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light year = mind boggling

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posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by dgoodpasture
I just wanted to clear up that teleportation is instantaneous. It does not travel at light speed. It has nothing to do with travel, it is teleportation and is instantaneous but so far only works at a single molecular level.

[edit on 8-2-2006 by dgoodpasture]

You're confusing the article. It's information is sent to another location elsewhere on the planet - however, the information has not travelled faster than the speed of light. And teleportation has EVERYTHING to do with travelling.

It's "more or less instantaneous" because light itself is "more or less" instantaneous... but over very far distances it's very NOT instantaneous. The information is sent via radio or electric signal.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 07:47 PM
A lightyear may seem like a great distance, and with our current (white) technology, iut is an extraordinary distance to travel.
However, even if we can't travel faster than light, or side step it somehow, being able to travel at near lightspeed would diminish the vastness that is thought of when considering a lightyear.

Personally I think we'll develop space-warping technology or worm-hole technology.

Ok, now there were a few things said that I'd like to respond to, so here we go.

if you take in a lungfull of air you can survive in the vacuum of space for about 30 seconds.

Umm, you don't actually believe that do you?
Air is not the only thing that space lacks for us to survive in, if you were to be dumped into space with no protection (IE a spacesuit), regardless of if you have air or not, your blood would boil, your eye balls would pop and you'd freeze instantly, space is extremely cold.
I think there's some pressure issues to, if you dpressurise a cabin and are jettisoned, you'll literally blow-up and explode like a balloon.

"more or less" instantaneous... but over very far distances it's very NOT instantaneous. The information is sent via radio or electric signal.

You really can't consider light instintaneous in any way, but I figure you mean within a short distance, it produces the ilusion of being instintaneous.

If you use a quantum teleportation device, which as I understand utilizes quantum entanglement, than yes in theory your teleportation would be instintaneous.
If you were using a matter-energy system, than you'd be right, the matter stream/data could only travel at light speed, or close to it in the case of actual matter.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 07:52 PM
No, no, I didn't mean the 30seconds thing - it's a quote from The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a hilarious book and the most amazing radio series ever.

Secondly, thanks for clearing up the teleportation thing. Both CAN be right - but the quantum version is very unusual and certainly not useful on a large scale (I guess neither is the other) because you're quantumly trying to change the probability that a certain particle, very far away, will act like the first particle. Thus, it's the illusion of instantaneous again - and perhaps it is...

Well, yeah, Weird Action At a Distance.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 07:55 PM
It's really quite simple, if you can't get there in a reasonable amount of time, bring "there" to "here" by bending space. It's not a question of velocity and time, folks. It's bending space.

[edit on 2/8/2006 by sexymon]

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 08:01 PM
the distance of a light year is nothing

it never boggled my mind; because i looked 50 million years into the future and saw that light years were like inches

years are like minutes; you just have to put things into the right perspective

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by stmichael
There are alternatives to the nearest star, how about Niburu, this planet was discussed at the time of the sumerians, it was close to the earth 3600 years ago (thats how long it takes to orbit once) and in a couple of years time it will be close to earth again, it was spotted not long ago but was called planet X, here is a listing of it .i think you will find this interesting.
Why the sumerians wrote about this planet so long ago that has just been seen by our telescopes, makes you wonder, maybe there are some form of life on this planet.

[edit on 8-2-2006 by stmichael]

[edit on 8-2-2006 by stmichael]

Nibiru has an orbit that it follows(but not 3600 years)..Nibiru isnt stuck in any chooses where it wants to go( nibiru is a planet sized spaceship) can consider nibiru a security gaurd of the patrols the area..and if it sees a problem its going to fix it.

It can leave its orbit and then return back after a mission is accomplished.

The reason why the sumerians thought it was a planet from our solar system was because it stood still for awhile..and didnt they thought it belonged here..until there god's told them otherwise.

The truth is..Nibiru could return tomarrow or never return at all thats up to them.

If you would like to know more i can tell you..go ahead and ask me.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 08:15 PM
Light can be manipulated even a scientist can do that in his lab who says that light speed was not a billion times faster when it was created and then became the speed we know it is today time and space run at higher speeds at the start of creation. It has been discussed Im not making it up and actaully i also thought of it my self at one point at school.

Some how we need to manipulate the partilces of the spaceship and everything inside to accellerate at the time when time space and distance run at a quicker rate. Maybe beyond a certain point time speeds up we just have not explored the forest to find the stream at the end of it. Or time runs quicker out side of Gallaxies because gravity slows it down. So we need to escape the gravity well and then we can zoom as far as we want.

We just have not gone out of the solar system to try it.

[edit on 8-2-2006 by The time lord]

[edit on 8-2-2006 by The time lord]

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by stmichael
There are alternatives to the nearest star, how about Nibiru, this planet was discussed at the time of the sumerians, it was close to the earth 3600 years ago (thats how long it takes to orbit once) and in a couple of years time it will be close to earth again, it was spotted not long ago but was called planet X, here is a listing of it .i think you will find this interesting.
Why the sumerians wrote about this planet so long ago that has just been seen by our telescopes, makes you wonder, maybe there are some form of life on this planet.

[edit on 8-2-2006 by stmichael]

[edit on 8-2-2006 by stmichael]

I made a mistake on the spelling it,s NIBIRU

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei

if you take in a lungfull of air you can survive in the vacuum of space for about 30 seconds.

Umm, you don't actually believe that do you?
Air is not the only thing that space lacks for us to survive in, if you were to be dumped into space with no protection (IE a spacesuit), regardless of if you have air or not, your blood would boil, your eye balls would pop and you'd freeze instantly, space is extremely cold.
I think there's some pressure issues to, if you dpressurise a cabin and are jettisoned, you'll literally blow-up and explode like a balloon.

Holding in a breath of air in space would be the worst thing to do and would quickly damage your lungs. Alot like what scuba divers have to watch out for when ascending.

You would want to empty your lungs of all air.

You do not explode and your blood does not boil . You would also not instantly freeze because, although the space environment is very cold, heat does not transfer away from a body quickly.

If you don't try to hold your breath, you would likely surivive exposure to space for about 1/2 minute.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 09:12 PM
magicpriest420, if you go to the site i put up, all the info is there, maybe you know more than they do, if you do then maybe you can teach them ,if not then maybe you can learn from them.

[edit on 8-2-2006 by stmichael]

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 09:37 PM
light pushes time forward.............

to travel faster than light you must break the 'light barrier' (this is also the time barrier) and then 'you' would be pushing time forward.

time would go as faster as you accelerate away from the 'light barrier' because you are dragging time forward with you.

the same way a bullet is accelerated when fired from a plane doing Mach 1

[edit on 8-2-2006 by spearhead]

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by spearhead
light pushes time forward.............

to travel faster than light you must break the 'light barrier' (this is also the time barrier) and then 'you' would be pushing time forward.

time would go as faster as you accelerate away from the 'light barrier' because you are dragging time forward with you.

[edit on 8-2-2006 by spearhead]

The faster you go the slower time gets if you could break the light barrier time would go backwards not forwards, but breaking LS that is impossible.

You could never really go faster then light there is not enough energy in the entire universe to do that it would require infinite energy.

What you could do in theory is travel a distance in a time that would be faster then you could do even at LS without breaking LS at any time. Thats all thanks to bending space.

If point A and B are 1 Light year apart you could in theory bend space so much so point A and B were now 10 miles apart. Now you could travel that 10 miles in a hour going 1 mph. Once you got to point B you unbend space to its orginal state and bingo you traveled 1 Light year in a hour but never went faster the 1mph.

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 02:28 PM
Folding space to travel from one place to the next in but a midget of the time???

Anyone in particular seen 'Event Horizon'?

That is probably the best theory i've heard for traveling large distance in space....
but lets be serious...
With the amount of solar radiation in deep space, you will need walls 6 metres thick of solid gold to protect the travellers. Why do you think the Russians never went to the moon?

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 02:37 PM

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 02:47 PM
You only need to accelerate at 1 G for one year to approach c.

So hypothetically if you could warp the space in front of a craft , you could just fall in the direction you wanted to go.

As you approach c , time slows down for you so that long trips would hardly take any time at all.

If you were to "fall " through space like I just said hypothetically , you would just turn you gravity around the other direction midway to your destination and slow down the same way you accelerated. Experiencing 1 G the entire trip.

Hypothetically if you could dampen inertia around a craft , hypothetically you could create conditions of near zero mass so that small amounts of energy would propel your craft at or near c.

Folding space to travel from one place to the next in but a midget of the time???

Why not? Einstein seemed to think this was possible.


This little known German Scientist has been correct about a few things his name is Burkhard Heim. His theory allows FTL.

[edit on 9-2-2006 by lost_shaman]

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 02:56 PM
well there is no mass in open space and as for the gravity needed to make you fall?
you would need a booster.
space doesn't need to be warped it needs to be opened thus creating a black hole like field which opens into the space you want to go.

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by spearhead

but lets be serious...
With the amount of solar radiation in deep space, you will need walls 6 metres thick of solid gold to protect the travellers. Why do you think the Russians never went to the moon?

If you could produce the power to bend space to amounts like in Event horizon protecting from radiation in space would be childs play. If you could figure out a way to harness and control power like that of a black hole I really doubt dealing with rads is going to be hard.

Why would anyone in their right mind use 36 feet of solid gold though
Even the most radioactive materials we humans can make that will kill you in minutes dont require even close to that much shielding and they are much worst then anything in space people will ever likely have to deal with. Something like Lead is much cheaper and just as effective you could aslo even use the water as shielding.

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 05:08 PM
well our little nuclear experiments are in no way close to the nuclear fusion of the sun....
in space with no material or mass to protect you the solar radiation is extreme..... far worse than standing, staring at a nuclear fusion reaction from 10 ft.

and as for lead.... just the smell of the amount of lead is likely to poison your blood!

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 05:44 PM
For one thing if you were in open space traveling between stars you would not need to worry about intense solar radiation.

While radiation is a problem it is been demonstrated by NASA and others that it is not something that we can not overcome.

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 05:56 PM
The light year truely is mid-boggling. And for those of you that know about the hypergiantstar they found, i did the math and found out its 1.02 sextillion miles away, which is over 1 million miles x 6,000. i think thats what its called, for more information its got 16 0s after it and looks like this:

1,020,000,000,000,000,000 i think

Anyways, thats really really far.

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