posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 10:05 PM
Yes, but fear will. Fear is, truely, the most powerful drug of all. When you're in a hightened state of awarness (or disawarness), it takes very
little to set you off. Your body goes into "Fight or Flight" mode, and will, essentially start acting on its own. My family owns a small sailboat.
One time we were sailing in Huron Lake, and we stopped at "Rat Portage" (a cove) for a night. We left a candle out - the kind which keeps mosquitoes
away. Well, sometime while we were asleep, the candle cracked, and the flame hit the pillows, and it caught on fire.
I woke up, realized something was wrong. Fear sets in, heightened awarness becomes active. I notice a light outside. I smell smoke. I look, and the
boat's ON FIRE!
At this point, my body fully shifted into automatic. Evolutionary traits that dealt with survival completely took over. I just started screaming.
Tactic one of monkeys - when a predator or danger is near, warn the others. Thankfully, it's an evolutionary proven effectual tactic, and my dad
grabbed the fire extinguisher and was able to put out the fire before the Fiberglass caught fire. We have been told that had the fiberglass caught on
fire, the boat would have been totally destroyed. So it's very lucky that I'm a light enough sleeper that something small will wake me. Had this
been half a million years ago, my purpose in the pack would be to warn others of danger. By being a light sleeper, I would detect danger in time to
warn the rest.
So your friends probably saw a door open because of the wind - saw a sudden flash of light (maybe a regular light that was blocked by the door) - and
then the door slamed close again because of the wind (my door in my room here opens and slams shut all the time if I don't close it correctly).
Fear kicks in, takes over, and they run. What chased them? Maybe nothing. Maybe the sounds they heard were being made up, and were so "instinctive"
that when they compared notes, so to speak, their stories compliment each other instead of desconstruct each other.
Finally, it could be that there was something nearby that did chase them... but I wouldn't say it was an alien - what would be the point? Even if we
assumed only human-based technology, it would be much easier to tranquilizer dart them then to chase them and tie them up.
So it could have been a wild animal that chased them as well.
In any case, they said it themselves, they never looked back. They have no idea what it was, or if it was even real - they just hear growling
So, yeah, MAYBE they were attacked by something - but I hardly doubt that it was extraterrestial in origin.