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There is a great deal of direct and indirect metaphysical evidence, as well as logic and reasoning - all of which are outlined in this thread by me and others - to support the theory of Intelligent Design.
Originally posted by Paul_Richard
Produkt & riley,
There is a great deal of direct and indirect metaphysical evidence, as well as logic and reasoning - all of which are outlined in this thread by me and others - to support the theory of Intelligent Design.
To My Fellow Proponents Of Intelligent Design,
I thank you for your input of logic, your links, and your support in this endeavor.
Etymology of the Word "God"
God can variously be defined as:
(1) - the proper name of the one Supreme and Infinite Personal Being, the Creator and Ruler of the universe, to whom man owes obedience and worship;
(2) - the common or generic name of the several supposed beings to whom, in polytheistic religions, Divine attributes are ascribed and Divine worship rendered;
(3) - the name sometimes applied to an idol as the image or dwelling-place of a god.
There is no God, and here is the proof:
1) ID supporters' argument that:
a) Everything has a cause
b) There must be a first cause
is contradictory by itself. If everything has a cause, then there is no first cause. If there is a first cause without a cause, then not everything has a cause.
In other words, if everything should have a cause, then God should have a cause too; perhaps another God. But that is illogical, because the chain of Gods is infinite.
2) the concept of God creating something means that God exists in a spacetime continuum that is larger than God himself. The concept of creation means that there was a state before creation and a state after creation, which means that God exists within his own universe. Therefore God is not infinite, and the question "who created God's spacetime" pops up.
3) if the universe is too complex to have been created by itself or be eternal, then God, who is the creator of the complex thing called Universe, is more complex than the universe, and therefore God is also created by someone else.
If God is of equal complexity to the universe, then the universe need not have been created.
If God is of lesser complexity than the universe, then God could not have created the universe.
In all 3 cases, God does not exist.
7) the universe works with mathematics. If God designed it, then God is a mathematician. Therefore God's primary tool is logic. Therefore this analysis is true, because it is logical, therefore there is no God.
8) There is no logic behind creating 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 stars and then planting humans in one planet in one star of all these stars, if we humans are never gonna see those stars upclose.
9) ID supporters claim that "no one can understand God because God is something supernatural", yet ID supporters claim that they have understood that the universe is created by God.
10) if God is eternal and somehow we can assume that the problem of God's spacetime is solved, then no matter how long this universe exists, it does not exist for God, because any time period is infinitely small compared to eternity.
non-sequitur If a writer draws conclusions from premises that are not logically connected to the conclusion, then s/he has committed a non-sequitur.
strawman: Writers who misrepresent an opponent's position so that it is easier to refute the opposition are guilty of presenting a straw man argument. This unfair and fallacious since the writer truly fails to refute the real arguments that have been made.
11) the universe may be wrapped in an eternal series of big bangs and big crunches. We know there was a big bang, but we do not know if there were other big bangs before it.
Scientists working at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) in Ontario, Canada have finally revealed the fate of the Universe ...
They have managed to calculate the mass of the elusive neutrino particle and have concluded that the combined mass of the colossal amount of neutrinos in our universe is not enough to halt a universal expansion. The universe is therefore destined to expand forever until it becomes a cold, dark place devoid of all signs of life.
12) Even if all the above is false (which it is not, but just for the sake of this argument), there is no proof or disproof that God exists. To put it differently, the propability of this universe being a simulator is 50%, but even if we make it 100% that this universe wes created, there is absolutely no proof that the makers of this simulator are the biblical God.
15) ID is based on the argument that "this world is too complex to have been created randomly". But how do we define "too complex"? there is no complexity criterion to compare the universe with. If we implicitely compare it with our own creations, then it is indeed "too complex". Since we do not have an absolute criterion to measure its complexity, then we can not tell if it is complex or not. Maybe in the future humans will be able to construct reality "pixel by pixel", just like a video game.
I hope these arguments are enough for a first dose. Please read them carefully before replying.
ID is in no way can be compared to evolution. it's not even in the same league.
evolution was built on observations in wildlife and closer to home 'us'. ID was built on trying to find anything to show evolution was wrong.
the only ID evidence or obsevation is things like 'the spider web 'had' to be designed...end of'. that's not evidence. that's a mere guess.
evolution is not a mere 'guess'. that's where they are hugely different again.
i also love how creationist love adding on the end of evolution 'ist' or 'ism' to create an 'evolutionist' or 'evolutionism' to bring it down to their religious level.
Originally posted by shaunybaby
if the spider web was designed, then why don't all spiders use the web?
surely all spiders should use a web to catch prey right?
the fact that not all spiders do use webs, shows evolution.
the fact that some make trap doors to pop out of when prey wonders by, or perhaps just in general a spider that hunts rather than waits for it's prety to land in a web.
that's evolution my friend. not a mere random mutation.
Originally posted by Rren
Ok let's try this another way. Why does a spider web contradict the design inference? Who said the web was a result of "random mutation?" What does any of this have to do with the ID debate... did you want to teach us about finches next?
Oh good grief...
Originally posted by shaunybaby
Originally posted by Rren
Ok let's try this another way. Why does a spider web contradict the design inference? Who said the web was a result of "random mutation?" What does any of this have to do with the ID debate... did you want to teach us about finches next?
Oh good grief...
you said up there how can we tell if it's evolution or just a random mutation.
hence, why i was saying that spiders that don't use webs to catch prey, we're not by chance or random mutation, they evolved that way.
if the spider web was designed, then all spiders should use it right? but they don't. that was my point.
evolution often comes with a reason. ID just states that things were and always have been designed that way. then when ID gets in a sticky situation, they say that first there was ID, then there was evolution (put in motion by god), and that's that.
there's no point arguing with a person who believes in ID, because you end up at either of those two points.
either the person refutes outright to believe in evolution, or they come to the conclusion that ID was first, then evolution was set in motion by god.
Originally posted by shaunybaby
my version of ID?...
ID is one thing and one thing only.
It suggests that a devine being, 'God', created everything in the day, that we see today, nothing has changed so on etc. that's what ID is. Despute it or worm your way out, that's what it is.
Evolution is change for a 'reason'. Oftern the misconception of evolution is that you'll hear someone say 'so the eye just evolved by accident then'. evolution isn't an accident. it's how life finds a way, and that way is through change.
Still confused... because you seem to be.
Originally posted by Rren
You honestly don't understand the difference between young earth creationism and ID?? Worm your way out of it all you like... but you obviously have no clue what you're talking about.
The eye didn't evolve by "chance," then what was the "reason" (based in NDT) that didn't involve chance mutation?
Yeah it's me who's confused.
Have a nice day,
Originally posted by shaunybaby
Originally posted by Rren
You honestly don't understand the difference between young earth creationism and ID?? Worm your way out of it all you like... but you obviously have no clue what you're talking about.
where did you get young earth creationism from...
the human eye is just an advanced form of how a snail sees the world.
do you really need me to tell you 'why' the eye evolved, or why an eagle has better sight than humans, or why a dog has better smell and hearing than humans... are you really that dumb that you need the reasons behind those to be explained.
do you always enjoy being this condescending?
all your post is screaming is arrogance and stupidity. you're bring up things like young earth creationism...i'm not sure why. then you need me to tell you the 'reasons' behind the evolution of sight.
maybe it's you who should go read a book.
[edit on 21-3-2006 by shaunybaby]
Originally posted by Paul_Richard
Hi Rren,
In my brief hiatus from this thread, you have carried it on your own quite well.
I applaud you for that.
It is indeed important to distinguish between the Creationist, Judeo-Christian concept of God and that of Intelligent Design. ID does not require an active God in our affairs, only a higher power who started The Big Bang. In this way, proponents of ID who do not embrace the Judeo-Christian concept of God actually side with the tenets of Deism.
My conception of God is somewhat different than the Judeo-Christian version. I don't believe that the being who started ALL THAT IS was endless in power and spirituality (as the Universe is not infinite, just extremely large) or that He/She is still around. I have concluded that all souls are what is left of Him/Her. The familiar phrase among the traditional clergy that "a piece of God is in all of us" points to this.
Melvin Morse is a pediatrician and well-known author and researcher on the Near Death Experiences of children. An attractive lady once suggested to him that he try prayer so he decided to give it a try. He got down on his knees and asked to understand the relationship of man to God. Later, the answer came to him in a flash of insight: the word fractal.
A fractal is a piece of a greater whole which contains the program or blueprint of that greater whole. Like a hologram, if you break it up into little pieces, it still contains the entire original picture.
In following this logically...souls are fractals of light of The Original Creator.
Fuel for metaphysical contemplation.
Thanks for your help.
Helena Blavatsky, in 1888, was the first person to use the phrase "intelligent design" to convey her understanding of evolution.
She used the phrase to convey the idea that the evolution of the species was guided by an underlying purposeful intelligence in nature. This intelligence is different from the "God" of theistic religions. Orthodox science opposes the whole notion of any intelligence design and insists on chance without any guiding direction. This makes her view a distinct alternative to both religion and science.
However, it was not just a view - it was based on knowledge. This intelligence in nature can be sensed and known through the mind by advanced seers. A body of seers have checked, tested, and mutually verified their observations on this matter over very long periods of time before accepting them as valid. In this way their observations have become knowledge.
One important conclusion of the seers is that Darwinism does explain some facts of evolution.
However, those facts are only minor details. Science does observe and record examples of those minor details of evolution. This confirms the views of the seers.
The seers are also aware that the origin of the species - as opposed to the origin of subspecies - is determined by purposeful intelligence engaged in design. New science of the last few decades shows that this view is consistent with the facts of nature. Modern science also shows that the facts of nature very strongly contradict the predictions of Darwinism when it attempts to explain the origin of the species. So the science of the last few decades again supports the views of the seers on the origin of the species.
Blavatsky brought this knowledge of the seers to the West in 1875 and recorded it pre-eminently in her book, The Secret Doctrine, published in 1888. She called this body of knowledge "Theosophy".
The material below outlines these conclusions and assertions and gives more detail.
Originally posted by Paul_Richard
In my brief hiatus from this thread, you have carried it on your own quite well.
I applaud you for that.
Originally posted by Rren
I doubt nobody else would agree with you or even read the links i provided, but thanks none the less.
Originally posted by Paul_Richard
It is indeed important to distinguish between the Creationist, Judeo-Christian concept of God and that of Intelligent Design. ID does not require an active God in our affairs, only a higher power who started The Big Bang. In this way, proponents of ID who do not embrace the Judeo-Christian concept of God actually side with the tenets of Deism.
Originally posted by Rren
I'm Christian, I support ID research [and] the two are NOT mutually inclusive... which has been demonstrated ad nauseum...Some folks 'round here are so anti-Christian/God/Theist/Deist/what-have-you that they can't see past the foam coming out their mouth long enough to make a cogent, relevant argument...
Originally posted by Paul_Richard
My conception of God is somewhat different than the Judeo-Christian version. I don't believe that the being who started ALL THAT IS was endless in power and spirituality (as the Universe is not infinite, just extremely large) or that He/She is still around. I have concluded that all souls are what is left of Him/Her. The familiar phrase among the traditional clergy that "a piece of God is in all of us" points to this.
Originally posted by Rren
We are created in His image works too, no?
Originally posted by Rren
Melvin Morse is a pediatrician and well-known author and researcher on the Near Death Experiences of children. An attractive lady once suggested to him that he try prayer so he decided to give it a try. He got down on his knees and asked to understand the relationship of man to God. Later, the answer came to him in a flash of insight: the word fractal.
A fractal is a piece of a greater whole which contains the program or blueprint of that greater whole. Like a hologram, if you break it up into little pieces, it still contains the entire original picture.
In following this logically...souls are fractals of light of The Original Creator.
Originally posted by Rren
I've read some stuff (mostly from agnostic IDers if memory serves except Dembski who's Christian) that the "design" may be implemented from the quantum scale/realm. If your interested in reading some more on that let me know, i'll have to dig through my folders, papers and books to find where i read that so it may take some time. Everything is pretty disorganized right now...
Originally posted by Rren
Fuel for metaphysical contemplation.
Thanks for your help.
Originally posted by Rren
Gotta love those metaphysical contemplations... i know i do.
Originally posted by Paul_Richard
Agnostic IDers?
I wasn't aware of that term.
The quote from Helen Blavatsky is very good. I am sure it would hold more weight with people if she had a better reputation. She was challenged in the social graces department but nonetheless a good thinker. Maybe she was led by Spirit to coin the term "Intelligent Design." That would make sense.
Hang in there.
Originally posted by Rren
You said; "It [ID] suggests that a devine being, 'God'
Which is not ID it's creationism... there is no current ID hypothesis that i'm aware of that states God did anything in "the day" (that's Biblical literalism ie YECism) nor any ID hypothesis which states "nothing has changed"... which admittedly may not be YECism but it isn't ID and infact i have no clue where you got the idea from... care to share your source?
How dumb i am aside... yes explain to me "why" the eye evolved (that 1st eye - take me to the start if you will). FYI i don't need to why an eagle has better sight than humans or dogs a better sense of smell... it's irrelevant and speaks exactly to my point re: you have no clue what you're arguing against. Thanks for learnin' this ol' dummy though.