Hey Zhang,

First let me say welcome to ATS.

As for your comment (quoted above), am I wrong in thinking this was directed at Americans? If it was I feel very confident in saying the majority of americans do not feel this way towards your country.

But no matter how you slice it, while you're country is slowly moving toward a society of free trade you are still technically communist country.

Americans do not have a fear of "Red China" that you may think we do, there is a growing concern globally regarding population, demand and need of limited natural resources; but this is in regards to all nations not just china. For the most part Americans do not look upon your country with fear or paranoia.

I will admit that I personally believe a big shift in global atitude toward your country came when you re-gained control of Hong Kong at the turn of the century.

I believe there was a lot of speculation and fear about what would happen after mainland china again regained control of Hong Kong, but to everyone's suprise absolutely nothing (for the most part) happened.

While not privvy to the inner workings of your government, it seems they took a very open minded and forward thinking approach to Hong Kong which I believe went a long way to allaying global fears of how china and the chinese people see the world of the 21st century and beyond.

I am only speaking for myself of course, but I again feel confident in saying that most americans do not view china in an adversarial way.

As to your post of who really hates america I'd be very interested in hearing your views.

The short answer is of course, pretty much everybody.

But don't confuse the actions of a few people in our government as the actual will of the people.

Whoever you believe truly hates america, I can only suggest you tell them to get in line, we'll get to them eventually.

Again, welcome aboard.


Thanks,and yeah,china's GDP is growing up,china need more natural source,such as base oil.Some western media often said that china is becoming a superpower,and china is a communist country.and so china is becoming the biggest threat toward USA.and I totally disagree with this speech.because there are 3 reason.

The first reason is simple:China is not a communist country.

The second reason:even if China is a communist country,Why this turn out to be China is the threat toward USA?Is there any connection between "communist country" and " the threat toward USA"????Not to mention china is not a communist country.

The last reason:when one day(maybe after hundreds years),China successfully grow up.China still is not a threat toward USA.because of the geopolitics.(this will be a long speech).and certainly china's grow up cann't without USA's help.after china successfully grow up,still need USA to balance the Asian geopolitics.

The only reason I can see for Us to fear China is simply the competition for resources in the long run, I hope one day USA, China and other large nations will band together to actually solve energy creation rather than compete for energy resources. If just as an example, The Us China and India threw their combined resources into converting vegetation waste into a fuel source and took the interest away from fossil fuels we would have a great and long lasting least as far as i can think i through.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by DaFunk13
Yea, good chatting again zhangxi.

Everyone seems to dislike America nowadays huh?

Being an American I can say that a majority of us do not side with our current leaders. I can also say that any ill words directed at China are based on an ignorance of your true culture and inner-workings. The simple fact is we dont know that much about China.

People hear "communist China" and automatically equate that with bad-guys. Most of these same people have absolutely no idea how your country is really run.

I would like to ask how you like China? Have you ever been anywhere else? What is the feeling of the average Chinease towards us Americans as a people and not a country?

Thanks,I believe that most chinese listen your opinion will become more like America.though there is already majority of chinese people does like americans.But i don't think after the USA government's speech that china is a threat toward USA,these chinese people would insist on their good impression toward USA.there is a aphorism"if you treat him like a enemy,then he will become your enemy" is it??

And i have not been to USA,but i have been to French and Vietnam,it's a trip with my parents.and i think most chinese feel American is rich and they would like make friends with american.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by Hellmutt
I 100% agree with Strangerous here. Well said

oh..., and welcome to ats zhangxi0183


posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir

Welcome Aboard !!

Originally posted by SpittinCobra
I think the youth of countries like America. The elders, 30 and up are not so fond of America. IMO
[edit on 10-2-2006 by SpittinCobra]

Elders ??? 30 ???? WTH !!! *smacks TheCobra* ..I'm on the good side of 35, ain't a hlder *humph* J/k

As to the question... i don't think there is a COUNTRY that hates AMerica, i think there are GREAT majoritties of people in some countries that hate America and Americans, mostly for religious reasosn... but don't worry because they hate China too, and everyone else who doesn't fit in their "program"

I don't think Islam hates China.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo
The whole hatred of Americans is just a government/media myth. If you ask most people of the world, very rarely will you hear somebody say "I hate American people." Even the U.S. military states in one of their war plans against Iran that the average Iranian does not hate American people. However, they might hate American things, which is obviously totally different from the former.

So no, I don't think there's any real hatred of America. But there is a hatred of our government and the physical things that make up America.

Welcome to ATS. Don't let skippytjc get to you. He's an outlier...

Thanks,and I don't think there is any government and media would make this expression"which country hates american"it's just my expression.And i think the expression may does not exactly.So i changed it to"certain group people who hates american.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by Lord Vilmur
but actual communism is an economic system and not a type of govt.

Sorry Lord Vilmur, it's neither, communism is a form of idealogical society, although there are many branches and variations of communism, the main idea is that in a communist society there would be no money or government.

[edit on 11/2/06 by eternally_damaged]

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 02:26 AM
I'm pretty sure that if the crazies who are committing the acts of terrorism in the name of Islam want to, they can "find" a reason to hate China.

Impoverished, oppressed people are always vulnerable to propoganda. There is certainly is no lack of such of people in China.

I'm just glad that the Mainland Chinese Commies haven't banned ATS yet haha

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 02:31 AM
Chinese government is lucky that the Tibetans and Fa Luen Gong don't resort to the same fanaticism and violence as the Islamic crazies.

[edit on 11-2-2006 by hotsheets]

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