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BAM - Aliens Have Invaded Earth

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posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 07:10 PM
what would be the world reaction??

we are all led to believe from film's like 'independence day' that america would save the day
- no mention of any other countrys (we'd all be sat at home doing our own thing)

but true to life - what would happen if the alien mothership took out one of our citys??

what would be the plane of choice? would we go all out and each nation would use 'top secret' military aircraft they have in development like the (X-45 - J-UCAV) even though it is not in service yet??

would the world's big5 military powers (US, UK, Russia, China, France) - give there technology (ie borrow aircrafts) to lesser equipt countrys like pakkistan etc?

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! - would it make the world a better place if we prevaled??

(ie):- would it rid the world of terrorism? would we get shut of our silly racial/religious differences?

sooo many questions, discuss

[edit on 8-2-2006 by st3ve_o]

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 07:16 PM
Good questions; the main one I have an opinion on is this one though.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! - would it make the world a better place if we prevaled??

(ie):- would it rid the world of terrorism? would we get shut of our silly racial/religious differences?

I think it would be a bit better overall, but there's always bad apples. Look at 9/11: in spite of all the rest of the country coming together, there were still some people performing criminal acts. Even Starbucks gouged prices on water (of all things!) for people in the immediate area. Just because humans aren't alone, and we have to fight for our place, I don't think that'll make us stop being human.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 08:09 PM
Lets just hope.if and when they come.they dont blow up any cities.

Personally i dont even think we could beat any type of aliens in a fight.

Im pretty sure they have some type of weapon that could wipe the entire planet out in one blow.

And since they havent done it yet..makes me believe that they arnt here to hurt us..maybe just to help us...but that wont be able to happen until enough people decide that "they" are real..and we need them to better ourselves.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 08:14 PM
I think if they came with hostile intent we'd be toast.

If they were freindly you'd get some people worshipping them as gods, some trying to shoot them, some trying to exploit the situation for their own ends and the vast majority shrugging and getting on with and adapting their lives accordingly.

Much as it is now really.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 09:50 PM
Nice mind exercise, i have think on this "bad day" alot of times...

Simply if They (biological entities or "robots" programmed from biological entities that dont lives in Earth), have the technology to come to our planet, also is logical to think that they can have "planetary weapons" and blow our little blue thing with one/more shot/s...and the story end here for every one with a new asteroid belt around the sun and no more cartoons problems.

Now for the ID4/Visitors/StarBlazer series fans; Earth is a nice place to be, lots of water, lots of lifeforms, well placed near a relativ young star, but there is a problem the Human Race.

Two solutions we have here,
They don't need us and we are all dead or
They need our workforce and we are all enslaved.

I would take the second solution and continue...

Now at this time (8-2-2006) the Human race is very weak because
we are addict to one thing: Electricity (and electronics devices).

If They can come to us, They know a lot about electricity and EMP weapons,
They would use a planetary emp weapon and welcome back in 1700...
All electronic devices are more ats, no computers,no radars,
no music,no planes, no tanks,...

Have a nice day, enjoy life every second and hope this never happens!
(like ww3,like deep impact scenario and gamma burst).


posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 11:14 PM
It would most likely be the antichrist if aliens came or one Ufo landed I would believe many Christians will question the UFo and alien existance and not fall for a trap like this to fool the world in peace and a new world order. Why do they demand a new world order or man kind to leg go of religion they could do it by sending in a transmission. Oh its the caos theory we will destroy our selves. Or is that the plan but to have their rules in the process so we sell the earth to them. oh there are many earths enough for each race to migrate to if man wish seperation. I would not fall for Alien tricks if they come today.

[edit on 8-2-2006 by The time lord]

[edit on 8-2-2006 by The time lord]

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 06:34 AM
I'd like to think that they wouldn't want to destroy us. I think if they can control gravity and space then they wouldn't need to destroy our cities, they could simply shift Earth of its orbit so it will spiral into the sun. In fact that is what one encounter witness said he was warned if we ever took our war to space.

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by st3ve_o
what would be the world reaction??

If they were friendly, it would change everything we know. We will begin to look at countries like we now think of city states...outdated.

what would happen if the alien mothership took out one of our citys??

We'd be 'pooched'. These aliens, after all, have starships and can sit in orbit and take potshots.

what would be the plane of choice?

The shuttle with a cargo deck full of delivery systems for thermonuclear bombs.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! - would it make the world a better place if we prevaled??

Probable, as long as there are reasonably intact infrastructures left after such a war. We could also be so reduced in numbers that it could spell the end of our civilization. I'd not be too hopeful of getting through such a war without huge losses.

would it rid the world of terrorism? would we get shut of our silly racial/religious differences?

-terrorism will be replaced by gangsterism
-racial differences would be insignificant
-religion would strengthen

.edit to fix quote

[edit on 9-2-2006 by masqua]

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 10:34 AM
Well when this happens you guys can find me at the local hotel playing guitar, drinking beer, polishing guns, and repopulating the earth...not particularly in that order.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 01:44 PM
I think it would be all out chaos and nothing like you see in Independence day where you get the montage of all the countries chipping in and helping each other, the world would be divided and every country would be holding their own cards pretty close to their chest, if we are not prepared for an asteroid we can predict coming in the year **** we would be in big trouble.........

Not the most positive response but hey!

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 02:46 PM
Yup, I agree. Utter chaos.

If an alien race is advanced enough to move a conquering force from wherever they live to here, it is a safe bet to say that we wouldnt stand a chance.

If they can come here, they have probably done their research. Meaning, they would probably just mow us over lazers and stuff...

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 02:38 PM
.. then destroy it. If you gotta go, do it your way, retain the initiative, and rest assured that no one lives forever anyway.

Of course, if ETs started killing us for fun, that'd suck, but how likely is that?

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 03:35 PM
Personally I think if aliens had the ability to come and invade our planet they could wipe us out before we ever knew what happened. Our own governments have chemical and biological weapons that could wipe out everybody on earth. How hard would it be for aliens advanced enough to have mastered intergalactic space travel to poision our food supply or put something into our atmosphere that would kill us off before we knew what hit us? Why invade and occupy a world full of ticked off primititive bald monkeys when you could wipe them out and take the planet at ease?

[edit on 11-2-2006 by Delta 38]

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 04:33 PM

what would be the world reaction??

The first general reaction would be shock and fear. The human race has shown this reaction time and time again towards things they don't know or understand. As with all things in history, it would repeat, just as man kind has treated the Irish, African Americans, Native Americans, Jewish, etc. it wouldn't be any different with an alien culture.

There are those that would embrase them, but the overall reaction would be fear, especially with the propensity of news coverage to cover the negative, not the positive in things. The media would likely control the general perception of the aliens.

After time, assuming they didn't attack, perception would change as we learned more about them and why they were here. If the intentions were to help, relations would get better, but there would always be the zelots out there that would never embrase them (as we are still fighting bigotry and racisim today)

we are all led to believe from film's like 'independence day' that america would save the day - no mention of any other countrys (we'd all be sat at home doing our own thing)

Chances are the human race wouldn't stand much of a chance. Not knowing anything about them makes it hard to judge how we would fare though. What is their technology level and how did they get to that point?

Generally speaking, though not always true, technology is developed for two reason: War and necessity (sometimes they are one in the same).

If their technology was developed because of war, the human race would stand little to no chance.

If their technology was based on necessity (i.e. impending doom of their world and a need to get off it), they may have great technology in traveling, but not so great technology in weaponry and defense.

So an analysis of their full technology would be needed to assess whether man kind could hang with them or not. Also an ability to adapt would be needed if it lasted a long time.

but true to life - what would happen if the alien mothership took out one of our citys??

Ummm, that's an easy one...World Wide Panic!!! immediate launch of nuculear weapons, etc. Probably a short battle overall...

what would be the plane of choice? would we go all out and each nation would use 'top secret' military aircraft they have in development like the (X-45 - J-UCAV) even though it is not in service yet??

Chances are if they attacked, the governments would use conventional weapons first. If that didn't do the trick, they would use whatever was at their disposal. You however are assuming that we have some super advanced technology that we could use on them. We may, we may not. What you see right now may be the best we could throw at them.

would the world's big5 military powers (US, UK, Russia, China, France) - give there technology (ie borrow aircrafts) to lesser equipt countrys like pakkistan etc?

Not on your life...There is no way the governments would give high technology away like that because if we did win, they would still want control of it. Also, advanced technology likely wouldn't be able to be used by countries that don't have it since they wouldn't know how to use it. That would take training, which couldn't be immediatly provided.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! - would it make the world a better place if we prevaled??

(ie):- would it rid the world of terrorism? would we get shut of our silly racial/religious differences?

Most likely not. If anything a victory over such an opponent might likely make things worse. Who ever had the prevailing technology would control what was left of the world. You don't chance the sociol norms of the world that quickly, it takes generations to get change like that.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 02:39 AM
What if aliens cant even contemplate what doing harm is ? What if they are just not capable of harm?

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 03:01 AM
If a alien armada fleet would come to invade earth they dont even have to enter earth.
They can atack from orbit, we dont have shields, when there are asteroids we cant even protect our self from one, we can shoot balistick missles at ground targets but for shooting them in space is a whole diferent thing.
You guys wach to much star gate good movie but fiction we would never be able to stand an atack.

[edit on 12-2-2006 by pepsi78]

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by st3ve_owhat would be the world reaction??

Lets kill the bastards!

Originally posted by st3ve_obut true to life - what would happen if the alien mothership took out one of our citys??

Nukes, nukes and more nukes.

Originally posted by st3ve_o
what would be the plane of choice?

Mig 35 or Su-47 - something with a lot of maneuverability.

Originally posted by st3ve_owould we go all out and each nation would use 'top secret' military aircraft they have in development like the (X-45 - J-UCAV) even though it is not in service yet??

Of course!

Originally posted by st3ve_owould the world's big5 military powers (US, UK, Russia, China, France) - give there technology (ie borrow aircrafts) to lesser equipt countrys like pakkistan etc?

Haha, no way.

I doubt they would have too many planes and not enough pilots, as I doubt the planes would be so cheap and easy to produce.

Originally posted by st3ve_oAND MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! - would it make the world a better place if we prevaled??

Nah, probably a repeat of the cold war.

Originally posted by MagicPriest420
Personally i dont even think we could beat any type of aliens in a fight.

Well personally, I don't think we can lose in a war with aliens.

I mean...if they just wanted to blow us all up I'm sure they could do it with a push of a button, but if they wana conqour us...well I'd like to see them try

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 04:40 AM

I mean...if they just wanted to blow us all up I'm sure they could do it with a push of a button, but if they wana conqour us...well I'd like to see them try

And if they cant what hapens than?
Do you think they leave, no they just press the button in the end

Either way we lose.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 06:35 AM
I don't see the reason for such aggressive nature being expressed by many on ATS. The fact that 'Aliens' do not expose themselves, causes us to misunderstand their intentions and ultimately FEAR them, because we do not know much about them.

Although, it's our very nature to fear something or someone we don't understand, much like we FEAR ourselfs. Much like someone who speaks a different language, different size and colour of skin. Immediately our mind comprehends them as 'unexplainable', fueled by ingorance and eventually end up subconciously in FEAR of what we don't understand, it's our instinctive nature that all common Terran animals share, we are no different.

But please, do not fear our universal brothers and sisters, from this dimension or another. I truely believe they are not here to cause any harm, in fact, they are the ones who inspired spirituality and understanding of our nature. I believe they are the one's who taught us the language of science, mathematics, physics, nature, to get us started on a path of transcending to our next level of existance, where they must reside.

There must be a universal law that only permits them to teach us so much, and the rest must be left for us to learn for ourselfs though trail and error, to learn from our mistakes. What I believe is that most of us are 'newborn' souls, we are barely starting to sprout out of evolution slowly and beginning with the evolution of our minds and souls.

These multidimensional beings are only here to 'add water and sun' to us, leaving us undisturbed to grow on our own and to learn from our mistakes. As for many thinking Aliens are the Masterminds behind our Government, I don't believe so.

I believe they are against our government, and thats why our government makes us Fear them, not exposing them for us to further Fear what we don't know or understand Yet. Governments want to control and manipulate under their strict rule of domination, it's a character flaw of humans that we ourselfs must solve, and not be scared to do so. Aliens will gain nothing, nor profit anything from controlling or destorying, if they wanted to they would of by now.

If we think they want to take over the World for our resources, it's futile to think of it, they don't seek our resources, they have no use for them. They aren't materialistic like we are. The only resource they use is our Earths electro-magnetic fields, and thats infinite resource. If we were to tap into the power of our infinite resources, we will find out long time ago that we didn't need materials in the first place to survive.

Think of all the bad things you can think of, they could of done it looong time ago. They could of even stopped our brains ability to comprehend, we could of still been primative apes along with the rest of our Primate brothers and sisters, look at our features, you cannot doubt the possibility. We are still very young brothers and sisters, it is time we let go of our parents hands and start walking on our own.

Please do not take aggression towards any kind of Alien entity, for they too are our brothers and sisters that all share a common bond with us, we just don't know it yet. Believe there is Good out there. Although one might have the impression of one being evil, know that it's not their fault, for the fault of influence given by their enviroment and surroundings,.

But all things made by nature, be it here on Terra or a planet far far away, are born innocent and pure with a good heart that is given to us by our Creator. We will face challenges throughout our experiences, but remember its a learning experience. There will be a day when all mankind will look to the heavens and seek out divine knowledge, at this time our society and world will be at the brink of collapse and destruction caused by OURSELFS.

Who do you think will come to us with knowledge that could possibly save us from destruction? Call them spirits, angels, or aliens, but surely messengers from the Creator. And please, when that time comes, welcome them with an open heart and mind, forget aggression and hate, and FEAR. Love your fellow man and fellow animal that shares the world with you.

Please stop draining Terra of its resources to keep itself alive with Life on it's soil, there is no other place we can call Home. We all are one big family. Love each other, teach each other, care for one another. The day there is no countries, no hate in the world, no aggression or senseless killing of Life forms, will be the day we all transcend as a whole into our next realm of existance, far much beautiful and perfect than now.

Where imagination becomes reality, and emotional love for life and others is at it's peak, will be the day we meet our Creator.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by TerraOurHome
I don't see the reason for such aggressive nature being expressed by many on ATS. The fact that 'Aliens' do not expose themselves, causes us to misunderstand their intentions and ultimately FEAR them, because we do not know much about them.

Hey, wait a second, the thread's about alien invasion, not random contact, or discovery of an ET civilisation, so the question is how should we cope with such a hypothetical threat.

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