posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 07:12 AM
4:41 AM 2/10/06 in a power dream I just had I watched a boat launch it self off a ramp at about 150 miles per hour, sail over some tall buildings and
come down in the ocean about a 1.4 mile out. I don't want to give anyone a false impression of what dreams and visionary experiences can do to the
individual or a group. I have started Legend of Heaven and Hell as a extreme story of a true visionary experience.
I'm not suggesting that the projected imagination of the mind is anywheres near the actual mechanical power of industrial machinery.
Nor should you, as a group or individuals have and problems in the future with shadow people, visions, etc. even though you are interacting with
brainwaves, both in visions and dreams. The probability of a group vision in which Ojn Kennedy appeared as a vision and gave a speech trying to get
everyone to start a war is possible given property parameters of the cloud energy and peoples' imagination. But this real power in war is a result of
peoples conscious choices, no a simple animal reaction to hate or wild thinking.
I will say, that I have 'felt' wild animals looking at me, as well as people from far distances and turned my head directly to them to see them
staring at me from bushes or in public. This is subconscious recogition of TIV, telepathic incoming vibrations.
What bundles as particle clouds of living telepathic energy can put a whammy on your nervous system causing the illusion you have a lot of weight
pushing on you, it can actually cause minor electrical problems, probably accidentally. And it can cause extreme drowsiness all of a sudden and may
cause people to fall asleep at the wheel driving.
There have been times around me, not many when the whole atmosphere seemed supercharged for a distance of 5 miles with electrical type of particle
energy. A million or so Iraqian zealots, in the midst of a terrorist war can bundle and cause this phenomena. I t is extremely rare the air is so
saturated though. But any large group with a common hate mission, and steeped in the religeous fervor of a false prophet like Mohammed can bundle the
mass of brainwave energyt hat I saw sweep through this neck of the woods at about 2 am one morn.
And to those that refer to it as being attracted to oneself, it is like a lost child. The energy needs to be loved for it to dissappear and break up.
Negative brainwaves I have seen in all forms, clouds, streaks of light, huge and tiny sheets of light, orbs, drips, figures from my imagination
projected to better relate aad accept the emotional nature of it are all part of a persons character who can accept it. So I don't think it is a
matter of attracting it subconsciously, it is a matter of a growing mature mind being able to accept it. Even the huge bowls of dark black energy that
came over my head and blocked out light briefly are not harmful if one just stays cool and collected.
Honor Seed