posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 01:26 AM
I think it's good to deny arrogance too when one is looking to deny ignorance, that is to deny them existance, not deny their existance. Oftentimes
arrogance will hamper the quest for truth and the creed "deny ignorance"
Merriam-Webster Online
Main Entry: ar·ro·gance
Pronunciation: 'ar-&-g&n(t)s
Function: noun
: a feeling or an impression of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or presumptuous claims
I know that I myself sometimes may come of as that, but I try my very best not to, always telling myself I do not know it all, listen to what this or
that person has to say.But I find that a lot of people simply dismiss claims that don't sit too well with them without at least giving it a thought,
and then go on to state
their cases while in a state of being angered. If anyone sees me commiting this sort of things, please do let me know
and remind me to deny arrogance.
To me that sort of behaviour will not lead to denying ignorance, but perpetuate it because you're not addressing the issue or you're oversimplifying
things, you wouldn't listen to reason or dismiss everyones thoughts. It's "my way or the highway" type of behaviour. And eventually that itself
will lead to hate.
PS. There's no word for arrogance in malay, my native language, but there is a compound word or mini-phrase used in those situations, it's called
'bodoh sombong' made up of the words that mean "stupid" and "proud". I think that's the most succint definition of arrogance -- stupid
and proud, or proudly stupid.
[edit to add post-script]
[edit on 12-2-2006 by Beachcoma]